Monthly Archives: April 2015

Secrets Of Social Confidence

No Need For Tricks

No Need For Tricks

Many guys would pay a lot of good money to learn the secret of attracting women. Like if there was some magical combination of words or behaviors that would get a girl turned on.

When people started combining the idea of covert hypnosis and seduction, a lot of people made a lot of money. The idea of walking up to a girl and telling her some story which sounds normal, but is really turning her into a raving nymphomaniac, is something guys would pay THOUSANDS of dollars for.

And to be sure, if you did have enough covert hypnosis skills, you certainly could do that.

But here’s the thing. Deep inside most desires to do something like that, is a desire to “shortcut” the system.

Meaning the traditional way of getting a girl is pretty simple. Walk up to and talk to a lot of people. Not only girls, but pretty much everybody. In fact, if you made it habit of being a social, outgoing person, it would soon be second nature.

This is pretty terrifying to many guys. So they buy courses and go to seminars in hopes of shortcutting the system. They figure if they only learn some secret weird trick (or set of weird texts) they’ve only got to talk to one or two girls.

Unfortunately, any kind of system that is based on human communication can ONLY be vague at best. The best hypnotists in the world only have their level of skill because they’ve been practicing for YEARS on real people, in real situations.

No matter what you’re trying to learn, sales, covert hypnosis, pick up, being a stand up comedian, it’s simply going to take a lot of practice. There’s simply no way to shortcut the process.

So here is the good news.

If you accept the above as valid, then you don’t really need to learn ANY seduction or pickup technology.

The most fundamental human skill is communication. The more you communicate, the better you’ll get at it. There’s no need to memorize patterns or study “alpha male” behavior or anything else.

You’ve already got the skills programmed into your DNA to be a charismatic speaker. In front of one person, or in front of many people.

All you’ve got to do is practice.

Start talking to people. Realize that if you want to be good with the ladies, you’ll need to be the kind of guy who’s comfortable talking to anybody, anywhere, any time.

Sure it may be scary at first. But stop and consider what will happen when you DO become ultra comfortable with the ladies.

You will lose ALL social fear. Asking your boss for a raise, cold calling people on the phone, anything you want to do, that involves talking to people, will become natural and easy.

Isn’t that worth taking some time to practice?

Start slow, and build your skills over time.

This will show you how:

Girlfriend Generator

The Most Important Skill Of All

Delayed Gratification

Save It For Later

There’s a lot of skills you can develop if life.

Some are pretty specific, and not very transferable. Meaning if you learn them for a particular job, you might not be able to use them again, especially if they are for a specific machine for a specific purpose.

On the other hand, some skills are very useful, and can come in handy pretty much everywhere.

These are more like “life skills” that “job skills.”

Many of these life skills are very much preferable than job skills even to employers.

But beyond that, having a good set of life skills will, obviously, make life a lot easier.

What skills are these?

There are the obvious ones, like conversational skills, assertiveness, self confidence, a sense of humor, listening ability etc.

Then there are some skills that are related to financial matters, like understanding how credit and interest rates work.

There’s one skill, however, that can pretty much trump all of them.

Because the more you have of this particular skill, the easier the rest of those life skills be will be to learn and demonstrated.

What skill is this?

The ability to delay gratification. Or in broader terms, to look at the big picture, time wise.

Many of us are so focused on the here and how, it’s hard to see how our actions will play out a couple of days or weeks into the future.

Scientists and economists tell us that one thing that makes us human is our ability to look into the future, and plan for it.

All the other animals on Earth simply live in the present, driven by instincts.

And to an extent, many of us do that as well.

It’s certainly easy, being bombarded by all kinds of advertisements and slogans that are designed to trigger our instinctive mind, rather than our rational mind.

Luckily, we all have the ability to stop and use our conscious minds. To think about what we’re doing today, and how it will resonate far out into the future.

This will help us NOT do things we shouldn’t do, and it will give us the will to do what we know needs to be done.

It can also help us look past any social fears that exist in the present, and see them in the context of what we’re building with our lives.

Ultimately, it’s up to you. You can live on autopilot, focusing only on satisfying those ancient instincts, or you can create something more.

Create a huge dream for your life. Close your eyes and visualize it. See it way out there in the future. See how every small step you take today can either make it happen, or keep it from happening.

This Will Help:

Prosperity Generator

Don’t Argue With Her Unconscious

Roll With The Punches

Roll With The Punches

There’s a lot of misconceptions about what women want.

Often times somebody will proclaim they’ve finally uncovered what women really want. But then you find out it’s because they’ve done a survey. This should tell you right away they have no idea what they are talking about.


First, realize that attraction is not a choice. What women are attracted to is based on subconscious instincts that they themselves rarely understand.

This is hard to understand from a guy’s perspective. There’s a clear and obvious set of observable indicators of what generally peaks a guys interests. So when any guy describes what is attractive, it’s pretty simple. If a girl is hot, she’s hot.

But since girls are not as attracted to looks as guys are, it’s hard to put their finger on what gets them going.

Here’s another example.

Everybody likes food. Everybody likes slightly different food. Sometimes you want pizza, sometimes you want steak and lobster, sometimes you want something exotic.

It all depends on your mood. If somebody asked you, “What kind of food do you find delicious?” You might come up with an answer that sounded good.

But if you were walking into a restaurant and saw some food you’d never seen before, you may suddenly decide this was your favorite dish of all time.

You simply cannot objectively decide or measure or plan what kind of food you think is “delicious.”

When it comes to being attracted to guys, on a deep level, women are in the same situation.

They simply can’t predict or plan or consciously predict who they’ll find attractive.

Sure, they might give an answer that “sounds good.” But just like in the food example above, that’s going to go out the window when they see somebody who REALLY gets them going.

Does this mean it’s completely hopeless? Does this mean there’s nothing you can do?

Yes and no.

No if you’ve got your eyes on ONE particular girl. If you’ve tried to create attraction and have failed, there’s really not much you can do.

Imagine having a dinner party and cooking some food. But then your guests don’t really like it. Do you think you could “make them like it” by changing your clothes, or putting different music on in the background? Obviously not.

But this is what guys try to do when they try to get that “One Girl” to like them. I hate to break it to you, but if she doesn’t like you, she’s not likely going to. Unless you’re willing to totally change your personality and behavior.

On the other hand, this is great news.


Because you can generally figure out if a girl likes you or not pretty quickly. And instead of wasting your time trying to get “one girl” to like you, you can spend your precious time finding “a girl” that likes you.

And once you find her, all you’ve got to do is be yourself, and she’ll like you.

The real you.

Your Pre-Built Dream Machine

Dream Machine

Unleash Your Genius Entrepreneur

What does it mean to be an entrepreneur?

Many people imagine some kind of well funded inventor launching the next billion dollar start up.

Others may imagine some guy in his garage searching for that one invention that will save the world.

In reality, EVERYBODY (including YOU) is an entrepreneur.

What’s the structure of an entrepreneur? They think of something that may make them some money. They take action based on this idea. They get feedback from the marketplace. They adjust their ideas based on this feedback and try again.

This is the same process behind all human action.

You take a quick inventory of your state, right now.

Then you imagine a future that is better than now. Then you take action to attempt to create that future. We get a result, which gives us feedback. If we’ve improved our state, great. If not, we take action again.

The human mind-body-system is hard wired to operate on this behavioral structure. From the most basic movements, like shifting in your seat, to creating your biggest dreams, it’s the same.

Sometimes it’s unconscious, sometimes it’s conscious.

Sometimes is very small, and the outcome is almost guaranteed. Sometimes the actions are HUGE, and the absolute best we can do is move step by step toward our goals. Getting valuable feedback along the way.

Sometimes it CAN feel very magical. These are times when we’ve taken HUGE leaps, but they were unconscious, so we really didn’t know we were taking leaps.

There are ultra lucky people who live their whole lives like this. They never really try, they just do what comes natural, and get paid, get famous, and take their places in the history books.

The biggest mistake you can make is in thinking that if it’s NOT going to happen naturally, (or magically) that it’s not going to happen.

Since this strategy is build into every single human, all you’ve got to do is bring it up to the conscious level.

Choose your dreams, and then do something. Anything. Did you get closer? Great! Do more!

Did you move further away? No problem! Do something different!

However, this ONLY works if you CHOOSE your goals. Own your decisions. If you wait for it to happen magically, it most likely won’t. The dream fairy’s not going to show up to hand you the goods.

But if you own your life, own your behaviors, and own all the feedback, you can create anything you want.


Get started:

Prosperity Generator

How To Practice Social Skills

Small Steps

Don’t Go Too Far Too Fast

Most people know there’s inner game, and outer game.

Inner game is based on your beliefs, what you are capable of, and how you feel about yourself with respect to the rest of the world.

Outer game is your actual skills. This can, of course, apply to almost any kind of skill. Martial arts, music, you name it. You can play the piano beautifully in your own home, for example, but collapse into a pile of mush in front of others.

The good news is about your social skills is that you can build up both inner game and outer game at the same time.

Now, most guys don’t consider game as something you can “practice” and “improve” like any other skill. If you were a martial artist, for example, you wouldn’t ONLY practice whenever you had a match. That would be silly.

Instead, when you consider all the time actually performing any kind of martial arts, 99% is training, and only 1% of it is in the actual ring in a competition.

What would happen if you practiced your social skills the same way?

Meaning that most of the time, you practiced, instead of doing it “for real.” Now, many guys say it’s practice, but that’s only after they get blown out and don’t get what they want.

But what happens when you consider it practice before the interaction begins?

First, you’d have to decide exactly what you’re practicing. Eye contact, conversations, number closing, whatever.

Once you’ve got that established, you ONLY practice THAT. Nothing else.

This is something many guys have a hard time getting. As soon as they find themselves in a conversation, they go as far as they can until THEY get blown out, or THEY blow the other person out.

But what happens if you ONLY practiced up to the level of comfort, and nothing more?

Until you are absolutely and completely confident starting conversations, and can do so without a second thought, ONLY practice starting conversations.

As soon as you start one, exit (politely), and look for the next one.

You may find that this skyrockets your social skills and game in a VERY short period of time.

Since you’ll be building up your experience of positive experiences, that ENDED on a positive note, rather than you or them getting blown out, your confidence would soar.

Having a step by step plan can help.

Try this one:

Girlfriend Generator

How To Generate Momentum

Start Slow And Keep Pushing

Start Slow And Keep Moving

A lot of people feel lost these days.

Meaning they’re working some of job they don’t really like, earning income that’s just barely enough, and not sure of the future.

No question, this is a crappy situation.

A few decades ago, all you had to do was show up, do a good job, and you’d get paid.

Not so much any more.

More than ever, it’s up to you to make your own way. This ain’t fair, but it’s the way it is.

Luckily, there’s plenty of opportunities. All kinds of ways to freelance, start your own business from scratch, and get something going on the side.

The secret of creating your own thing is that the process is the exciting part.

Once you make that first dollar, you’re hooked. That feeling of creating something with only your thoughts and the physical tools you have right now is a pretty fantastic one.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that they’ve got to hit it big right out of the gate, but few people EVER find success this way.

Even the greats from history took time.

But once you get started, something else will happen.

That job that sucks so much won’t suck so bad any more. Because it won’t be the ONLY thing you’ve got going. 

Instead of thinking about it as your ONLY hope for survival, you’ll suddenly see it as a temporary “crutch” to help pay the bills until you get your own thing going.

Even if you just spend a few minutes a day on your “project,” your mind will shift.

Your spare time will be spent not with worry, but with hope and expectation for a better future.

You’ll actually wake up in the middle of the night with ideas. Ideas you can put into action.

All it takes is that first step. Then another. Then another.

Then you’ll have something few people ever experience.

Self generated momentum. Created by you and sustained by you. To create your future.

Once you get a taste of your independence, you’ll never look back.

Get Started:

Prosperity Generator

Looking For A Long Term Relationship?

Measure Twice Cut Once

Measure Twice Cut Once

Most guys have problems with women. Not that they’d admit it, but they do.

This is perfectly normal. Life is filled with problems. Otherwise it would be easy, and nothing would be exciting.

Once I was at this investment seminar, and the guy said that no matter how your investment works out, you’ll be kicking yourself.

If you lose money, you’ll tell yourself you never should have made the investment.

If you make money, you’ll tell yourself you should have bought more.

This is similar to that statement that there are two tragedies in life. One is not getting what you want. The other is getting what you want.

Why do they say this?

Because all the action is in the pursuit. If you’ve ever had a really big, important, out there goal, that you ACHIEVED, you will likely have experienced “let down.” Once you get it, and the excitement wears off, you can feel pretty depressed. After all, if every waking minute has been spent over the last few years pursuing the biggest goal of your dreams, and suddenly that motivating energy is gone, it can feel pretty terrible.

What’s this got to do with women?

Let’s say you see that girl over there. You’d love to talk to her. So long as you really believe you’ve got a chance, you feel pretty good. Maybe you get her number and you’re trading texts and calls for a couple weeks.

All the while imagining how awesome it’s going to be once you get together.

Then you start seeing each other, and getting physical. Then you start to feel awesome when you imagine if you were to become exclusive, and you wouldn’t have to worry any more.

Then you become exclusive, and that’s when the problems start for some folks.

You’ve finally got what you want, but that wonderful energy of imagining a better future starts to slip.

Pretty soon you’re going through the motions, and your eyes start to wander.

Trouble starts, and before you know it, it’s all over.

How can you avoid this?

It takes some work at the beginning, but it’s possible. It requires you set it up so that you ALWAYS have something better to look forward to in the future.

This requires you KNOW what you want in the future, other than a relationship. It also requires you take the additional time and effort to find a girl that ALSO wants that same thing.

So you can pursue it together.

This is the real glue that binds people together for decades.

Doesn’t matter what that “thing” is. Hobby, sport, financial goals, artistic goals, your own business, whatever.

All it takes is you plan what you want, and choose wisely.

Why You’ll NEVER Reach Your Potential

Your Potential Is Infinite

Keep Getting Better

Once upon a time the Earth was a barren wasteland.

Then somehow, life began.

The first life forms were simple. But they grew.

They learned to interact from their environment. To take raw material and transform it into both energy and themselves.

As they grew and evolved, they started cooperating with each others. Bees and flowers, animals and seeds, plankton and whales.

Then humans showed up. Same story.

Take the very basic raw material from their environment, (lower order wealth) and transform it into more useful things (higher order wealth). Trees into houses. Skins into clothing. Stones into jewelry.

Then humans began interacting with each other. Trading things. Exchanging things. The amount of “stuff” or “higher order wealth” took off.

So much they had to come up with a different way than just trading.

Money was invented. 

Then the party really got started!

Societies, buildings, churches, hospitals, theaters, museums, factories, stadiums, burrito machines, etc.

All based on the same process.

Take lower order wealth, transform it into higher order wealth.

And take the created higher order wealth, and exchange it for potential wealth, or money.

Create the wealth that other people want, and trade for the wealth that you want.

But storing up the energy of potential wealth.


The very process of that began when life was first created is still happening.

Mixing thought, action, and wealth to create more and more wealth.

Are you participating fully?

The truth is that you’ll NEVER fully reach your potential.


As more and more people participate, there will ALWAYS be more and more stuff created. Which means more opportunities to make more stuff, and get more wealth energy (money).

Which will call for more skills, and more applications of those skills. 

You will never reach your potential because what you are capable of can ONLY continue to increase.

How far will you take your skills?

How much will you express your ideas?

How wide will you share your talents?

Make Her Wait For Sex?

Don't Be So Easy!

Can All The Gurus Be Wrong?

Imagine you lived in a house, and you had an extra room to rent. So you put an add on Craigslist or wherever, saying the location and the rent. Some guy showed up, and all you knew about him was he had the cash in hand. Six months worth.

Would you accept him as your roommate? Most people wouldn’t. Most would ask some questions, at the very least. Does he smoke? Does he work, if so, what hours? Does he play the drums? Play loud music? Cook weird food at six in the morning? On the run from the law?

Most people recognize right away you’d need to screen your roommates. Call some references, etc.

But this is precisely what most guys DON’T do when they meet girls. All they care about are two things, one is she’s hot. Two is she’s willing to sleep with him.

This is exactly like ONLY demanding your imaginary future roommate can pay his rent, and nothing else.

Now, some guys don’t really care about what kind of girl she is. They’re not looking for Ms. Right, they’re looking for Ms. Right Now. They don’t care what happens the next morning.

But what if you’re looking for something a bit more long term? Something that can many turn into something more permanent?

Then you’d better know what you’re looking for!

Whether or not she’s hot, and wether or not she’s good to go (with you) is only the beginning. Cavemen from a hundred thousand years ago had the same criteria.

Which means it may be a pretty good idea to think of what kind of girl you’d like to wake up next to in the morning.

Not only that, but it may also be a good idea to figure out a way to screen her BEFORE you wake up next to her in the morning.

I know this is contrary to pretty much everything every guru and online game expert will tell you. That getting laid is the number one, primary goal. Nothing else matters.

But if you want to see her for more than a few drunken hours of fun, you might want to keep your little buddy in his pants.

I know, sacrilegious advice!

But think about it this way. If you took your time, got to know her a little bit, pretty soon you’d have a LOT of high quality candidate to choose from.

Think of this from a sales perspective. Sure, you CAN sell things to people quickly. But most people who buy things quickly don’t have money, or they have horrible credit. Because they are always buying things without thinking!

But the customers that take a while to close, the customers that think a lot about what they are buying, these are high quality customers. Customers that will keep buying from you again and again.

Of course, it depends you. What you want, and what you’re willing to do to get it.

Are You Selling Out Or Starving?

The Food Truck Of Love

Find The Magic Middle

I watched a pretty good movie on Netflix the other night.

It was a good metaphor for the difference between “selling out” and “following your dreams.”

Many people abhor the idea of “selling out,” meaning ONLY doing something to make a buck.

Anyhow, the main character in the movie was a chef (also the name of the movie.)

He had a job in a pretty popular, high-end restaurant. But he felt he was “selling out” as the owner wouldn’t allow him to “experiment” with different dishes. They had a fight, he quit, and bought a food truck.

Even though he was selling stuff on the side of the road for 4 or 5 dollars a pop, they were HIS creations, and he didn’t have a boss telling him to only follow the money.

Naturally, since it was a movie, everything worked out. He made a ton of cash, got his gorgeous ex-wife back, and reconnected with his kid.

Life, however, is far from a movie. If you follow your dreams, there’s a chance you won’t make a lot of money. (Starving artist.) At least at first.

On the other hand, if you ONLY “follow the money” you might get rich, but you’ll feel empty inside.

Are these the only two options?

Luckily, whenever we’re presented with two complete opposite scenarios, they are really extremes on either side of a continuum.

Which means if you put some effort into it, you’ll find a some good middle ground.

Where you can follow your dreams, AND make a ton of money in the process.

Problem is many people aren’t so patient. It’s easy to “sell out” and get a job you hate, and figure “that’s the way it is.”

It’s also pretty easy to just give up and become a “starving artist” with the attitude that the world just doesn’t “get it.”

It takes real effort to take your passions, and cultivate them into real skills that people will pay real money for.

It’s not easy, which is why you’ll find most people in the “starving artist” category or the “sell-out” category.

You look up the personal history of ANYBODY who made it big, in ANY field, and you’ll find that it didn’t come easy.

In fact, many great creators went through plenty of struggle, in the beginning.

You might consider that to be the very purpose of your life.

To first identify your passions, and then do whatever it takes to cultivate them into something magnificent.

Something people will appreciate.

And something that will generate real wealth.

Get Started:

Prosperity Generator