Category Archives: Belief

Do You Wish Instead of Choose?

You May Be Waiting A Long Time For The Birthday Fairy

Strong Choices Are Like Magic

What’s the difference between a wish and a choice?

Way back when I was in college, I had this foolish notion that as soon as I got my degree, employers would start banging down my door begging to hire me.

This does happen in the movies, and when you’ve got the right degree and the economy is red hot, this can happen.

But not usually.

Shortly after college I started sending out resumes by the dozens, and had to work a couple of crap jobs before I settled into the beginnings of what would be a pretty decent career.

But even then it didn’t just “happen.” I had to actively participate.

Now, this may sound obvious, but often times we kind of neglect the “actively participate” part.

We “wish,” meaning we imagine that somebody is just going to show up and take care of things.

Nathaniel Brandon, a famous psychologist who’s written tons of self-help books, had this big sign in his office back when he did therapy.

“Nobody Is Coming.”

This, of course, was to remind his clients that the only person who was going to make things happen was them.

Sure, people win the lottery every day. People get discovered on the street by movie producers. People bump into their dream lovers at the supermarket and the pieces just kind of automatically fit together.

But if your main strategy is to simply “get lucky,” you may be waiting a while.

The main difference between a wish and choice is one of responsibility. When we wish, we’re really waiting for somebody (or the world in general) to give us something.

When we choose, we know that it’s up to us.

Now, many people are scared to choose. Because if we choose something and we can’t get it, that means we pretty much suck, and we’d better get our cardboard box ready, right?


Simply the act of choosing fires up different brain circuits than wishing.

Wishing lives in the childhood part of our brains, when we expect to simply “receive.”

But choosing is for grownups. Grownups who know that ever action is beneficial.

Every action yields some kind of result. Every result gives us more information.

And the more information and experience we gain, the better and more effectively we can “operate” on the world to create our choices.

In the Prosperity Program, you’ll get a dual induction hypnosis session designed to take any wish, no matter how big, and how matter how vague, and turn it into a choice.

A powerful choice that will inspire you to action.

The natural action that will manifest your desires.

Do You Have Guiding Principles?

What Does Ben Franklin Know About Money

Both Positive and Negative

What is the prime directive of your life?

I used to be (still am) a HUGE fan of Star Trek. The old ones, new ones, pretty much all of them.

When they would visit a primitive planet, they had to follow the “Prime Directive,” their most important rule.

Since they were explorers, always going new places, they needed a rule to guide them. And this rule was to observe, but never interfere. Meaning if they found a bunch of cavemen running around throwing rocks at each other, they couldn’t beam down and give them all advanced weapons.

Having rules to live by can make it pretty simple, especially when we get into tough situations.

However, most of the time the “rules” are really pretty flexible, meaning that they can be broken, and often times should be broken.

Of course, some rules are pretty universal, like don’t kill, don’t steal, etc. These show up in all cultures.

But these are rules that are society wide, and apply to everybody. Certainly there are special cases.

On an individual level, having rules is also helpful.

Many movie characters have personal rules they live by. These are usually based on experience.

Many people also have personal rules. Never kiss on the first date. Never give out my phone number to strangers. Never buy something more than $100 on impulse, etc.

Most rules are meant to protect us. To keep us from stepping over the line, or getting in over our heads.

But what about rules that help us? To make sure we take opportunities when they are presented?

One famous “rule” is by Ben Franklin, that old school kite flying guy who ended up on the $100 bill.

“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”

Not exactly a rule, more like a guideline.

But what the heck does waking up early have to do with becoming wealthy?

Does it give you more hours of labor? Does going to bed early give you better sleep so you’ll be more efficient on the job?

Maybe, but I don’t think that’s what he was getting at.

I think what he meant was that it’s better to plan your life with your conscious mind, and not live according to your instincts.

For example, if we ONLY did what we “felt” like doing, we’d sleep in every day, and stay up until dawn.

By CHOOSING to go to sleep early, and CHOOSING to wake up early, we are showing dedication to creating something.

Now, I’m not saying that going to bed early or waking up early is the magic cure for everything.

But from a big picture view, the more you can choose and plan your life consciously, the more money you’ll make, and the smarter you’ll become.

Live awake and on purpose, and get rich.

Live asleep and unconscious, and get just enough to scrape by.

Which do you prefer?

Are You Truly Open To Receive?

Life Is All Give and Get

Ditch Those False Fears And Receive Truth

There’re a lot of ways we humans deceive ourselves.

In order to protect our egos, we tend see things that aren’t there, and not see things that are there.

One thing humans are pretty terrified of is risk. We don’t like doing something when we don’t know what’s going to happen.

It’s very common to think about doing something, or maybe even start doing something, and then the doubts start.

We start to worry about what people will think when they see us.

To be sure, the opinion of others is a HUGE motivating factor in pretty much everything we do.

Even when we’re alone, we can imagine that people are watching us and judging us.

Like if I told you right now the secret of getting rich quick was to hop on one foot in your room while slapping your belly and singing happy birthday in the highest voice possible, you wouldn’t do it.

Even if you saw video proof of money magically appearing, you’d start to do it, and then suddenly “feel stupid” as if the whole world was watching you.

Now, I’m not saying there’s any kind of magic money secret, but I’m sure you know the feeling of “feeling stupid” as if somebody were watching. Even when you’re all alone.

The truth is that social pressure can be wonderful and terrible. 

Long long time ago, our “tribe” was crucial to our survival. So if they started to gossip about us, or talk smack about us, we were in very bad shape.

And if they thought we were the bomb, we could get a lot more stuff (resources and love).

So Mother Nature gave us this super-hyper-sensitivity to the opinion of others. (Gee, thanks!)

This can be hard to shake.

So in order to avoid this at all costs, we tell ourselves all kinds of lies to keep us safe. To keep us from taking any action that might bring us some negative feedback from our peers.

From looking stupid.

We even spend thousands of dollars on seminars, techniques and secret methods passed down through the generations to avoid taking any kind of risk.

And looking stupid.

But here’s the thing. Most of your fears are false. Meaning that unless you are jumping off a cliff with a bunch of flying rattlesnakes chasing you, what you’re afraid of isn’t real.

And here’s another thing. Usually, when we’re scared of something that’s not real, we imagine something horrible happening.

But when we embrace our fears, walk right through them and do the thing anyway, usually the OPPOSITE of our fears take place.

In our minds, we are terrified of feedback.

But in reality, feedback is essential to our success. It tells us what works, so we can do more. It tells us what doesn’t work, so we can do less.

When you “open yourself to receive,” what you’re telling the world is that you’ll not only accept good feedback, but “negative” feedback as well.

When that happens, wonderful things happen.

Get Started:

Prosperity Generator

Are You Letting Your Subconscious Down?

Use More Tools

Hammers Nails Wishes and Choices

When all you have is a hammer, all you see are nails.

It’s funny how our brains work.

They are extremely flexible, but very, very limited.

There’s literally millions of bits of information hitting our senses every second, but if we were to consciously recognize all of them, we’d be a pool of blubbering nonsense.

So our subconscious minds have the task of sorting through all the noise and presenting us with what’s important. 

Now, some things that are essential to our survival will ALWAYS be important. Danger, money, our names. These will always get our attention.

The rest is fully programmable. However, most of us only haphazardly “program” our subconscious minds to present us with stuff to help us get what we want.

If we make a wish, for example, our subconscious won’t take it seriously, so it will only grab our attention when the magic whatever-fairy shows up to deliver out wish.

On the other hand, when we make a choice, our subconscious knows we’re serious, and will get busy presenting us with opportunities.

But here comes another problem. We may make a choice in the beginning, convincing our subconscious that we’re indeed serious.

But when we never take action on any of the opportunities presented to us, our subconscious will assume we didn’t mean “choice,” we really meant “wish.”

Only when we combine choice with action does our subconscious get REALLY fired up.

This is when that magic momentum starts, and every action seems to lead to many more opportunity, and pretty soon we notice we’re in a world of abundance with roads to prosperity at every turn.

All those things are out there, right now, as you read this.

All you’ve got to do is tune your mind to the right frequency, and you’ll see them.

Make a strong choice, and combine it with some follow through action, and you’ll be good as gold.

Now when most people read something like this, they get a bit nervous. They see the “take action” part and imagine they’re going to have to start doing things WAY outside their comfort zones.

Not a chance!

The secret is to simply take any action in the direction of the opportunity. This is all your subconscious needs to know you’re serious. Any small step in the right direction will do.

For example, let’s say you tell your subconscious you want ten grand. You make a choice, and your subconscious has your back.

Then you see a newspaper in a coffee shop. You pick it up, and glance in the business section. You have no idea why, just that your intuition lead you there.

Something simple like this is ALL you need to get the ball rolling.

Choice. Action.

To learn the entire process, check this out:

Prosperity Generator

Generate Prosperity Momentum


Positive Feedback Loops

One of the coolest things to experience is a positive, self-sustaining loop.

These happen a lot, and unfortunately for some, we tend to remember and focus more on the “negative” self sustaining loops than the positive.

Since most people have some kind of experience with dieting and losing weight, that’s a good example of both.

A positive self sustaining loop would be when you start small, build up some momentum, and then find yourself six or so months later actually looking forward to exercising. You start needing less and less willpower to avoid those foods you know you should.

On the other hand, eating the wrong foods tends to make you feel lousy. And when we feel lousy, we tend to turn to quick “pick me ups” which tend to more of the wrong foods. And the cycle continues.

I’m sure you can identify cycles like this in all areas of life. They’re part of nature, and even inorganic systems like whirlpools and sinkholes.

In our own lives, one common difference is our time frame. When we’re in a “negative” self fulfilling loop, our minds tend to focus only a day or two ahead of time. When we feel like eating that “bad” food for example, we are intently focused on the present, without really focusing on the outcome a couple days later.

On the other hand, when we find ourselves in those wonderful “positive” self fulfilling loops, we tend to look at the long term. Because the long term looks GOOD. 

That affects our “now” decision making process, which helps us to make decisions in the “now” that are much better for our future.

It’s no secret that people that do well in business are VERY good at this. The ability to think about what they are doing NOW, and see how it will affect their lives years in the future.

Now, I know how incredibly hard it is when you’re smack dab in the middle of one of those “negative” self reinforcing loops. It can seem impossible to get out.

The trick is to start small. Very small. So small you won’t even notice. The secret of building a HUGE life of massive prosperity is not on gigantic thing you do.

It’s a gigantic COLLECTION of very small things you do. Things that will snowball into HUGE things out into your future.

All rich people have this in common. They all started small. (A surprisingly small number of rich people inherited their wealth). Then by slowly building that ever important momentum, they turned those small daily things into a life of HUGE success.

YOU can do the same. All humans can. We all have the capacity. And it only takes a small shift in thinking to kick it off.

If you start today, you’re future “you” will thank you.

Here’s How:

Prosperity Generator

Are You Throwing Good Money After Bad?

Don't Turn An Innocent Flirtation Into An Emotional Bankruptcy!

How To Not Go Broke

Here’s a trading tip that can be very helpful. This only works if you’ve got some solid reasons for buying, know when you’ll get out, due to profits. Or know when you’ll get out, due to losses.

For example, no matter how you select investments, many traders have an 25/5 rule.

Meaning if they’re up 25%, they get out, no matter what.

If they’re down 5%, they get out, no matter what.

These are the two most crucial rules. According to these guys, if you follow these rules, no matter what, you can’t go wrong.

Just think about it. If you lose on 2 out of three trades, you’re still doing pretty good. Down five, down five, up twenty five. Not bad, if you can keep it up.

What’s it mean to chase good money with bad? You spend some cash, and you’re down five percent. If you’re a pro, you get out, and look for another trade. If you’re an amateur, you tell yourself every lie you can think of to keep throwing more money at your bad investment. Most guys would rather go broke than admit they were wrong.

The further down it goes, the more money you spend. Bad money chasing good.

As you can likely guess, getting out of a trade is just a fundamental skill as figuring what to buy and when. If you don’t know how to get out, you’ll go broke. Simple as that.

Think about this next time you’re chasing a girl that doesn’t really want to be chased.

Many guys meet a girl, it goes well, then they blow it. Doesn’t matter how they blow it, but they blow it.

They start texting, she doesn’t text back. They call, she doesn’t call back.

Then they wonder, “What can I do to fix this?’

Here’s how you “fix this.” Find somebody else.

She’s being as clear as she can be. She’s not interested in you. Stop wasting your time. It’s like chasing a stock that’s crashing below it’s 200 day moving average.

If she’s still interested in you, you’ll know. They’ll be no question. If you’re wondering, it’s a safe bet that she’s not.

But here’s some indicators, just in case. You text, and she doesn’t text back, you’re out. If you call, and she doesn’t call back, you’re out. If you talk to her and she’s not participating with any noticeable amount of energy or enthusiasm, you’re out.

Not all girls are going to like you. In fact, very few girls are going to like you more than simple politeness.

Get over it. You’re job as a man is to find the girls that DO like you. Not take the few that give you eye contact and try and turn them into your dream lovers.

So get busy sorting. Talk to girls. Ask for their number. Give them a call or two. Or a text or two if you’re too nervous. This should tell you all you need to know.

Only chase the girls that are clearly interested in you, and you’ll never go broke.

Get In There And Get Some

Stop Waiting For A Perfect Opportunity

Stop Making Excuses

Most people have this belief, consciously or unconsciously, that their relationships with women is some kind of “skill” that once they “get” they don’t have to worry about “that part of their life” anymore.

Now, let’s think about this for a minute. Being able to deal with women, all women, is a skill that you need to learn only once. Like how to drive, how to bake a cake, how to dance, etc.

What happens when you get married? Does your wife never change? Does she not change her goals, beliefs, communication style, and what’s important to her?

What if you have a daughter? Will you know what to do, how to handle her own unique problems and difficulties, as they come up, since you’ve got your “women skills” all squared away?

Obviously not. Not even close. Even the most dedicated fathers and husbands NEVER feel like they are “on top of things.”

So if you’re looking for some quick magic system that will get the girl, so you can go back to whatever you were doing before, you’re going to be looking for a while. Like forever.

The truth is that all human relationships, even the best and deepest friendships, are always changing. Suppose you had a proposition for your best friend. Even this may take some time to think about how to present it to them so they’d go for it.

If you know any guy who’s been married, happily, for a long while, you know even then getting up the courage to present a situation to his wife can be anxiety ridden, and far from easy.

So, why do so many people treat meeting women like it’s something that can be learned from reading an eBook or attending some guru’s latest boot camp?

Because deep down most guys are terrified. They hope that maybe, just maybe, this guru has discovered some ancient secrets of Atlantis or has channeled some new technology from another dimension. 

But in reality, the best thing would be to simply accept that interacting with women is ALWAYS going to be one of the biggest and greatest mysteries on planet Earth.

(Don’t worry, women feel the same frustrations about men, despite what they say.)

Now, you could throw in the towel. Take your ball and go home. Convince yourself there’s some conspiracy against lazy men who are afraid to get their hands dirty.

But where’s the fun in that?

Dealing with women, interacting with them, talking to them, dating them (etc!) is one of the best parts of life.

It’s never going to be straightforward. It’s never going to seem easy.  It’s never going to feel like you’ve “got it handled.”

But so what? Get in the game. Fall on your face. Get back up and try again. 

Stop making excuses.

Get in there and get some!

How To Engineer Their Thoughts

How To Engineer Their Thoughts

Mental Magic

One of the holy grails for therapy a “content-less” structure.

Now, usually when somebody thinks of therapy, they think of going to some stuffy dude or woman behind a desk who keeps asking questions like, “What do you think that means? How do you feel about that?”

One of the breakthroughs of NLP and covert hypnosis is that it cured people of their problems pretty quickly, usually within a couple of sessions.

Now, you may wonder why more “therapists” aren’t using these tools.

It COULD be (just a guess) that some folks would rather see a customer come in week after week for MONTHS (especially if the insurance is paying for it) instead of once or twice.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure they are plenty of good therapists out there who really intend to do right by their patients.

But for some of these once or twice guys, a dream session is one that is totally devoid of content.

For example, let’s say a client has some sexually related or intimacy related problems. They aren’t likely to open up too much for the first time with a new counselor.

Which is why some really cutting edge counselors are always looking for the totally “content-less” sessions.

Where the client never needs to say anything OTHER than “this problem,” whatever the problem is.

Then speaking in ONLY structure language the counselor can guide to find solutions and resources within themselves, without ever needing labels.

Client comes up, talks to the counselor for an hour or so, client leaves completely satisfied.

And the counselor has ZERO idea what their problem was.

Now, this is an ideal to be strived for.

Everybody’s different, and some people WANT to talk specifics. 

How does it work?

It’s all based on the inherent vagueness of language. For example, if I said, “Dog,” you’d have a certain picture in your head. If I said “dog eating something” you’d have a more detailed picture in your head.

But it would be YOUR picture, based on YOUR experiences. I wouldn’t know WHAT kind of dog, or WHAT they were eating.

This is precisely why the language patterns of conversational hypnosis are so incredibly powerful.

You can lead somebody to YOUR conclusion, based on the pictures in THEIR minds. Which of course, are based on their own experiences, beliefs, likes and dislikes. Not yours.

Which means they’ll have a feeling it was THEIR idea, not yours.

Imagine what you could do with this technology?

As soon as this type of “language technology” was described, immediately salespeople started using to get a LOT more money.

Even if you’re not in sales, or not looking to seduce every good looking person you see, this technology IS a pretty useful one to have.

Check It Out:

Covert Hypnosis

How To Be Your Own Eye In The Sky

Spy On Your Future

Peer Into Your Own Future

What’s the difference between fate and free will?

Whatever your thoughts are, here’s a mind experiment to make it more confusing.

Let’s say you’re jamming along down the freeway. 

At the same time, there’s some guy way up in a spy plane looking at all the freeways. He notices a wreck about ten miles ahead of where you’re currently driving.

So he KNOWS that in about three to five minutes, you are going to slow, and then you are going to stop.

But you have no idea.

Now, there’s a lot of ways to explain this, in terms of free will or fate.

One way might be that the person who has the most information is in the best position to exercise his or her “free will,” while people with less information are locked into “fate.”

Most people go through life and readily give up their choices, or their free will, to fate. It’s easy that way. If you rely on fate to give you good things or bad things, you’ll never feel like a failure.

Sure, you won’t usually get very much, but you won’t feel as if you’ve tried and gotten rejected.

I’m sure you can understand the attraction of this position. Getting rejected sucks. A lot.

But if you plan your life around what you DON’T want to have happen, rather than what you do, you ARE leaving it up to the gods.

But what if you were to look at your life like the guy in the spy plane?

What if you got a really, really big picture of where you were going?

Instead of each situation being a life or death, fail or succeed, win or lose, you’d see it as one step along the MASSIVE journey that is your life.

If you practiced looking at your life in this way, it would be easier to “shift” between “big picture” thinking and “in the moment” thinking.

What if the guy in that spy plane told the guy in the car about the wreck, as soon as it happened?

He’d know about it before everybody else, and would know EXACTLY which roads to take to avoid the accident, and get to wherever he was going. Safe and on time.

What if you learned how to do this? Looking at the big picture, and at the same time, looking out through your own eyes inside each and every situation?

This is what you’ll learn in the Self-Confidence course.

A way to choose several VISIONS for your life, so you can easily place any situation where it belongs, giving you an inside angle.

Who Controls Your Life’s Meaning?

Are You Relying On Pre-Defined Meanings?

How To Define Your Own

If somebody gives you an egg, what does it mean?

Naturally, it depends on the context. If you’re making a cake, it means you’re one step closer to eating something sweet.

If you’re in the middle of an egg fight, it’s time to throw it at the enemy.

If you’re a high school hooligan, and you’re in the middle of vandalizing a “friend’s” house, it means something completely different.

What if somebody hands you a iron bar? Does it mean you can finally escape from prison, or they’re helping you change a tire?

What if somebody hands you a stack of money? Does it mean you’re on easy street, or now you’re in debt to the devil?

Very little of what happens to us has any meaning that is absolutely set in stone.

There is a LOT more flexibility than most of us realize.

Of course, if trying to “buck the trend” makes your brain hurt, and you’d rather be told what things mean, so you can get back to your bag of Cheetos and TV shows, then this won’t make much sense.

But I suspect you’re not the Cheetos eating, TV watching couch blob like most people these days.

You suspect there’s much more to life than simply taking what “they” give you.

You want more. Maybe a little, maybe a lot.

And you know there IS more.

There’s plenty of sappy statements that describe the ability to look out into the world and make it mean what you want it to.

But there are scarce few who actually make it a habit of doing that.

Most people are desperate for somebody to “tell them what it means.”

Other people dare to wonder, “Hmm, I wonder what meanings I’ll discover today.”

What about you?

Are you ready to realize that the meaning of every single situation really IS up for grabs?

Unless you’re taking a math of physics test, you can “play around” with meanings all you want.

In fact, society is ruled by those who control not events, but the meaning of events.

And you can do the same.

Maybe not rule the world, but you can certainly rule YOUR world.

Just figure out what you want in life, and see how easily you can mold situations to fall in line.

And instead of seeing the world with scary situations that may end badly (as most people do), you’ll see situations as stepping stones to your inevitable success.