Category Archives: Language

Can You Make Tough Decisions?

Tough Decisions

Beware Of Pretend Logic

Your conscious mind is a great tool, but often times it can get in the way.

Only some times, it’s not your conscious mind that’s getting in the way, it only seems like it.

That happens frequently when we “think” we’re “thinking” about some difficult decision. Like when you’re weighing the pros and cons, and trying to come up with a “rational” decision.

But the very idea of a “rational” decision is kind of a myth. Without input from our emotions, making ANY decision is impossible. Sure, when we’re looking at some objective system, and we have a concrete outcome based on the metrics of the system, logic is all you need.

When I was a kid I used to build these long racetracks for Hot Wheels, these miniature racing cars. I would look at this “system” and imagine my desired outcome, which was based on the laws of gravity and the constraints of the “system.” Generally, my outcome was to get the cars to jump over the coffee table, and land back on the racetrack.

In this case, it’s easy to adjust “the system” to achieve your outcome, because you aren’t really involved “in” the system.

Inside A Situation Is Tough

Inside Is Tough

But when making decisions for ourselves, we ARE in the system, and any outcome we  choose is based on our desires, which are based on our emotions.

So when we’re going back and forth, we’re not “really” thinking logically. What we’re REALLY doing is deciding which decision carries the most emotional strength.

And more often than not, this is a contest between our emotional desires, and our emotional strengths.

Part of us wants to do something, but part of us is afraid of what will happen if we do.

To make matters even more complicated, often times we “think” we have a “desire,” but in reality our desire is based on moving away from pain, rather than moving towards pleasure.

Only that we con ourselves into thinking we’re moving towards pleasure.

So we end up with two choices. One is what we “think” is a pleasure based desire, but it’s really an “away from pain” based desire.

The other choices is based on fear of what will happen if we take the “away from pain” based desire.

Which means we’re choosing between two crappy outcomes. There’s really no logic at all.

This is why most people HATE making tough decisions. On the surface, we pretend it’s all about logic.

But from an emotional, subconscious level, we’re choosing between two different flavors of crap.

No wonder we can’t choose!

Scared To Decide?

Ditch The False Fears

But there IS some good news. A lot, really. Most of those fears are absolutely FALSE. Meaning really is gold at the end of the rainbow, we are just looking at it through the filters of our imaginary fears and anxieties.

If you want to GET RID of those, and become much more congruent, making decisions and taking action (Right Action) will be a LOT easier, and  LOT more fun.

Learn How

How To Leverage The Collective Consciousness 

The Law of Attraction Depends On Other People

Remember Others

A common misunderstanding of the Law of Attraction is how other people are involved.

Many things in life are comfortably put into the “vague” category.

We aren’t sure how they will take place, but we’ve just got some “feeling” that somehow, someway, they’ll come to pass.

Because of our powerful subconscious, most of the time, they DO happen. We’ve got some problem that we don’t have ANY idea how to solve, and then at the last minute, something happens we NEVER could have predicted, and everything’s groovy.

Here’s a metaphor. Just realize it’s a metaphor and not the whole story. Imagine we are on this ship which is adrift in the ocean. Our conscious minds are on the deck, and looking out over the vast sea with our naked eyes. All we see is water. We’re worried, hoping that we reach land soon.

Our subconscious is the guy way up in the crow’s nest, with a powerful telescope. He can see land that’s maybe 50 miles away, and judging by the current, he knows we’ll be there in 3.24 days.

To our conscious minds, it seems like it just “happened.” But our subconscious knew what was happening all along.

Understanding The Metaphor

The Metaphor Of Creation

Now, like I said, this is a metaphor, it’s not the whole story. In this metaphor, the guy on the ship just stood there and waited, and a solution was pretty much dropped in his lap.

But in real life, the missing piece of the puzzle is other people.

Regardless of what you want, it’s going to involve other people. And how you interact with them, and who you choose to interact with will have a DRAMATIC effect on how well you can manifest your intentions.

However, most people don’t treat the Law of Attraction this way. Most people treat it like the guy on the ship, thinking all they’ve got to do is wait around for something to “show up.”

But unless you’re willing to get out and interact with the world, you may be waiting a while.

But here’s the cool part. Just as your desires are dependent on “other people,” everybody else has desires that are dependent on “other people” as well. And YOU are in that group of “other people” that other people need to interact with to get THEIR desires.

When you think of getting out there and interacting with others, it’s not like you’re asking anybody to “give you” something.

It’s a HUGE collection of cooperation that together is worth MUCH more than each individual put together.

All you’ve got to do is participate, and you may be surprised how easily, and how quickly your desire suddenly shows up.

Learn How

How To Plant Love Bombs

Leave Her Thinking About You

Make Love Not War, Baby!

When does love happen?

Most people don’t really think about this, and when they do, most of us get it wrong.

It doesn’t help when we hear things like, “Love at First Sight.”

Humans have a terrible habit of “mis-remembering” things.

Meaning we’ll see somebody, and not be too sure about them. Then we’ll be thinking about them, imagining them, and wondering how it would be like to be together.

Then when we see them again, we see them through that filter that we’ve created ourselves, based on our own imagination.

To matters more confusing, we’ll add on all those extra feelings to our memory of the first meeting.

Which means we’ll remember that first meeting as if we INSTANTLY had all those feelings that we later conjured up all on our own.

Now, this DOES happen to guys. But girls do this with MUCH MORE INTENSITY. Girls literally LIVE for this stuff.

Twilight Anyone?

That’s why romance novels are the biggest best sellers. Always.

The whole point is that realize that her attraction for you will usually not happen during that first meeting.

But it’s actually pretty easy to get it to happen after a two or three meetings.

Now, if you’re the kind of “love ’em and leave ’em” type, this will still work, you just need time to build up your “sales funnel” so you’ve always got honeys ready to rock.

But if you’re trying to game one special lady, this will work INCREDIBLY well.

Leave Seeds To Grow In Her Heart

All you’ve got to do is give her SUBCONSCIOUS a reason to think about you when you’re gone.

NOT HER CONSCIOUS MIND, but her subconscious.

This means DON’T say goofy things like, “think about me, ok?”

This DOES mean leaving a bunch of open loops. Star thoughts but don’t finish them. Be present, be energetic, let her know that you’re into her, but be sure to leave open loops.

That’s Just Like When…

Start stories and don’t finish them completely.

You know that funny feeling you get when you leave your house, and you felt as if you’ve forgotten something?

That’s the feeling you’re going for. Not something ultra strong, and definitely not anything specific.

Just a vague feeling that there’s something she forgot to say, or ask or finish.

If you’ve done this, combined with being clear that YOU are attracted to HER, the result is pretty amazing.

There’s a whole set of language patterns and techniques that will help you master this ultra powerful conversation strategy.

Girls Money and Love

And when you realize that it’s not only good for getting girls, but also getting money, getting jobs, and significantly increase the pleasure of your existing relationships, then you’ll understand the true power of your language.

Get Started Now:

The Myth Of Male Beauty

Looks Don't Matter

Looks Really Don’t Matter

There’s is always going to be the never ending debate of looks vs. game.

If you’re a guy, you’ve likely heard that looks are very important. That if you don’t have a six pack, or you don’t have perfect teeth, or you aren’t perfectly symmetrical in the face, you don’t have a chance.

This is common for a reason. Because it takes the pressure off you. Think about it, if it WERE true (don’t worry, it’s not) that girls go primarily for looks, then getting shot down wouldn’t be much of a problem.

See, if looks WERE so important to girls, she either likes you or she doesn’t. You can’t change much.

Since the dawn of time, the easiest excuses humans have EVER MADE is “it’s not my fault!”

Forget The GQ Persona

So if you believe women go for looks, you can even stay home. You don’t have to go out and try. Sure it sucks, but it’s not your fault, right? You don’t have those super model looks so you don’t have a chance, right? Sure, if you were good looking, you’d be banging hotties right and left, right? But since you’re not, it’s back to the video games.

Luckily, this is all absolute bunk. Sure, all things being equal (meaning same wealth, same game, same personality, same sense of humor, same college degree, etc) a girl will choose a better looking guy over a not so good looking guy.

But things are NEVER equal. Most guys have TERRIBLE game.

Think about this:

Which do you think a girl would dream about at night, some super hot super model that has a beta little boy clingy personality, or some short fat bald guy that can easily talk her into having wonderful emotions that NOBODY else can make her feel?

Voltaire knew the answer to this. He said, “Give me give minutes to talk away my ugly face and I’ll bed the queen of France.”

Language Is The Secret

When talking to, and creating massive attraction in girls, language is your absolute best weapon.

Ever wonder such horribly butt-ugly politicians get such massive power? Because they can talk a good game.

Any halfway decent politician gets pinned down during an interview, and they can out-frame like nobody’s business.

If you can do that with a girls, she’ll be looking at you with throbbing hearts in her eyes.

Luckily, no matter who you are, what you’ve done, or what your experience is, you can learn.

And when you DO learn, you’ll have skills that most guys don’t know exist.

Get Some:

How To Get Her Begging For You

Secrets Of Powerful Seduction

Your Greatest Weapon

Your mind is a very, very powerful tool.

There’s been a lot of experiments that pretty much PROVE that in some cases, mental practice is just as good as real world practice.

Of course, when talking to pretty girls, every single situation is going to be different. Even if you’re in a happy relationship, every single conversation is going to be different. Pretty much any time you open your mouth, you really have NO idea how she is going to respond.

For those of you who’ve been in relationships for a long while, you know that after a period of time you can pretty much guess HOW they’ll respond in certain situations.

But what about girls you’ve never met before?

First Impressions Are Crucial

One of the biggest problems guys have is knowing what to say in those first few minutes. After the ice is broken, and there’s plenty of rapport, it does get easier, for some at least. There’s also guys that can start conversations like nobody’s business, but when it comes time to close, they trip over their own feet.

This is a way that will significantly improve your progress in ANY stage of the game.

The first step is to go out and get some kind of result. Doesn’t matter what. Just do what’s comfortable for you. Smile and say “hi,” introduce yourself, ask her to marry you, whatever.

Only For Practice

The purpose of this exercise is NOT to succeed. It’s to simply get ANY RESULT.

Then later than day, you take that result you got, whatever it was, and think about it. Think about one small thing you COULD have done better. Then imagine what would have likely happened, if you DID that small thing.

Then imagine the situation, rewritten with your NEW BEHAVIOR, and her NEW RESPONSE. Spend about five minutes playing this new movie over again and again in your mind.

Build On Experience

THIS is the kind of mental exercise that will literally SKYROCKET your improvement. You’ll be mixing real world events with imagined outcomes, giving you the best of both worlds.

Here’s another cool thing. If you do this for a week or two, pretty soon you’ll see every opportunity as a chance to IMPROVE your game, rather than a life or death seduction situation.

And when you start to FEEL yourself getting better, there will be no stopping you.

To make it even better, when you learn the powerful language patterns of covert hypnosis and influence, and incorporate these into your daily mental practice, you will become a natural in no time.

You’ll be quickly talking to girls in a way that will have them BEGGING you to take them.

Real world experience, mental practice, and language technology.

Get Yours:

Easy 4 Step Pickup Process

Get Lucky

Ancient Seduction Secrets

Some of the most POWERFUL persuasion skills have been around a long, long time.

Take pacing and leading, for example.

This is pretty well understood concept.

When you start a conversation with somebody, you want to create rapport. The easiest way to create rapport is to simply pace their environment. Move like they move. Talk like they talk. Breath like they breath.

The idea is to get them thinking, on a deep subconscious level, “Hey, this guy is just like me.”

Not consciously, mind you, but unconsciously. When their unconscious notices that you two are very similar, it will come across to them as a feeling of comfort, of trust, and decrease any worry or anxiety.

Once they are sufficiently in rapport (there’s plenty of easy and sneaky ways to check) you start leading.

They’re On Board

Meaning you change your behavior, and watch them follow. Again, there’s some pretty sneaky and easy ways to do this.

Now, some people think this is some kind of new idea that’s only come up in the last couple decades.

But if you read some of the letters of St. Paul (in the Christian New Testament) these are some VERY persuasive SALES LETTERS. Many of which are FILLED with pacing-leading language.

Those Old Dudes Knew What Was Up

The fact that these simple concepts have been around for so long are a testament to how well they work.

Doesn’t matter if you’re talking to kids, your wife, your girlfriend, or some girl you’ve just met.

If you take the time to pace, and the slowly start to lead, and the VERIFY that they are following, EVERYTHING will go much smoother.

Even if that’s ALL YOU DID, and then walked away without even number closing, she wouldn’t be able to get her mind off you.

She’d think of YOU as that really interesting guy she had a DEEP CONNECTION with.

Of course, you don’t HAVE to walk away, you can keep talking to her.

Because once you’ve got her attention, so to speak. You can move on to the next two levels.

What are they?

Feelings Baby

Simply put, all you’ve got to do is elicit all those wonderful feelings that she already has, for her own reasons, and then attach them to you.

If you take your time to create rapport, and slowly lead, and then VERIFY she’s following before you move on to the next level, you’ll be AMAZED how easy it is, and how well it works.

In fact, you’ve got to be careful. Because you CAN create some pretty powerful feelings of deep emotional and sexual attraction in a very short amount of time.

Which is why you NEED to be sure that’s what you really want.

To learn how, check this out:

What Is The Collective Unconscious?

Leverage The Collective Unconscious

To Be Or Not To Be

A few years ago, I was in the habit of taking acting classes.

They’re a great way to meet interesting and outgoing people. You get to practice all kinds of “expression games” that blow public speaking out of the water when it comes to getting rid of fears and anxiety.

You get to stretch your limits of imagination, and what you think is possible.

One of the classes I took was an improv class. It was recommended by one of my teachers. At the time, the only thing I knew about improv was stand up comedy. Boy was I wrong.

Making Stuff Up

Improv was really all about coming up with ideas and behaviors “on the spot.” Regular acting class is geared toward learning lines from plays, and then practicing them and getting into character.

Improve is all about just getting up on stage with a bunch of people you don’t know, and basically just making stuff up as you go along, and making it seem like it’s all some kind of a congruent story.

In a sense, it’s very much like life.

I remember when we did this one exercise, with about twenty people, and the synergy was absolutely amazing. We used our bodies and motions to create all these shapes. The teacher took the opportunity to throw out various structure names, and then all twenty of us would automatically get into position.

All without speaking, and all very quickly.

And the structures were complicated things like buildings, ships, bicycles, etc.


Being part of a large group of people, with zero conscious communication, yet acting together quickly and effectively to create things was a wonderful experience.

So is life. Because life is the same.

There really is no rules. Sure, there are people who try their hardest to be “in charge” and tell everybody else what to do, but those types are much less important than we realize.

When you can juts let go, trust your unconscious, and more importantly trust the unconscious of others, you really can create some absolutely amazing things with your life.

Relationships, situations, families, huge piles of wealth. Anything you want.

Only instead of waiting for some professor telling you what shape to make, you get to choose on your own.

Are you ready?

Get Started:

Ultra Polite Seduction Magic

Seduce Her With Politeness

Excuse Me, Miss?

A long, long time ago, humans developed a need for polite language.

Linguists tell us it was due to certain societies where higher class people had the right to kill lower class people if they felt their honor was questioned.

They tell us that polite language was developed to keep lower class people safe from death. It was developed so that the higher class folks would not feel threatened by the lower class language.

Fun With Grammar

In English, the second conditional is used. For example, it’s much more polite to say “Would you mind if I opened the window” rather than “Do you mind if I open the window?”


In the second case, when you say “Do you mind…” it’s a direct question. Meaning your putting the person on the spot. To them, it feels like you’re asserting your authority over them.

On the other hand, the first case, “Would you mind…” is in the second conditional. The second conditional combines “would” and a past tense verb. It’s used ONLY in when speaking hypothetically.

It’s as if you’re asking the person, “I’m NOT going to open the window, but supposing I did, would you mind?”

This makes it sound MUCH less like an authority grab.

In The Field

Why does this matter when talking to girls? One thing you want to be careful of is to NEVER put them on the spot, at least when you first start talking to them.

No matter where she is, who she’s got around her, she’s going to feel vulnerable talking to a guy she’s never met before.

Now, some people put them on the spot on purpose, just to quickly sort them out. These are the kind of guys who walk up to hundreds of girls per day and number close before they even exchange names.

Don’t Be Too Aggressive

But if you see some really cute girl who happens to be pretty shy, that approach will almost always scare her away.

Which is always a good idea to NEVER put her on the spot.

Meaning, you should NEVER say things like, “You’re really pretty,” or, “Do you have a boyfriend?” or anything that forces any questions or feelings of attraction up to the conscious level.

It’s ALWAYS a good idea to talk about non-threatening stuff CONSCIOUSLY, while using your covert language to talk about all the attraction stuff.

Which means she’ll think you’re talking about the bar, the band, her job, whatever, while you are carefully creating MASSIVE attraction on a deep, unconscious level.

Which means SHE will think it “just happened,” which to shy, attractive girls, is pretty magical stuff.

Learn More:

How To Become A Verbal Ninja

Verbal Ninja

Mad Word Power

There’s a lot of guys selling a lot of products regarding seduction.

In a way, that is absolutely fantastic. That means there’s a big market for seduction products. That means plenty of guys are making decisions, every single day, to finally take action to get what they want.

To learn skills, overcome anxieties, and build relationships with the women of their dreams.

However, there’s a lot of mythology and misdirection in this particular marketplace.

Eager Customers or Eager Marks?

Any time you’ve got something as desirable as sex or relationships with hot girls, you’re going to have a lot of snake oil.

Let’s back up a bit and talk marketing. Somebody makes a product, and then they try and sell the product.

If the product is to fulfill an existing demand, it’s pretty easy. Like opening up the only hamburger shop in a town with three high schools. Or opening up a surfboard shop in a city by the sea, that’s got awesome waves.

But sometimes, people make products that are brand new. Which means people have never seen them before. Which means the product maker has got to CREATE demand.

Generate Demand

This is a lot more difficult. First you need to convince somebody they need the product, then you’ve got to convince them they should buy it. Not an easy task.

Obviously, seduction products fall into the first category. Men are always horny. A friend of mine told me recently he met a girl, went back to her place, had sex several times, and then the next morning he went out to pick up breakfast. On the way he saw a couple of cuties, and started feeling deep feeling of sexual desire.

Unlimited Demand

Because that deep feeling of sexual desire is ALWAYS there, it’s an easy thing to sell.

Most guys would LOVE the ability to walk up to any girl, anywhere, any time, spit out a bunch of memorized words, and have her beg him for sex.

Which is why products like this sell like hot cakes.

But is it really possible? Can ONE memorized set of patterns really turn a girl on, no matter WHO she is?

Kind of, but not in the way some of these marketers promise.

Play Chess

It’s best to think in terms of “moves” rather than patterns. If a boxer memorizes fifty moves, for example, and can use them in any order, he can come up with literally an ENDLESS amount of patterns on the spot.

Compared to a guy who’s got three or four patterns memorized, and once those are done, he’s done.

So, which is better, memorizing TEN long patterns, or 20 or 30 small “linguistic moves” that you can use in any order, with any girl?

Meaning you can use these same “moves” combined with her unique personality, and fire up her emotions and attraction for you to levels more powerful than most guys ever imagine.

Learn How Now:

Show Her Your Magic Box

Her Treasure For You

Different Perspectives

Here’s a nice mind flip for you.

You ever do jigsaw puzzles? For every squiggly piece, there’s some squiggly piece somewhere that’s a perfect fit.

Guys approach girls like they are pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Meaning there’s a certain thing to say, in a certain order, that will unlock her heart and her panties.

If you say the wrong thing, she’ll send you packing. If you say the right thing, you’re in between the sheets faster than a starving bunny on a carrot.

Now, let’s take a step back and see what this means.

In order for this to be true, she’s got to have an idea of what she wants you to say. She’s also got to have an idea of what she doesn’t want to say.

Is this even possible?

No Conscious Mind Required

We all know that attraction isn’t a choice. We all know it happens unconsciously. Nobody can CHOOSE to be attracted to somebody, anymore that you can CHOOSE to be hungry, or thirsty or tired or scared. When it happens, it happens. You can only go along for the ride. As the Borg like to say:

Resistance is Futile

Now, back to that girl. Is it even possible that ANY line would work? Maybe.

But think about this metaphor. Instead of talking about physical attraction, let’s talk about hunger instead.

You Love Broccoli!

Same process. If you’re hungry, you want to eat. Some things you want to eat more than others. Some things you LOVE to eat, some things you won’t eat even if you’re starving.

A girl in a club is hungry for affection. She wants to meet a guy. All girls who aren’t in a happy relationship are starving.

The problem is she doesn’t know what she wants.

If she LOVES chicken, and you show up with a plate of cheese fries, you’re out of luck.

If she’s a vegan, and you show up with a steak, you’re out of luck.

Don’t Rely On Specifics

This is the trap most guys fall into. They think there is ONE set of lines, or patterns, or techniques that will work on ALL girls.

This is just as useless as thinking that ALL hungry people want to eat the same thing.

But consider this.

The Magic Box Theory

Supposing you had a magic box. A magic box that could create ANY kind of food.

You’d walk up, find out what she wants, and whip it up with your magic box, and everybody’s happy.

Seduction is the same way. Just walk up, figure out what spins her wheels, and give it to her.

Because the magic box is your mind. And your language skills. And your ability to tell stories and move her emotions around.

Instead of throwing a bunch of memorized junk at her, talk to her. Get to know her. Give her what she really wants. And she’ll give YOU what YOU really want.

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