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Are You Waiting For A Hidden Secret?

Secrets Of Life

Automatic Success Strategy

Many things are simple, but not easy.

Meaning they are simple in concept, but not so easy to do.

Take weight loss for example. Eat less, and exercise more, right?

But doing that is next to impossible when we’re surrounded by so much food.

This is an example where NOT doing something is pretty hard.

On the other hand, take something like sales. All you’ve got to do is call enough people, and you’ll be rich. 

Or, if you want a gorgeous partner, all you’ve got to do is talk to enough people, and you’ll find them.

Simple in concept, difficult in practice.

Now, most people can’t even  admit this to themselves. They imagine there’s some kind of super secret technique that’s being kept from them, through some kind of hidden conspiracy.

All they need is to find out the magic “formula” and money will fall from the sky and gorgeous people will surround them and beg for their attention.

Us humans will do anything to avoid pain, including making up stories that keep us on the sidelines.

But the quickest, and most effective way to get anything is to simply get in the mix and try something. Anything.

If it works, do more of it. If it doesn’t work, do something different.

Of course, it can help if you’ve had AWESOME parents who took it upon themselves to make sure you believed that you could learn anything, do anything and overcome obstacles.

Unfortunately, most of our parents were “winging it,” simply doing the best they could to keep you from running out in the street.

This tends to have the OPPOSITE effect of building in that “can do” belief of bolding going out into the world and trying new things.

After being told by parents and teachers “no” a billion times, we tend to be a bit gun shy.

Which is why it seems to hard to do things we know we “should” be doing to get what we want, but have some kind of ready made “excuse.” 

What if you could go back and change your history? What if you could reference much more supportive experiences when you looked out into the world?

What if anytime you felt like taking some kind of action, instead of hearing those “no’s” all you heard was a voice of your choosing, saying something like, “You got this!”

What would you be able to do?

What would you be able to accomplish?

In the Frame Control course, that’s one of the things you’ll get.

A method to reprogram your “referencing system” so you’ll feel compelled to take action, instead of however you feel now.

To learn more, check this out:

Frame Control

How To Eliminate Rejection From Girls

Back Off Man, I'm A Scientist!

Never Face Rejection Again

The human brain is a pretty amazing tool.

One that’s not even close to being understood yet. 

It’s very fast, which is great for survival. But it’s not so accurate. In a sense, it’s a lot like your web browser.

When you visit a familiar site, instead of loading up all the stuff fresh, it references your browser’s cache.

This makes it load much quicker than if you had to download everything every single time.

Web servers do this as well. If the page is static, they serve up a cached copy, as it’s much quicker.

This is how the brain operates in both familiar and unfamiliar surroundings.

A long, long time ago, maybe there were people that needed to stare at something for a long time, and let the information soak in long enough to figure out what was what.

But they all got eaten by dinosaurs. Which means the only people that are left are us goofs who don’t reference reality any more than your web browser downloads every  piece of data every time you visit the same web site.

Science has measured this. They know which areas of the brain are responsible for imaginary stuff, and which part is responsible for reality stuff.

Most of the time, it’s a mix of two.

Why is this important?

Well, consider this next time you’re out checking out the ladies. One of the reasons guys get so nervous is they see some super hot girl, and make all kinds of assumptions about her.

And because are much more attracted to women based on looks, this puts us at a disadvantage.

We walk over there, already having decided that she passes all of our criteria. Only she knows nothing about us.

So we feel like we’re walking over there with her having all the power. The power to accept us, or the power to reject us.

This, of course, causes all kinds of anxiety.

But when you remember that what you’re seeing is literally an illusion, it makes it easier.

Now, this is something you’ll have to consciously remember, and practice. There’s NO magic thought that you only need to think once that will get rid of your fears.

It’s something you need to train in. Just like a mental version of Karate Kid.

But this is a good way to practice.

When you see her, don’t let your caveman get away with assuming all kinds of crap. Go over there NOT to hopefully get accepted, but to find out if she IS as hot as you think she is.

All girls have flaws. Just like all guys have flaws.

See your first approach to get a better picture of her. Withhold judgment of her, until you talk to her.

If you approach with this mindset, you’ll never get rejected.

Because you’re not trying to get accepted.

You’re just getting more information.

Powerful Mind Tools:

Which Memories Are You Referencing?

Choose Only Memories That Support You

Don’t Be Like C3PO

An interesting study recently has proven that a large portion of our reality is imaginary.

How do they know this?

When they hook up somebody’s brain to measure all the electrical impulses, they can see which areas light up when the test subject is perceiving something outside. They show him something he’s never seen before, and ask him specific questions about it, so they know he’s focusing outside of his mind.

Then they ask him to close their eyes, and imagine something. A completely different part of their brain lights up.

But when they show him something “familiar” BOTH parts light up. Meaning he’s creating that image partially on the fly, in real time, but also partially based on his memory.

So a lot of times, what we think we’re seeing around us REALLY IS all in our head.

To make matters worse, sometimes we perceive “meanings” that don’t really exist in the first place. Somebody looks at us “funny” and we’re not only remembering something that happened before, but we’re remembering something we made up in the first place.

A lot of times our brains, in order to protect us, act like C3PO from Star Wars. That part where they were in the garbage compactor, and Luke said, “Shut down all compactors on the detention level!”

And 3PO said, “NOOOOO! Shut Them ALL Down!”

Similarly, whenever we “think” there might be danger “out there,” our brains respond with massive over kill.

Better safe than sorry, right?

But what if that thing they are protecting us from things (like rejection, for example) doesn’t exist in the first place?

Wouldn’t it be better to access more helpful memories, rather than imaginary danger?

You bet it would!

That’s one of the things you’ll learn in the Frame Control learning course.

How to dig deep in your  past, and find times when you were ultra confident.

Then you’ll look how to access THOSE memories instead.

So instead of responding like C3PO, you’ll respond like Han Solo, or any other Hero you’d like.

To get started, check this out:

Frame Control

Why You Should Love Rejection

Rejection Is Your Fastest Path To Success

Rejection Is Essential To Success

A lot of guys have a common problem with women.

And that is that they are waiting for some kind of obvious “green light” that tells them it’s OK.

This is normal. Nobody likes taking risks. We’d all love some perfect step by step method that is guaranteed to work. Some paint by the numbers system that gets us whatever we want, especially affection from gorgeous girls, without every having to put it on the line.

The trouble is that NOTHING is certain. All action requires risk. Sure, some actions are so LOW in risk they seem risk free. Things like ordering a pizza, going to the toilet in the middle of the night, or anything else simple and routine that we do over and over again.

But the simple truth of reality is that we absolutely cannot predict the future. 

It’s very common to be sitting there on the couch or in the bar talking to the girl of your dreams, and wondering whether or not you should make a move. And many guys DON’T make a move, and later claim that it was because they weren’t getting the right signals.

This is utter nonsense.

Let’s take a step back and see this from a scientific and biological perspective.

If a guy makes a move, and gets shot down, he’s going to feel like crap. BUT it won’t likely affect his social standing.  Think about one of your buddies right now. Now imagine him making a move (not an obscene or illegal move) and getting shot down. Politely shot down, not some girl screaming bloody murder.

Now, how do you feel about him after imagining that he tried and got shot down? Is he a social outcast? Is he some pariah to be avoided? Are the guys going to suddenly stop talking when he comes around, and look around in an uncomfortable silence?

Nope. If anything, he’ll get more props for trying.

Now imagine if a girl gave clear and obvious signs that she wants to be kissed. And SHE gets shot down.

What would happen to her reputation? What would her friends say? What would happen if she were known as the girl who throws herself at guys?

You know what would happen. Every girl who knew her (and every guy) would suddenly use different adjectives to describe her. (Easy, for example.)

So if you are waiting for a girl to make it obvious she wants you to kiss her, or touch her, or ask for her number, you’re going to be waiting a long time.

Not fair? Maybe not. But so what?

If you want success, you’re going to have to make a move. A risky move.

As the great founder of Sony once said, “If you want to double your success rate, simply double your failure rate!”

Now go out there and get shot down!

Are You Waiting For Permission?

Press Forward

Why You Should Boldly Press Forward

One of the differences between being a child and being an adult is the idea of “permission.”

When we are very young, we need to ask permission for pretty much everything.

In school, we need permission to speak, to ask questions, sometimes even to go to the bathroom.

The older we get, the more we need to just take action without waiting for approval.

Sometimes, though, we don’t really need permission, but we pretend we do.

We’d like to do something, like walk over there and talk to that interesting person, or start a business, or make a suggestion to our boss.

But we hold back, and tell ourselves it’s because we need “permission.” We say things like, “Oh, they wouldn’t like that.”

Even though we’re fully functioning adults, often times we feel we need prior approval before taking any action that we’re not “supposed” to take.

But as I’m sure you know, those that succeed BIG don’t wait around for permission, or approval, or even validation.

They lead, knowing eventually others will follow.

In pretty much all areas of life, there have been pioneers who have created new products, inventions, types of music and art, medical techniques, and on and on, simply by acting on their own inspiration.

Now, most people are content to be followers. To wait around on the sidelines and watch the leaders and creators take all the risks, and get all the rewards.

They’re content to stay safely in the middle of the pack, where it’s “OK” to follow the herd.

What about you?

What about your ideas? 

Will you wait until you get full permission and approval before you try something new? 

Or will you just boldly go where no one has gone before?

It’s not easy, it’s not guaranteed, and it’s not always safe.

But it’s a LOT more fun that hiding in the middle of a crowd, waiting to be told what to do.

If you’re ready to get started, check this out:

Frame Control

Girl Getting Confidence Tricks

Extreme Confidence With Women

Obliterate All Fear

Here’s a trick that will blast your self confidence with girls through the roof.

However, you MUST understand one thing. The girls you use this “trick” on are NOT girls you are going to try and pick up.

They are only “practice” girls.

This means when you see a girl for the first time, and you’ve exchanged some IOI’s, you’ve got to decide BEFORE you go over there which category she’s in, and STICK to that decision.

Most guys CANNOT do this. They see a girl, and go over there and try anything and everything to get as far as they can, and either get her number, and leave (usually because SHE says she’s got to go or something) or they get blown out. (Which is when SHE says she’s got to go or something).

However, if you follow this strategy, you WILL see positive results.

So, assume you see a girl, and you decide she’s “practice.” Meaning you WILL NOT ask for her contact information or even suggest getting together. You won’t even tell her that you’re not going to ask for her number.

This is what you do.

You walk over and break the ice. Say something that paces the situation. Say you noticed her, you noticed something she did (actually say the thing she did) and then tell her you wanted to find out  more about her, because she seemed interesting.

(All of this is absolutely true, by the way.)

Then ask her name. Ask what she does. Ask open ended questions about anything she seems willing to tell you about. The idea, the goal, the intention, the mission, is to get her to smile while she’s talking to you about things she likes.

Once you get a few smiles, say thanks, and then LEAVE.

Don’t hesitate. Don’t linger. Don’t wait around for her to tell you what a genius alpha male you are or how clever you are.


Remember, this is ONLY a confidence building exercise.

If you do this two or three times a week, your self confidence around women will SOAR.

But ONLY if you stick to the plan. The ENTIRE plan.


What if she asks for YOUR number?


Say something like, “Wow, I’m really flattered, but I’m not ready for a relationship or dating or anything right now.”

Right now, of course, meaning that very moment. You may be ready in another hour or so with another girl, but DO NOT tell her than.

This will build up a HUGE and POWERFUL belief in your brain that says this:

“Girls like me. Girls like talking to me. Girls want to talk to me more than I want to talk to them. Girls want me to stick around after I talk to them. Girls actually try to chase me.”

Do this a few times, and when you see a girl that’s NOT practice, it will be much, much easier.

Get Historical Heroes On Your Side

Surround Yourself With Heroes

Your Own Hero Support Crew

There’s many different resources you need in many different situations.

In golf, for example, even the highest paid athletes rely on their caddies to help them select the right “resource” (club) for the job.

If you were having a big dinner party, most folks wouldn’t likely cook everything up from scratch off the top of your head. You’d at least consult the Internet to find out how to make certain things.

Even though you’re intelligent, know how to find your way, sometimes it’s just a lot quicker, and a lot easier to stop and ask for directions.

Often times, though, we’ve simply got to “wing it.”

If you had to stand up and give a speech, most people could tell you how to structure your speech, and the mechanics of holding eye contact, but that’s about it.

Sure, they may say things like, “Be Confident!” But seriously, if we could just “be confident” then we wouldn’t have a problem, right?

Some things are easy to learn based on step by step instructions. If you follow a cake recipe for example, you wouldn’t likely need to bake it sixteen times until you got it right.

But giving a speech, being persuasive with people you’ve just met, effectively getting somebody’s phone number in a social setting, these aren’t things that we can learn from a book.

But what if there was a way to copy not only the strategies, but the inner beliefs and feelings as well?

What if you could fully absorb all the confidence, intelligence and inner game skills of your favorite heroes from history?

Well, that’s precisely what you’ll be getting in the Frame Control course.

Not only will you learn the step by step mental exercises that will build a strong, attractive and magnetic frame from the inside out, but you’ll also be able to construct a circle of supporters that will subconsciously be there for you.

Everywhere you go.

Who are these supporters? Anybody you want. Historical figures. Mythological figures. Great leaders from past Empires.


To learn more, check this out:

Frame Control

Beware Of Seduction Patterns

Does Paint By Numbers Seduction Really Exist?

Paint By Numbers Pick Up?

There’s a lot of patterns out there that allegedly will help you get laid.

You memorize them, say them in the right order, and suddenly she’ll turn into your willing sex slave.

Now, just for a minute, imagine what the world would be like if this were actually true. First of all, everybody would be getting laid all the time.

It would be like in the movie, “Bruce Almighty,” when Bruce became God, and started answering “Yes!” to everybody’s prayers.

Good news? Everybody won the lottery.

Bad news? Their winnings were only about $1, since everybody won.

If there WAS some kind of magic string of words that would turn girls into raving sex maniacs, no girl would ever leave her house.

She’d be too terrified.

What if you knew that there was a magic set of words that would transfer ALL the money in your bank account into the person who said these magic words?

AND that anybody could learn these magic words on the internet, for free?

You’d keep all your cash in your house, that’s what. 

Simply because girls go out and talk to random guys is proof that magic words simply don’t exist.

Nor do convoluted language patterns and pick up techniques.

Don’t mean to burst your bubble, but if any “paint by numbers” technique existed, it wouldn’t last very long.

So stop looking for what to say, or what to do, and how exactly to use kino.

The secret of success, in ANY AREA, including getting girls, is simple.

Try something.

See what happens.

Did it work? Good. Do more.

No? No sweat. Try something different.

So, why don’t more guys understand this, and use this simple step by step “procedure” to getting laid (or getting whatever?)

It’s in the “try something” phase.

This part requires doing something WITHOUT KNOWING how it will turn out. Most people (let alone guys who want to pick up girls) are absolutely and utterly TERRIFIED of doing this.

So we “pretend” that we just  need to “learn more” or “study more” or whatever other lie we tell ourselves to keep us from getting rejected. Usually this involves us sitting around waiting for somebody to “tell us” what to do.

Milton Erickson, one of the most famous Hypnotherapists of all time (and upon whom most of NLP is based) had this genius “homework session” for one of his clients.

Guy comes in, and says he’s terrified of rejection. He’d like a girlfriend, but he’s terrified of talking to girls. 

What should I do, doc? 

Does Erickson talk about his childhood? His deep feelings about his mom? Does he make him memorize a bunch of language patterns?


Erickson (who had a HUGE success rate only after one or two sessions) merely said this:

“OK, Mr. Client. I promise I can cure you. Do what I say, and you’ll have a girlfriend in no time.”

“Great doc! Thanks! I’ll do anything. What do I do?”

Doc says, “Go out and get rejected ten times, and then come see me next week.”

Client swallows and says OK. He comes back the next week.

“Well,” Doc says, “Did you get rejected ten times?”

“Nope.” Client says, smiling.

“Well, what happened?”

“Well, I got rejected six times, but girl number seven is now my girlfriend.”

See how that works?

Get in the game.

Simplify And Automate Your Success

Give Your Brain A Break

Make It Easy On The Brain

We humans are hard wired to look for shortcuts.

Once we figure something out, we’d like to automate it, simplify it, or otherwise reduce the amount of brainpower that goes into it.

In physics, scientists have long been looking for a “Grand Unifying Theory.” One super equation that could explain all behaviors of all objects, large and small.

I had a friend who would always ask me to give him a one sentence summary of any book he saw me reading.

Once when I was in high school, me, a bunch of buddies,and a few parents were driving down to Mexico to watch some big road race. 

One of the adults asked me if I’d ever driven in Mexico before. I said no, and he told me the simple rules:

“Don’t hit anybody, and don’t let anybody hit you.”

Humans love simplicity. We don’t like to think if we don’t need to.

However, sometimes life is incredibly complicated. So complicated that you could spend a hundred lifetimes trying to understand it, and all you’ll do is uncover more questions.

Scientists can’t even predict the weather more than a couple of weeks ahead of time, and even then, they can only approximate.

The weather is a simple system with only a few variables.

Human interaction, on the other hand, is infinitely complex. Each of us has a HUGE collection of subjective wants, needs, desires, beliefs, shortcomings, and on and on.

And every time we interact with others, all these variables change a little bit.

If you tried to understand it all, you’d go mad. You’d never leave your house.

But all the good stuff you want in life will come from other people. Which means you’ve got to not only interact with them, but influence them in some way.

Get them to help you, get them to support you, get them on your team. There’s not much you can accomplish all on your lonesome.

The good news is that there’s a very simple, and very powerful way to simply ALL human interaction.

Sure, you could get a PhD in body language reading, learn to drill down in between their words to see what they REALLY mean, and plan every conversation like a championship chess match.

OR, you could simply build up a hugely strong frame, so all you need to do is show up, and people will decide to help you out for THEIR own reasons, before you even open your mouth.

Clearly, this switch won’t happen automatically or overnight. But with a little bit of consistent mental practice, it WILL happen.

Learn how:

Frame Control

Here’s What Women Really Like

Secrets Of Female Desire

Secrets Of Female Desire

There’s some crazy tests they’ve done to see what turns men on, and what turns women on.

These are NOT those lame tests where they ASK people what turns them on. People generally give answers they THINK they should.

Luckily, science ALWAYS finds out how to get around human deception.

One way is to measure the size of the pupil. When we see something we like, our pupils get bigger. 

So they set up these ultra sensitive measuring eyeball things and flash a bunch of pictures.

And what do guys like looking at (according to their pupils)?

Girls. Girls in bikinis. Girls in bikinis with big boobs. Naked girls. Naked girls with big boobs. Naked girls with big boobs kissing each other.

OK, Ok, you get the idea.

Big surprise, right?

What makes girls pupils get bigger?


Yep, among all the things, those do it for girls the most.

The moral of the story, then, is that when you’re going out picking up girls, bring a baby.

Just kidding.

But what this DOES tell us that when they flashed pictures of guys with ripped abs, all kinds of bling, even super gorgeous dudes that just walked off the cover of Men’s Health, the girls (according to their pupils) were, “Yea, whatever.”

Which means your body shape, your looks, your bling, your six pack (the one on your stomach or the one in that brown bag you think nobody sees) doesn’t mean squat.

Now, to some guys, this is great news. Most of us don’t belong on the cover of Men’s Health. I know I don’t (except maybe to show what happens when diet and exercise plans fail miserably).

But the folks who DO get angry at this are folks who spend tons of time in the gym, or tons of money on clothes.

They seem to believe they can follow the same playbook girls can. Meaning get in shape, dress nice, and just show up and wait for the girls to flock, like they’re peahens or something.

Here’s a newsflash. (One you already know).

The BEST way to get a girl to notice you, to get her fired up, to get her to want to go home with you (or at least give you her number), is to go up and TALK to her.

That means walking over there, introducing yourself, and find out what she’s all about, and letting her know what you’re all about.

Of course, HOW you talk to her will make all the difference. NOT what you’re wearing while you do.

Learn How: