Tag Archives: Covert Hypnosis

One Track Mind

Flip Your Polarity

There’s a pretty common theme in a few martial arts movies.

Not the “ninja vs. demons” kind or the “martial artist superhero that kills everybody” kind.

The “coming of age” kind.

There’s usually a point where the main character understands the REAL reason for learning how to fight.

So you don’t have to.

It’s long been known that “smart” criminals (the ones who are careful when they choose their crimes so they don’t get caught) tend to “case the joint” before they commit the crime.

Maybe the drive around a neighborhood, and find a house that doesn’t have an alarm, and an old door whose lock will be easy to get through.

Street criminals who make their living from theft also watch people very carefully.

The last thing they want is to have their “victim” chase them down and beat the crap out of them.

So they purposely find weak victims.

Exactly how lions pick the weakest of the herd to chase.

This “strategy” is pretty common among all animals.

“We” want to get the biggest return for the lowest cost.

Lions chase weak zebras, criminals stalk weak people, etc.

Psychologists tell us that one out of every 25 people is a sociopath.

Given that most of us encounter HUNDREDS of people a day, that means that each and every day, we cross paths with SEVERAL sociopaths.

This can be VERY DANGEROUS if you’re giving off the “wrong” energy.

Energy that indicates a less than robust “inner frame.”

Unfortunately, if we just want to be left alone, there’s no guarantee the world is going to comply with our wishes.

If you WANT to be left alone, you’ve got to project “leave me alone” energy.

Paradoxically, if you are THINKING “leave me alone” thoughts, you are PROJECTING the OPPOSITE energy.

Luckily, with a little practice, you can shift your internal “polarity” so you can project the RIGHT energy.

And just as paradoxically, the inner thoughts that lead to “leave me alone” energy are thoughts they say, “This is MY world, and I can do as I please.”

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Stop Manipulation

Embrace The Unknown

Powerful One Two Charismatic Punch

Often there is a HUGE chasm between the thoughts and ideas in our heads, and the words that come out of our mouths.

One of the mainstays of a comedy is some character that says something really goofy, gets embarrassed, and then says, “That didn’t come out right…”

Just that we understand that’s funny means it’s a common human experience.

Having clear ideas in mind, but they come out as jumbled up nonsense.

Most of the time, though, we tend to overlook the main issue.

We think if we ONLY had the words, it would be easy.

But when it comes to human communication, words are just the icing on the cake.

How we express those ideas inside our heads takes a LOT MORE than just words.

And most of the time, the words themselves are not the most important part.

Meaning if you have an “understandable enough” set of words, but the underlying energy is positive, attractive and charismatic, you’re good to go.

You might even consider that the feeling of “not having the right words” to be an EFFECT rather than a cause.

Consider that the cause might be the not having the right “frame” to speak from.

As humans tend to do, we often misunderstand the relationship between cause and effect.

It’s easy to get them backward.

But here’s the cool part.

If you take the time to build up the “frame” (which contains all the positive attractive energy) the words can take care of themselves.

Even better, when you combine the right “frame” WITH the right words, you can be unstoppable.

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Stop Manipulation

Bam! Pow!

Ninja Language Patterns

We humans use a lot of vagueness.

Both in our thinking, and our language.

We have to.

There is just TOO much stuff going on inside and outside to communicate otherwise.

There’s a movie called “The Usual Suspects.”

It’s considered a classic, or even a cult favorite.

But the MEANING of the movie is VERY vague.

So much so that when the writer and the director finished making the movie, and were ready to go on the press tour, they had a HUGE fight.

One guy had the impression that most of the movie was TRUE, (meaning the events in the movie actually happened) and only a little bit was imaginary.

On the other hand, the other guy thought most of the movie was a HALLUCINATION of one of the characters, and very little was actually true.

If you’ve seen the movie, you can get this.

You can see BOTH interpretations when you see it.

Either mostly real, or mostly a hallucination.

This is one of the problems with vague language and vague thinking.

It’s also one of our BIGGEST weak points.

Because when something is wrong, we tend to IMAGINE the worst.

That’s how we managed to survive in our very ancient and very harsh environment.

If our ancestors had always assumed the BEST, we would have died out a long time ago.

So we’re kind of stuck with that “imagine the worst” response to vague and unknown things.

Which can make us vulnerable, if somebody KNOWS how to push our buttons.

All they have to do is LOOK at us funny, and we’ll imagine all kinds of horrible things.

Even worse if they say something that’s even a little mean, but still kind of vague.

They might let out a sigh, roll their eyes and say, “I KNEW you were doing to do that.”

Even if we’ve done NOTHING, that simple and VERY VAGUE statement can make us feel horrible.

Luckily, there is a VERY POWERFUL way to defend against any kind of VAGUE statement.

So simple it will make people that toss insults quake in their boots.

It’s easy to learn, and simple to use.

And once you TEACH the world HOW to respond to you, they will

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Stop Manipulation

Defend Your Boundaries

How To Really Really Like Yourself

Energy is a strange concept.

Even when talking about energy from a pure physics standpoint, it’s hard to wrap our minds around.

We can’t really EVER experience PURE energy.

Even though energy and matter are the same.

That’s what Einstein’s famous equation (E=mc^2) says.

Energy EQUALS Matter (times a pure number, the speed of light squared).

But every single experience we have of “energy” is really “energy” AND matter.

Even electricity is the movement of electrons, which are particles.

And those particles have mass.

But when talking about us humans, with respect to energy, what do we really mean?

If you say somebody has “positive energy” what does that mean?

It generally means the sum total of all their subconscious body language movements.

How they walk, how they talk, the tone of their voice. How slowly or quickly they speak, etc.

You could also say the same about somebody who has “negative” energy.

Maybe they are angry, frustrated, fists clenched, teeth gritted, looking around for a fight.

Sociologists who study criminals tell us that when criminals are out looking for victims, they look for people who radiate “victim energy.”

People that look down when they walk, have their shoulders slumped over, rarely make eye contact with anybody.

They KNOW that if they rob these “victim energy” people, they will get away pretty easily.

Unfortunately, a LOT of people operate this way.

Not just pick-pockets and purse snatchers.

It’s believed that one out of every twenty five people is a clinical SOCIOPATH.

And these people have a sixth sense for those of us who are EASY to take advantage off.

It gets worse.

Even people that wouldn’t be considered sociopaths tend to know WHEN they can take advantage of others.

Even those close to us.

They get to know our buttons, and they learn how to push them.

It makes us emotionally weak, and allows them to get what THEY want a lot easier.

Even if you weren’t being taken advantage of, radiating this kind of energy (the easy to be manipulated kind) is NOT attractive in the least.

What IS the most attractive kind of “energy?”

Comfortable in your own skin.

Somebody that ENJOYS who they are.

If YOU like YOU the world will too.

But if you DON’T like YOU, the world can be a dangerous place.

Luckily it’s MUCH EASIER than most people realize to switch into the “I like me” energy, which radiates confidence and attractiveness.

Learn How:

Stop Manipulation

Blast Their Brains With Hypnotic Love

How To Point Their Desire

All action follows the same structure.

It’s the same as any voluntary trade.

The thing we want is more valuable (as we subjectively see it) than the thing we have.

Whether you’re trading your peanut butter sandwich for an ice cream cone, or ten bucks for a happy meal, the process is the same.

You want what you don’t have more than what you do have.

If you can find somebody who is a match, they want what YOU hove more than what they have, you’ll trade.

This is instinctive.

It’s been happening since ancient tribes met other ancient tribes, and on every playground in every school on Earth.

Even when we do things, we imagine that our future state (after we do whatever we are contemplating) is going to be BETTER than our present state.

Otherwise we wouldn’t do it.

Many times we aren’t so sure. The future would be good IF we know some “bad things” wouldn’t happen. But those “bad things” are uncertain, so the probability of the future state is uncertain.

You think you MIGHT like that new restaurant, for example, but on the other hand, you might spend the time and money and it might suck.

Whenever you are persuading somebody to do something, we face the same problem.

We are trying to convince them to take some kind of action, to change their state.

The better we can do that, to convince them the new state (that we are suggesting) is better than their current state, the more persuasive we’ll be.

People that are naturally good at this (persuading people to take action) are generally pretty popular and make a ton of money.

The truth is that most of us LOVE to follow directions from somebody who knows what they are talking about.

Especially when it’s clear they’ve got OUR interests in mind.

It’s like they’re doing our thinking for us, but not in an evil dictator kind of way.

A way that shows us how safe and comfortable it is to move toward whatever it is we want.

Which means that knowing how to do this can come in VERY handy.

Coming up with a couple of stories that can increase people’s desires in whatever direction you want to point is very useful skill.

Where should we point their desires?

Anywhere you want!

Learn How:

Hypnotic Sales

Quantum Love

Both Sides Of Metaphysics

In Quantum Physics they have a metaphor called “The Great Smoky Dragon.”

It refers to the idea that at its most basic, fundamental level, the nature of reality is not measurable.

Meaning any kind of system has a lot of components.

When talking about a particle, it’s got mass, spin, charge, direction, momentum (which is a function of mass and speed).

But the MORE you know any one of those, the LESS you can know the other.

This is different than taking the temperature of a pot of hot water.

When you do that, you lower the water by soaking some of the heat into the thermometer.

But matter, at it’s fundamental level can only exist as a probability wave in some parts, and a physical entity in other parts.

It CAN be pure probability wave, but it can NEVER be wholly physical.

The Great Smoky Dragon metaphor is the idea that you can see the dragon’s head, you can see the dragon’s tail, but the middle is a vague puff of smoke.

Most people are aware of the idea that we are “not physical beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a physical experience.”

But what if that’s not accurate?

What if that is only a metaphor, like the smoky dragon is a metaphor (which is a metaphor with a metaphor since dragons are metaphorical creatures).

What if the “other side,” we are really spiritual creatures having a physical experience, but on “this side” we are physical creatures having a spiritual experience?

One thing about metaphors if that if you start to think they are REAL, you can get into trouble.

What if your boss said that you’ve got to go and kill some dragons.

But he was metaphorically referring to taking market share from your competition.

Only you thought he was being literal, and you showed up with your dragon killing tools.

You’d look pretty silly!

They say that before you become enlightened, you have to chop wood and carry water.

And after enlightenment, you still gotta chop wood and carry water.

So what’s the point?

Maybe the point is that chopping wood and carrying water AFTER being “enlightened” is a lot better.

That’s why any kind of system should be accessible from both perspectives.

Both your “enlightened self” and your “unenlightened self” is going to need an ax and bucket.

And any other tools you use to help you succeed should address both sides.

Luckily, the energy (just like the wood and the water) that makes up both sides is the same.

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Sex Transmutation

Supernova Of Money

Follow The Yellow Brick Road

There’s a cool story I’ve read a couple times that I recommend.

It’s called, “The Alchemist,” by Paulo Coelho, and is about a kid who wants to discover the secret of turning sand into gold (alchemy.)

It’s short, easy to read, and very metaphorical.

And like many literary metaphors, there are a lot of ways to interpret it.

It’s got a lot of common themes.

One is that the goal of alchemy is about turning sand into gold. And if you can turn sand into gold, you can get rich with a lot of work.

Paradoxically, to FIND OUT how to do that, you have to do a LOT of work.

The hero went on a journey around the world, fell in love, met lots of cool people and learned a lot of worthwhile, real money-making skills, but ignored them since he was looking for an easy way to turn sand into gold.

Finally he gave up and came home.

And found that he had a huge chunk of gold hidden under his own house.

THAT common metaphor pops up all over the place.

To go out LOOKING for something that you had the whole time.

In the Wizard of Oz, for example, Dorothy and her buddies spent all that time and energy looking for the Wizard (who really was a fake) hoping he would send them home, when all she had to do was click her heels together.

(Interestingly enough, the whole story of the Wizard of Oz is a political metaphor regarding the dangers of going OFF the “gold standard.”)

Why do so many stories have that same theme?

Of searching all over Earth for the secrets of life, only to find that we HAD them inside us the whole time?

The same stories are told because they work.

And they work because they resonate with us.

We see truth in them.

We FEEL truth in them.

It’s like that goofy expression from the movie, Repo Man:

“No matter where you go, there you are.”

And no matter WHERE you go, or WHAT you are looking for, YOUR most powerful resource is ALWAYS within you.

Perhaps we are always looking OUTSIDE because deep down inside, we FEAR our power.

The cool thing is that WHENEVER you are ready to embrace it, it will be there, waiting for you.

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Sex Transmutation

Believe In Yourself

Who Leads Your Life?

Back in the 1800’s a couple of genius scientists made a prediction.

Their prediction was that “science” had already more or less discovered everything.

Lucky for us, they were wrong.

This is pretty common.

Before they invented railroads, most “experts” scoffed at the idea that people could travel long distances in a short time.

Even physical accomplishments, like the four minute mile were thought to be impossible.

Until Roger Bannister ran a mile in under four minutes.

Once he showed it was possible, suddenly everybody could do it.

Well, not “everybody” but you get the idea.

But the question is, why did those folks who ran a sub-four minute mile AFTER Bannister did it need to wait?

Why did they did to SEE it to BELIEVE it?

Bannister did the opposite.

He BELIEVED it first, then he achieved it.

One way is easy.

That’s the way most people live their lives.

They won’t believe ANYTHING unless they see proof.

But here’s the thing.

If you wait for PROOF that something is “possible” (or safe or whatever else you want proof of) then EVERYBODY will have that same proof.

And since MOST people will wait for PROOF, that means MOST people will only be able to do what all the other “most people” do.

And if you can ONLY do what “most people” can do, then you’ll GET the same thing that most people get.

Which, by definition, is average.


Bannister didn’t want average.

Neither did all of the scientists and entrepreneurs who kept inventing stuff even though the “experts” said everything had already been invented.

Doing that takes courage.

Doing that takes belief in YOURSELF.

Doing that requires you are capable of moving forward into uncertainty, without somebody holding your hand and showing the way.

It requires you LEAD. Not necessarily others, but your own life.

Funny thing is, even if you don’t WANT to lead others, if you lead yourself, plenty of people will follow.

Learn How:

Entrepreneurial Mind

Who Ordered The Brains?

The Structure Of Success

When I was a kid I love science.

Still do.

So when it came time to choose a major, I chose physics.

For a while, everything was pretty cool.

Until I hit those upper division classes.

With really difficult math.

At first I freaked.

I didn’t know if I could handle it.

I almost changed my major.

But I finally decided to stick with it.

And by going really slowly, and spending a lot of time studying, I finally managed to escape with a degree.

And once I figured out the “trick” to learning difficult math, it was easy.

Not easy, easy, but easier than I thought.

Before, I would listen to lectures, do the homework, and that was it.

And them cram for a couple hours before the exams.

But with those upper division classed, I had to change my strategy.

I found myself spending a few hours each weekend.

I needed to in order to keep up.

But once I got the “rhythm” it was normal again.

Meaning I didn’t worry, I just had to “re-calibrate” my studying frequency and duration.

And every other class after that was the same.

Since I’d learned the “study structure” of one class, I could apply it to all classes.

I’ve found the same thing is true in a lot of areas.

Once you step back and look at the “structure” you can apply the same “structure” to other things.

Kind of how you learn to ride one bike, you can pretty much ride all other bikes, so long as they have the same structure.

This is how our brains are wired. This is why we can live anywhere on Earth, even back before electricity and even agriculture.

Finding food, shelter, and staying away from dangerous animals has a similar structure.

Do it near the equator, you can do it at the north pole.

Sure, the content is different (predators, food, shelter) but the structure is the same.

Learning anything, skills, subjects, communication strategies, once you get the structure down, you can repeat it as often as you like.

Learn How:

End Self Sabotage

Nothing Is Real Keep Going Forward

The Illusion of Perfection

They say that practice makes perfect.

And like most “truisms” that we all tend to agree are more or less correct, this one, while well intentioned, is not entirely accurate.

As a motivational statement, it does just fine.

In that regard, it IS true. Whatever you want to get better at, the more you practice, the better you’ll get.

And all else equal, practicing something MORE is better than practicing something LESS.

If they had a violin playing competition, for example, whoever practiced the MOST would end up winning.

You’ll find this is true in all people with world class skills.

They are the ones who have practiced the most.

They say you can “master” anything, and be “world class” with 10,000 hours of practice.

At an hour day, that is a little over 27 YEARS.

Which, in a world of instant gratification, seems like an eternity.

But it’s well within a normal life span.

Meaning if you start in your mid twenties, you’ll be WORLD CLASS in your chosen skill by the time you’re fifty or so.

Or, if you don’t want to wait that long, you can be world class in 14 years (two hours of practice a day) or seven years (four hours of practice a day) or three or four years (eight hours of practice a day).

Of course, you’ll NEVER get to a point where you say, “OK, I’m done, now I can rest!”

Because the idea of being “perfect” doesn’t really apply in many areas.

Sure, you can make a “perfect” circle, but how the heck are you supposed to bake a “perfect” cake? Or paint the “perfect” picture?

Paradoxically, “mastering” something is not synonymous with perfecting any skill.

No matter WHAT you are practicing, so long as you are drawing breath, you can get better.

Whether you are the world master, or you’re just starting out.

So, what would YOU like to get better at?

Get Started:

End Self Sabotage