Author Archives: mindpersuasion

What Is Real Alpha Attraction?

Alpha Male

James Bond?

What are the qualifies of an “alpha”?

The kind of guy that girls wet their panties for? If you watch movies, it’s always the biggest, baddest guy who never smiles, and is always beating the crap out of others.

Guys like James Bond, or any other government spy, trained killer type.

Imaginary People

But remember, these are characters, invented by writers, who are usually NOT the alpha type.

One way to check and see what an alpha is like is to reverse engineer society.


Take a look at all the past societies, and just see not only who’s calling the shots, but who’s getting most of the women.

Hidden In Plain Sight

Now, in our own current society, this can be tough, because they guys that are REALLY calling the shots, the most ULTRA alphas, are usually behind the scenes. And it’s tough to tell who’s getting all the ladies, because they tend to keep this on the down low as well.

But if you could imagine such people, they wouldn’t be like the “in your face” alphas from the movies.

Consider primitive societies. These are helpful because the triggers that cause attraction in women are ancient, and change very, very slowly (like thousands of years slowly), so the guys that are in charge of primitive type societies possess the traits that would still woo women today in your local bar.

And what type of qualities are those?

Spin A Good Yarn

When anthropologists started studying these types of things, they were surprised that one trait these guys had was the ability to talk a good game.

Not politician-style, but to weave colorful and emotionally rich stories, and literally captivate all those around him.

The two things that separates humans from all the other animals is our brains, and our ability to use rich language.

Work On Your Campfire Skills

So it stands to reason that mastering these two skills, have a powerful brain, and powerful language skills, is much more crucial to success (both with women and with life) that having a six pack or wearing the right cologne.

This FANTASTIC news. Because while all those other guys are trying to posture with their corny openers and fake “alpha-ness” you’ll be boosting your REAL skills.

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One Skill To Rule Them All

Super Skills For Super Brains

Parachute Or Row Boat?

There’s lots of mind experiments where you are going to some imaginary place and you’ve got to choose from a collection of tools.

These are similar to those psychology questions, where you’re in a boat with a dog and your best friend, or some other combination, and you’ve got to decide who lives and who gets thrown overboard.

What Does That Really Mean?

Psychologists love these types of questions, because they supposedly give insight into your personality or something.

But in reality, those situations rarely present themselves. You never will find yourself in a life raft with the Pope and Einstein and only enough food for two people.

But you WILL find yourself in your day to day life, being faced with decisions and choices that are much more subtle, and potentially much more life-alterning than any philosophical discussion.

Like should I choose “this” job, or choose “that” job?

Should I keep trying this particular project, even though it hasn’t shown any progress, or should I ditch it and start something else?

Should I Stay Or Should I Go

Should I go over and talk to that person, who seems interesting for some reason, or should I stay here where it’s safe?

What makes these decisions potentially difficult is the only person who notices them is YOU.

Meaning nobody is standing there, clearly specifying everything and all the parameters.

All You Baby

In fact, most of the time, there ARE no parameters. There’s only YOU, your world around you, and YOUR decisions.

The truth is that how you operate within the world on a day to day basis will have a HUGE impact on the quality of your life.

Most people are TERRIFIED to admit this, as we humans are prone to point fingers at anybody except ourselves.

But once you accept this fact of life, you’ll gain an incredible amount of power.

Risk Is Safety

And you’ll realize that no matter what you’ve accomplished, no matter what you want to accomplish, you can get more, get better, and improve almost any aspect of your life.

Once you give up the false security of dependency, you can REALLY embrace your own power.

Of course, the most powerful resource you have is your brain. Your thinking, creativity, and perception, so you can look at the world around you, and see all of the opportunities that are just waiting for you to take advantage of them.

The more you can utilize your incredible brain, the more you’ll succeed.

The sooner you start, the more you’ll get.

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Understand Female Language For Easier Attraction

What's The Secret Of Attraction?

Mars and Venus?

Men and women speak different languages.

Men generally say what’s on their minds, more or less. Sometimes we beat around the bush a bit, but with just a slight bit of focus, it’s not to difficult to figure out what we’re on about.

Women, on the other hand, can sometimes speak in pure riddles. At least to men, anyhow.

It’s not very politically correct to say this, but men and women are simply built differently.

Dual Minds vs. Single Brain

Brain scans show that women have much more connections between their brain hemispheres.

Women seem to be much better at communicating, and multitasking. Us men are more single minded.

Hunters and Gatherers

From an evolutionary standpoint, this makes sense. Men got together on a daily basis, and went hunting. Not much need for chit chat. Women, on the other hand, stayed together, watched the kids, and gathered all the nuts and veggies and other grubs.

So women developed an ability to not only talk about a bunch of different things at once, but to talk on many different levels at once.

(Men, on the other hand, only needed to say things like, “Hey! Look! A Zebra! Let’s kill it!”)

Reason For Gossip?

Scientists theorize one of the crucial elements in that “stay at home” chit chat was gossip. Men climbed the social and status ladder with their hunting skills, which is mainly physical. Women climbed the social and status ladder with their speaking skills.

What does this mean for seduction?

Hey Baby, Let’s Bang!

It means you’d better not expect her to speak like a guy! It also means you’d better learn to read between the lines, learn what she’s REALLY saying, and be brave enough to make some moves to find out.

I know it happens in the movies a lot, but she will rarely say ANYTHING related to seduction (like “kiss me,” or “aren’t you going to ask for my number?” or “would you like to take me home?”)

Sure, it DOES happen, but if part of your strategy is to wait for it to happen, you’re going to be waiting a long time.

So what do you do instead?

Social Intelligence To The Rescue

Build up your social and conversational intelligence. Trust your instincts. She may indeed be saying, “Do you want to take me home?” But she’s not using words. She’s using body language, facial expression and the subtext of her conversation.

When you’re gut says she’s asking you to kiss her, try some kino and see how she responds, this will usually tell you everything you need to know.

To significantly boost your social intelligence so you can see those signals she’s ALWAYS sending, check this out:

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Read Between The Lines of Life For Consistent Success

Understanding and Success

What Does Intelligence Really Mean?

When most people think of intelligence, they imagine things like doing huge math sums in their heads, or understanding the secrets of relativity or something.

But as I’m sure you know, intelligence is much more than knowing a bunch of facts and figures.

Up until not too long ago, when somebody was considered “smart,” it just meant they were good at math or remembering dates.

All Kinds of Intelligence

But as we’ve learned, there are many, many intelligences. Music, art, creative, social, emotional, and many, many more.

We all know about the stereotypical genius professor who always wears mismatched socks, or the genius-criminal who hides out in the mountains hiding from the cops.

These are just movie caricatures. They aren’t real.

For example, take social intelligence. Being able to look into a room, and quickly understand the body language, facial expressions and other micromovements of everybody is an incredibly useful skill.

For one, you can know who’s in love with whom, who’s chasing whom, and who’s angry at whom.

Poker players are exceptionally good at this. In high stakes poker, part of their skill is in HIDING all their emotions from each other, so they can’t be read. As they say in poker, you don’t play the cards, you play the person.

Another example is emotional intelligence. Understanding people, why they do things, what they really mean when they say certain things, and why they are afraid of saying other things is also crucially important in life.

Make Everything Easier

Work relationships, romantic relationships, and friendships are ALL made much easier and much more fulfilling when you’ve got a handle on the always changing emotional state of both you and whomever you’re involved with.

When you can be the person who really, really “gets” other people, you’ll always be a welcome sight.

Building a powerful brain is much, much more important than most people realize.

It is truly the master key to better relationships, better income and a deeper understanding of the world around you.

The good news is that no matter WHAT kind of brain you’ve got, you can do some simple exercises to quickly build it up into a powerhouse of understanding.

In just a few minutes a day, you can start reading between the lines of life, and find the depth of wonder within.

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Secrets For A Powerful Frame And Mad Game

Win Friends and Influence Girls to Desire You

We Know It’s Important

Most guys understand the necessity of “frame control.”

This simply means to hold on to your intention, your outcome, regardless of what happens.

When you approach anybody (girl or not) and you somehow ditch YOUR outcome and start to help THEM get THEIR outcome, you’ve lost the frame.

Sadly, most guys don’t have a strong frame, or ANY frame to begin with. They walk over, and their only REAL intention is to not get rejected.

Well, if you sit there and NOT approach, you’re NOT going to get rejected!

The Goldilocks Approach

On the other hand, if you set too strong of an intention, it’s going to be tough, and you’re going to need some SUPER HUMAN frame skills to get it done.

Let’s assume that you’re intention is to get laid, that night, by the girl you’re approaching. Now, this may sound good when you say it out loud, and it may make you seem like a super dooper alpha to your buddies, but it’s not usually a good idea (unless you’re some kind of rock star).

I know there are some that claim with strong enough “game” you can seduce ANYBODY.

Ditch The Myths

And, to an extent, that’s true. That WILL require that you be super rich, super famous, and have a HUGE posse of ultra hot women as your wing-ladies.

But most mortal men don’t have such a strong “game.”

Which means if you’re intention is to get laid, you’re going to NOT achieve your outcome quite often.

Which means you’ll be building up a LOT of experience in LOSING YOUR FRAME.

Remember, the most important thing is to develop a strong frame.

Underlying Secrets Of Success

This, more than anything else, will help you get whatever you want in life.

So, instead of holding an intention of getting laid, choose something easier. In metaphysics, they teach people to add “or better” to their affirmations or intentions. So if you were to say “I want a job earning 50K a year,” a better way would be “I want a job earning 50K a year or better.”

With setting a frame, the same rule applies.

Hold the intention of getting a nice smile, some nice eye contact, OR BETTER.

Slow And Steady Wins Any Race

You MUST consider it a WIN if you get a nice smile and some eye contact.

Do this, achieve your outcome, and you will definitely build up a MASSIVELY STRONG frame in a hurry.

This will not only KILL anxiety, but it will make you much, much more attractive.

Girls will look at you and you will radiate the energy of a guy who gets what he wants.

One thing that will help dramatically is increasing your social intelligence, so you’ll be able to read the situation much easier.

This will give YOU a set of skills most guys don’t even know exists.

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How Make Your Brain More Flexible For Super Sonic Genius

Mad Genius

The Human Advantage

One of the reasons that humans have come so far is our flexibility.

For starters, evolutionary scientists believe that it was our sexual division of labor that gave us a head start.

If you look at every other mammal, both males and females collect the same type of food in the same type of way.

But humans were different. The males started hunting, looking for protein. The females started gathering, looking for roots, nuts, etc. Looking for vitamins, fiber, carbs, etc.

Diversity Is Strength

This meant they could live in twice as many places. If humans ONLY were able to eat meat, we would have been stuck living wherever animals lived. But since we could survive a while without either meat or fiber and vitamins, etc, we could live pretty much anywhere.

Then we figured out how to make clothes. This gave us even more flexibility. Super hot places, super cold places, super high places, there weren’t too many places on Earth where humans could live.

Clearly, our flexibility is a HUGE advantage.

On an individual level, flexibility is also a HUGE advantage. Everybody’s got desires, wants and needs.

Be Flexible With Flexibility

But those who can fulfill those desires in many different ways have a MUCH better chance of getting them fulfilled, MUCH quicker. If you’ve only got one or two ways to get what you want, and you get shut down, there’s not much you can do.

But if you’ve got a TON of different ideas to get what you want, no matter WHAT happens, you’ll always be getting closer. You’ll always be satisfying your desires, and then creating even bigger ones.

Choose Your Life

That’s when you REALLY start to feel “on purpose.” You WON’T be at the mercy of others, you’ll be in complete control. This doesn’t mean you will be in complete control over the reality around you, but you’ll be in complete control over your own destiny, since you’ve got a clear target, and you’ve got PLENTY of ways to get there.

Unfortunately, most of us have this flexibility hammered out of us when we finish school. Usually it’s gone by the time we finish junior high school.

Luckily, there’s an easy way to get it back. Before long, you’ll be back on track, looking at those HUGE desires, wants and needs with a positive expectation that few people EVER feel.

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Simple Step By Step Destruction of Approach Anxiety

Eject Rejection Fear

Can You Easily Approach Her?

See that girl over there, the hot one? The one’s that’s been giving you those subtle IOI’s?

What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when you think about walking over and talking to her?

If you’re a normal guy, you’ve got a mixture of fear, anxiety, positive expectation, and lust.

Fill In The Blanks

Those are all healthy and safe emotions and feelings. Since you haven’t talked to her yet, and don’t know ANYTHING about her, all you can feel at this point is physical attraction, which IS a mild form of lust.

But since you don’t know what’s going to happen, you imagine a potential negative outcome. She may laugh, tell her friends what a goof you are, throw her drink in your face, kick you in the nuts, who knows.

Your brain is hard wired to feel fear in uncertain situations. We may have had ancestors way back when who DIDN’T automatically feel fear, but they all got eaten by tigers.

Fear Is Helpful – Sometimes

Those that AUTOMATICALLY felt fear, and ran away EVEN WHEN IT WAS SAFE, lived to fight another day.

Of course, if ALL you feel is fear, you wouldn’t even be thinking of approaching in the first place.

It would be like being at the zoo, and SERIOUSLY considering jumping into a cage of lions and having a chat about world politics or something. The thought of approaching a lion or a tiger doesn’t even cross your mind.

So when you’re standing there, with competing feelings of lust AND fear, that is totally normal.

Beware Of Fearless Gurus

Guys who say they’re afraid of approaching are lying. They may not feel fear on a conscious level, but it’s there.

The trick is that by approaching right away, WITHOUT thinking, you don’t give fear a chance to bubble up in your brain.

The biggest destroyer of FEAR is action.

Luckily, you can practice this WITHOUT actually talking to her, if you’re not ready. Just get in the habit of taking SOME KIND OF ACTION the moment you feel attraction. Walk over to the other side of the room. Walk past her to the restroom. Do ANYTHING other than sit there and wonder what’s going to happen.

Build Different Neural Pathways

What you’ll be doing is building in a DIFFERENT response to attraction than one you may currently have. Most guys feel attraction, wonder what to say, feel a bunch of mixed emotions, then either NOT approach, or approach with a huge ball of anxiety right behind them.

But when you start approaching, or taking ANY action, AS SOON AS that attraction shows up, you’ll soon nip fear in the bud. And pretty soon each approach will be closer and closer to the real thing.

The truth is that your brain is an amazing device. Learning how to operate it will help you get a lot more of what you want in life.

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Your HUGE Upside Potential

You'r So Money!

Flip Fear Around

Most people, when coming up against risk and possible failure, ask themselves the question, “What if it doesn’t work?”

Meaning they focus on the potential negative outcome. Which of course increases the chance of it happening. This is similar to the thinking in NLP to “not use a negative.”

If you tell a kid to NOT do something, they’ll do it. Since “not” is an abstract concept, if somebody tells you to NOT cross the street against the red light, you’ll HAVE to imagine yourself crossing the street against the red light.

The Can’t Process A Negative Myth

Of course, like any other quick and easy saying, this doesn’t always hold true. If I told you NOT to jump into the piranha tank at the zoo, you’d have to picture yourself jumping in, getting eaten, and then come back to me with a, “Yea, no kidding, genius!”

So in a sense, when we’re trying something when the outcome is uncertain, we’re kind of telling ourselves, on an unconscious level, to NOT fail. Then of course, we imagine failing. Which is the same as asking ourselves, “What if it doesn’t work?”

But as somebody famously said, the quality of your life is based on the qualify of the questions you ask yourself.

Flip Your Questions Around

Once you train yourself to ask yourself, “What if it DOES work?” Then instead of feeling fear and anxiety in face of those uncertain situations, you’ll be thinking of all the cool stuff that will happen when you do succeed.

While you may not succeed in that particular instance, you WILL succeed eventually, if you KEEP taking action, and you KEEP asking yourself those positive questions.

Right Questions Yield More Answers

The thing about asking yourself those positive questions is you’ll get a LOT more answers. If you fail, there’s only a few things that will happen.

(For those of you into trading, it’s kind of like the difference between shorting a stock and going long. If you short, you can only make so much. But if you go long, you can hang on for YEARS and make a fortune.)

But if you succeed, the sky’s the limit. There’s literally no telling what will happen once you succeed.

One success leads to another, which leads to another, which leads to more creative ideas and creative action.

Magic Generating Creativity

This is what happens when you open up the TRUE creative genius in your mind. Not just higher intelligence, or a better memory, or passing all your tests with flying colors (AND a good night’s sleep) but the massive creativity that WILL make life magic.

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How To Quickly and Easily Maximize Her Desire For You

Create Female Desire and Attraction

Emotions Are The Path To Desire

A great way to build up massive attraction in a woman is to move her emotions around.

And a great way to do that is to tell a bunch of stories, that have several different emotional “themes.”

The cool thing about this is the stories don’t have to be epic sagas of the time you road a rowboat across the Atlantic. They can be simple stories of how you found a frog in your bedroom when you were a kid, or how you accidentally forgot your belt and your pants fell down when you stood up to give a speech in sixth grade.

How To Mix It Up

To make it even better, and create even more attraction, don’t start and finish a story in one go.

Start one, get to the good part, then switch, and start another story.

In NLP this is called “nested loops,” and they are very powerful for helping people overcome complex problems.

If you’re using the for this reason (helping people overcome problems) you have to use great care in moving them through the RIGHT emotions in the RIGHT order. Meaning you’ve got to talk to them (the patients) find out EXACTLY what kind of emotions they start with, and what their own personal “emotional chain” is from the “trigger” to the “problem.” And then tell just the right stories in just the right order to “reprogram” their “emotional chain.”

Randomness Is Perfect

But when talking to girls, it’s a LOT easier. It doesn’t matter WHAT emotions and in WHAT order, just so long as you move her through a bunch of different ones.

She’ll talk to all those other clowns, and have maybe one or two, “tame” emotions.

She’ll See You As Different

But she’ll talk to YOU, and feel happy, excited, scared, anxious, relieved, surprised, all within the conversation. Because you’ll be using YOUR stories from YOUR own history to move HER emotions.

Now, this can seem pretty difficult if you’ve never done this before, but it IS pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

You’ve just got to develop the conversational flexibility to jump from thread to thread, and REMEMBER where you left off, so you can go pick up where you left off, start a new one, etc.

To learn how, and develop incredible amounts of social intelligence, check this out:

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How To Never Forget Names Again And Supercharge Your Long Term Memory

How To Remember Names

What’s In A Name?

Why can’t you remember names?

Most of us have trouble with names. Why is that?

Memory is a funny thing. Most of us think we’ve got pretty good memories, meaning we think things happened the way we remember them.

Unfortunately, that’s rarely the case. Prosecutors KNOW that if ALL they’ve got is eyewitness testimony, they don’t have much.

Our Brains Are Squishy

They even did a study where they had some “robber” run in and “steal” a professor’s laptop, right in the middle of the lecture. It was all planned, just to see how much the students would remember.

You’d think the students would be able to remember the situation pretty clearly right? After all, they were looking RIGHT AT where the event happened, when it happened, with focused attention.

But when they were polled, their description of events were all over the place. His clothes, his race, his gender, everybody had a different story.

What’s going on?

A Little Effort On The Front End Goes A Long Way

The trick with memory is not in how you “find” the memories you’re looking for, but how you “store” the information in the first place.

Remember, your subconscious is getting hit with millions of bits of information per second. Unless you put special emphasis on any particular piece of data that goes in (like somebody’s name) your subconscious is going to throw it in long term storage with the rest of the “noise.”

But when you store it correctly, you can easily retrieve it. And not just names, everything.

Remember Anything You Want

Dates, recipes, birthdays, combinations, even complicated material for tests, or bullet points for your next speech.

The truth is that your brain is an incredible device that the world’s top scientists are only just beginning to understand.

When you learn to use it correctly, you’ll not only impress all your friends with your amazing memory, but you’ll unlock other massive powers that others don’t even know exist.

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