Category Archives: Charisma

The Secret Sauce Of Life

Reality Is Under Your Control

Can You Shape Reality?

There are many ways to create your reality in a literal way.

You could operate on the physical world, changing raw materials into something more complicated. Take some seeds, grow some plants, and further transform them into a cherry pie, for example.

Combine your skills, knowledge and patience with the powers of the Earth, and you’ve effectively turned a handful of seeds into something much, much better.

Or you could interact with others in a certain way. If you’re lonely, for example, you can learn to be more outgoing, learn to talk to others about their interests instead of yours, and pretty soon you’ll find yourself surrounded by people who enjoy being with you.

You can even transform your own body. If you look at yourself in the mirror and don’t like what you see, you can take steps to change it. More muscles, less fat, whatever. 

The truth is that “reality” is much more flexible than most people realize. It’s easy to feel like we’re victims of reality when we’re really just victims of our own inaction or ineffective action. Most people avoid thinking like this.

One of the crucial things to understand about “reality” is that the meaning is VERY flexible.

What Will You Create?

Hunters vs. Farmers

Imagine two tribes of ancient humans, who both discovered seeds. The MEANING they gave to these seeds was crucial to how they used them. 

One tribe planted them, the other tribe ate them.

Every single time we interact with the world, what we’re really doing is interacting with our own MEANING and INTERPRETATION of the world.

The things people say to us. The way people respond to us. Even the results we get.

The idea that anything can pretty much MEAN anything is incredibly liberating. It frees us from feeling as if we are victims of reality, and instead makes us feel like engineers of reality.

One crucial, but often overlooked skill, is not only the meaning you choose for your particular reality, but how strongly you HOLD that meaning.

Those that can not only choose a supportive meaning, but HOLD to it regardless of what happens are the people who make things happen.

Because so few people are even aware of this skill, once you develop it, you will have an incredible advantage. 

How you use that advantage, of course, is up to you.

To learn how, check this out:

Frame Control

Unleash Your Inner Hero

This Is You

Your Life Is A Hero’s Journey

I love watching movies.

Anybody that knows me well knows I spent a good deal of time in movie theaters.

Being somebody who loves hypnosis, movies are the perfect trance generator.

The conscious critic is knocked out, and you’re taken for a nice ride.

Stories have been part of human life since we learned to talk. Maybe even before, as some of those ancient cave paintings may have been around before humans developed any kind of recognizable grammar.

It seems out  minds are hard wired to relax into a good story. Evolutionary psychologists tell us this folded in neatly with our huge learning ability. 

Listening to some old, experience member of the tribe tell a fascinating story was a much better vehicle to deliver essential truths about life than to simply pass dry information.

By following along to stories, rather than some dry lecture, early humans could “own” the knowledge. By paying close attention to the story, they would “see themselves” in the roles of the main characters, and appreciate the deeper meanings.

Get In The Game Of Life And Conquer Your Fears!

All Blockbusters Tell Your Tale

Many stories and movies today have the same structure. Most blockbusters, despite being filled with zillion dollar special effects, generally tell what’s known as the “Hero’s Journey.”

Meaning they’re about some normal guy or girl put into an “un-normal” situation, generally without much choice. Then this normal guy or girl has to dig deep and respond to the situation. Usually there’s some bad guy, and usually the hero has to develop skills, relationships, and sometimes use a “magical” tool.

Why are these stories so compelling?

Because all of us experience the same thing. We all feel we are living lives without really living life.

We are kind of going through the motions, without feeling we are living up to our potential.

We KNOW we are missing something. That common theme, the “Hero’s Journey” is a welcome reminder that we are MUCH MORE than we think we are.

YOU, are much more than you think you are.

You were meant for greatness. Not to get by. Not to make enough to pay the bills and save a little. Not to spend your free time wasting away in front of the TV.

You were put here to set your sights on something HUGE. You were put here to ACHIEVE something huge.

In your life, YOU are the hero.

Are you ready to begin your journey?

Get Started:

Mind Persuasion

Are You Deceiving Yourself?

The Easiest Person To Lie to Is Yourself

Why Self Deception Is Hard To See

What’s the difference between real effort and pretend effort?

Most of us engage ourselves in pretend effort, not real effort.

I know, sounds harsh, but it’s very common, and very hard to see in yourself.

If you can, you’ll be miles ahead of everybody else.

One reason it’s hard is because it “feels” the same.

For example, let’s say you just joined some business group. And you’ve got to find ten live customers in order to meet your income objectives for the month. (Just an example, feel free to fill in your own information based on your own life).

Now, actually walking outside in the harsh unforgiving world, walking up and talking to strangers, giving a quick pitch about your business, and then handing them your business card and asking them for their contact information can be pretty darn terrifying.

So instead of doing that, you go to the bookstore. You buy a couple books on marketing and communication. You buy yourself a large cup of coffee and plant yourself in your favorite coffee shop.

Sure, it takes effort to read that material, take notes, and work through it.

But is it REAL effort? Not really.

How can you tell the difference?

Taking Risks Is The Only Way To Achieve Mad Success

No Risk Means Fake Action

Because REAL effort involves risk. Real effort will ALWAYS involve risk.


Because NOBODY can predict the future. NOBODY can predict how other people will behave.

So whenever you take ANY action (especially action that involves other people) there’s really no telling what’s going to happen. Something good may happen, something bad may happen.

Since most of us are terrified of something bad happening, we minimize risk.

Buying a bunch of books and studying them certainly reduces risks. But will it get you what you want?

Not likely. At least not on their own. 

The ONLY thing that will get you closer to what you want, is doing something when you DON’T KNOW what’s going to happen.

At least the first time. The beauty of this is when you get into the habit of taking risks, you WILL find some things that don’t work.

And believe me, nothing sucks more than thinking something is going to work fantastically, only to have it fizzle and burn.

But guess what?

Sure, some things will suck. But many things won’t. In fact, many things will work MUCH BETTER than you’d hoped.

But you’ll never know until you get into the habit of taking action. Risky action. Scary action.

When you accept both the good AND the bad, which means you FULLY EMBRACE all feedback, you simply cannot fail. The more action you take, the more successes you’ll create.

Like a law of nature.

Learn the inside scoop:

Mind Persuasion

Common Law of Attraction Myths

Law of Attraction

Is The Law Of Attraction A Big Con?

Most people have got the wrong idea about the “Law of Attraction.”

In fact, while the name is a good approximation for what’s really going on, it’s largely misunderstood.

To begin with, anything we use to describe not only the vastly complex reality that surrounds us but also the incredibly complicated thought processes within our own minds, is going to be limited.

Any kind of simple metaphor to describe our existence is necessarily going to leave a LOT out.

Everything Is Only An Approximation

As they say in NLP, “the map is not the territory.” Meaning any map or description you’ve got (like the Law of Attraction) is NOT what it is describing.

For example, every single thought you have is dependent on most thoughts you’ve already had. And every thought you’ve had in the past is based on your interpretation of what was happening around you.

Something happens, you give some meaning to it, file it away, and merrily go on your way.

Every time something happens again, your brain will sort through your memory and come up with similar experiences. And those similar experiences will include all of the meanings you’ve given to situations in your past.

Meaning Is Always In Flux

Which means every time you gain a new understanding of what’s going on, you’ll automatically update all your past experiences.

This sounds very confusing, and it is. Your mind is WAY more complicated than ANY scientist has been able to explain.

Yet we latch on to ideas like, “If you vibrate at a certain frequency, you’ll attract things with that same frequency.”

On one hand, that’s true. But on the other hand, it’s MUCH more complicated.

The example that’s often given is two pianos in a large room. You bang on one middle C, and the other middle C will start vibrating.

However, pianos don’t have memories, opinions, desires, or internal conflicts. They follow a pretty simple set of rules from physics.

AND they just sit there and vibrate. They don’t get up and start walking towards each other.

What if your desire was the same way? What if when you vibrated at a certain frequency, and you caused what you wanted to vibrate at that same frequency, you AND that which you desired just sat there, like those two pianos?

You might come to the false conclusion that the “Law of Attraction” was some kind of myth.

Action is Everything

But what happens when you understand that it requires ACTION on your part?

Getting everything vibrating is just the beginning. You’ve still got to get out into the world and make it happen.

Luckily, when you combine “Right Thinking,” (the thinking that creates the vibration) and “Right Action” (the easy steps to meet your desire out in the world) anything’s possible.

Learn More:

The Myth Of Male Beauty

Looks Don't Matter

Looks Really Don’t Matter

There’s is always going to be the never ending debate of looks vs. game.

If you’re a guy, you’ve likely heard that looks are very important. That if you don’t have a six pack, or you don’t have perfect teeth, or you aren’t perfectly symmetrical in the face, you don’t have a chance.

This is common for a reason. Because it takes the pressure off you. Think about it, if it WERE true (don’t worry, it’s not) that girls go primarily for looks, then getting shot down wouldn’t be much of a problem.

See, if looks WERE so important to girls, she either likes you or she doesn’t. You can’t change much.

Since the dawn of time, the easiest excuses humans have EVER MADE is “it’s not my fault!”

Forget The GQ Persona

So if you believe women go for looks, you can even stay home. You don’t have to go out and try. Sure it sucks, but it’s not your fault, right? You don’t have those super model looks so you don’t have a chance, right? Sure, if you were good looking, you’d be banging hotties right and left, right? But since you’re not, it’s back to the video games.

Luckily, this is all absolute bunk. Sure, all things being equal (meaning same wealth, same game, same personality, same sense of humor, same college degree, etc) a girl will choose a better looking guy over a not so good looking guy.

But things are NEVER equal. Most guys have TERRIBLE game.

Think about this:

Which do you think a girl would dream about at night, some super hot super model that has a beta little boy clingy personality, or some short fat bald guy that can easily talk her into having wonderful emotions that NOBODY else can make her feel?

Voltaire knew the answer to this. He said, “Give me give minutes to talk away my ugly face and I’ll bed the queen of France.”

Language Is The Secret

When talking to, and creating massive attraction in girls, language is your absolute best weapon.

Ever wonder such horribly butt-ugly politicians get such massive power? Because they can talk a good game.

Any halfway decent politician gets pinned down during an interview, and they can out-frame like nobody’s business.

If you can do that with a girls, she’ll be looking at you with throbbing hearts in her eyes.

Luckily, no matter who you are, what you’ve done, or what your experience is, you can learn.

And when you DO learn, you’ll have skills that most guys don’t know exist.

Get Some:

How To Get Her Begging For You

Secrets Of Powerful Seduction

Your Greatest Weapon

Your mind is a very, very powerful tool.

There’s been a lot of experiments that pretty much PROVE that in some cases, mental practice is just as good as real world practice.

Of course, when talking to pretty girls, every single situation is going to be different. Even if you’re in a happy relationship, every single conversation is going to be different. Pretty much any time you open your mouth, you really have NO idea how she is going to respond.

For those of you who’ve been in relationships for a long while, you know that after a period of time you can pretty much guess HOW they’ll respond in certain situations.

But what about girls you’ve never met before?

First Impressions Are Crucial

One of the biggest problems guys have is knowing what to say in those first few minutes. After the ice is broken, and there’s plenty of rapport, it does get easier, for some at least. There’s also guys that can start conversations like nobody’s business, but when it comes time to close, they trip over their own feet.

This is a way that will significantly improve your progress in ANY stage of the game.

The first step is to go out and get some kind of result. Doesn’t matter what. Just do what’s comfortable for you. Smile and say “hi,” introduce yourself, ask her to marry you, whatever.

Only For Practice

The purpose of this exercise is NOT to succeed. It’s to simply get ANY RESULT.

Then later than day, you take that result you got, whatever it was, and think about it. Think about one small thing you COULD have done better. Then imagine what would have likely happened, if you DID that small thing.

Then imagine the situation, rewritten with your NEW BEHAVIOR, and her NEW RESPONSE. Spend about five minutes playing this new movie over again and again in your mind.

Build On Experience

THIS is the kind of mental exercise that will literally SKYROCKET your improvement. You’ll be mixing real world events with imagined outcomes, giving you the best of both worlds.

Here’s another cool thing. If you do this for a week or two, pretty soon you’ll see every opportunity as a chance to IMPROVE your game, rather than a life or death seduction situation.

And when you start to FEEL yourself getting better, there will be no stopping you.

To make it even better, when you learn the powerful language patterns of covert hypnosis and influence, and incorporate these into your daily mental practice, you will become a natural in no time.

You’ll be quickly talking to girls in a way that will have them BEGGING you to take them.

Real world experience, mental practice, and language technology.

Get Yours:

Easy 4 Step Pickup Process

Get Lucky

Ancient Seduction Secrets

Some of the most POWERFUL persuasion skills have been around a long, long time.

Take pacing and leading, for example.

This is pretty well understood concept.

When you start a conversation with somebody, you want to create rapport. The easiest way to create rapport is to simply pace their environment. Move like they move. Talk like they talk. Breath like they breath.

The idea is to get them thinking, on a deep subconscious level, “Hey, this guy is just like me.”

Not consciously, mind you, but unconsciously. When their unconscious notices that you two are very similar, it will come across to them as a feeling of comfort, of trust, and decrease any worry or anxiety.

Once they are sufficiently in rapport (there’s plenty of easy and sneaky ways to check) you start leading.

They’re On Board

Meaning you change your behavior, and watch them follow. Again, there’s some pretty sneaky and easy ways to do this.

Now, some people think this is some kind of new idea that’s only come up in the last couple decades.

But if you read some of the letters of St. Paul (in the Christian New Testament) these are some VERY persuasive SALES LETTERS. Many of which are FILLED with pacing-leading language.

Those Old Dudes Knew What Was Up

The fact that these simple concepts have been around for so long are a testament to how well they work.

Doesn’t matter if you’re talking to kids, your wife, your girlfriend, or some girl you’ve just met.

If you take the time to pace, and the slowly start to lead, and the VERIFY that they are following, EVERYTHING will go much smoother.

Even if that’s ALL YOU DID, and then walked away without even number closing, she wouldn’t be able to get her mind off you.

She’d think of YOU as that really interesting guy she had a DEEP CONNECTION with.

Of course, you don’t HAVE to walk away, you can keep talking to her.

Because once you’ve got her attention, so to speak. You can move on to the next two levels.

What are they?

Feelings Baby

Simply put, all you’ve got to do is elicit all those wonderful feelings that she already has, for her own reasons, and then attach them to you.

If you take your time to create rapport, and slowly lead, and then VERIFY she’s following before you move on to the next level, you’ll be AMAZED how easy it is, and how well it works.

In fact, you’ve got to be careful. Because you CAN create some pretty powerful feelings of deep emotional and sexual attraction in a very short amount of time.

Which is why you NEED to be sure that’s what you really want.

To learn how, check this out:

How To Conjure Female Desire

Get Her Interested In You

Magical Attraction

The filters you carry in your mind will shape the world you see.

Most people have an idea of “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

But in reality, it’s the opposite. You’ll see it when you believe it.

Naturally, this isn’t magic. This is based on biology, and physical reality. However, there are, according to neural scientists, about 200,000 TIMES as many things going on around us at all times than our conscious minds can pick out.

It’s All Science

Now, these aren’t things like alien lizards hanging out behind us. These are things like girls checking us out. All of the micro body language, eye contact, breathing patterns, facial expressions and eye dilations are there. We just don’t notice them.

In fact, if you had some super human brain that actually COULD see everything, you’d be able to see the attraction level of every single girl within 50 feet.

Because attraction isn’t a choice, the natural physiological response to attraction aren’t a choice either.

Rude Language Ahead

Here’s a VERY CRUDE example. If a super hot porn star showed up to where you are RIGHT NOW and started rubbing your crotch, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to NOT get an erection.

Similarly, when girls are out and about, it is IMPOSSIBLE for their bodies not to respond to guys they find interesting.

I’m talking about body language, facial expressions, and all those micro IOI’s that most people don’t even know exist.

But What About Metaphysics?

So back to that metaphysical statement. If you believe you suck with women, and women aren’t into you, you’re basically telling your subconscious to IGNORE all the signs that women ARE into you.

However, if you TRULY BELIEVE that all girls want to jump on your johnson, you WILL start seeing signs of attraction.

Now, here’s the BEST PART. Simply believing that girls are into you will change YOUR body language, facial expressions, how long you hold eye contact, and the very way you move through the world.

And THIS will actually INCREASE the amount of attraction for you out there.

Get In The Mix

The truth about human nature, human interaction and especially SEXUAL interaction is that it’s all based on feedback loops and endless interdependent variables.

But if you try to get a handle on all of that stuff consciously, you’ll go crazy.

A better way is to simply trust your unconscious. Go with the glow. Merge with reality around you to create and take what you want.

Learn More:

The Paradox Of Seduction Outcome

Seduction Gold

This Side – That Side

If you remember all of your experiences with girls, you can separate them into two different categories.

Those that went really well, and those that didn’t.

And if you study the situations that turned out pretty good, and compare them to the ones that didn’t, you might find a familiar pattern among both of them.

Usually the ones that didn’t work out have something in common. Namely that you were trying to hard. Too much in your head, too worried about what she said, and how you should or shouldn’t respond.

But if you look at all the situations that turned out pretty good, you’ll also find some common ground. You were in the moment. You didn’t worry so much about outcome, you just spit out whatever was on your mind, and it worked.

Dual Induction Feelings

You felt it, and she felt it. You were in the moment, naturally riffing off each other’s energy and attraction for one another. That magical connection where you both just “clicked” with each other.

It’s hard to “manufacture” this feeling, this situation. The trouble with trying to pick up girls, is it’s like shining a spotlight on something that should better be left unnoticed.

One of the hallmarks of attraction (which you no is NEVER a choice) is that it just “happens.”

Hit And Stay Emotions

It’s like getting hungry or feeling like watching a certain movie. You can’t make yourself hungry. And it’s pretty hard to make a girl like you, especially if you’re operating from a conscious level of communication.

It’s like staring at a pot of water and trying to force it, through sheer willpower, to boil.

But when you simply turn on a little heat, and forget about it, it will boil all on it’s own.

Guys are naturally attracted to girls, and girls are naturally attracted to guys. The prime directive for EVERY guy on earth is to find the right girl. The prime directive for every girl is to find the right guy.

Just Like That Cooker On TV

This means that once you’ve got your sights set on a girl, and you’ve got a good idea in mind of what you want (her name, her number, a roll in the hay, whatever), the BEST strategy is to set that intention, and then forget about it.

Just walk over her, relax, and enjoy her, and let her enjoy you. Let nature take it’s course.

Allow that magical border between conscious and unconscious to show itself, and create for you a magical outcome of seduction and attraction.

Learn More:

Future Pace Yourself Into Her Dreams

Time Travel Seduction

Time Travel Seduction

Most guys who don’t make a lot of money think this will keep them from getting the girls they want.

This is absolutely FALSE.

Now, I know there ARE plenty of women out there who are clearly focused on getting somebody with a lot of disposable income, but we aren’t talking about those girls.

We’re talking about normal girls, looking for normal relationships, with normal guys.

Forget Mainstream Nonsense

I know there’s a lot of gloom and doom about the current male-female dynamics, but there’s ALWAYS gloom and doom about pretty much anything. If you went back in time 500 years, you wouldn’t have to look far to find people complaining that the world was falling apart.

So, how do you get a girl if you’ve got a lousy job, or NO job?

First, forget about trying to impress girls with who you are.

Instead, show them who you are BECOMING.

And let THEM decide if they want to tag along or not. This attitude alone will put you miles ahead of every else out there.

How, specifically, do you show them?

Be A Man With A Plan

First, you’ll actually need to come up with a REAL PLAN for your life. A plan based on big dreams that are AT LEAST a few years out in the future.

Actually sit down and write your dream job five years from now, if everything pans out. It’s crucial this has to be based on your own actions or behaviors. If you tell her you plan on hitting it big in Vegas, she’ll just laugh and walk away.

But if you tell her your plans to become an architect so you design big buildings around the world, she’ll be impressed.

But ONLY if you’re SERIOUS about your dreams. Don’t make stuff up.

She Wants To Go With You

What will happen is because she’s so used to guys trying to impress her with their NOW situation (which is usually puffed up quite a bit anyway) she’ll be totally blown away when you come across as somebody who’s going places.

She’ll start asking you all kinds of questions, and want to know if you’re the real deal.

And when you start asking her about HER future, and get her talking in terms of HER big dreams, guess what will happen?

You will both be standing there, talking about YOUR FUTURE TOGETHER.

Meaning you’ll be standing there TOGETHER, each talking about your own FUTURES.

And her mind will start to mix them together without her even knowing. Which will leave her feeling as if she met “The One.”

To make sure it happens, be sure to mix in some of these powerful language patterns into YOUR future and HER future.

It will be the glue that binds her emotional (and subsequent sexual) fantasies to YOU.

Learn More: