Tag Archives: fear

Under The Bridge

Become A Treasure Hunter

One of the things we humans crave are secret short cuts.

Plenty of diets are based on “one weird trick.”

I have very old email address that gets tons of spam every day.

And all of them are more or less based on solving age old problems with one new secret idea.

But if you can imagine way back in the day, before humans populated Earth, they also had that desire.

Otherwise they wouldn’t have ended up populating the entire Earth.

Which might suggest that our common desire for that one weird trick is really a MOTIVATIONAL desire.

Something we are meant to always be pursuing.

In a world that is very dangerous, and we have to work HARD to get our needs met, and work HARD to avoid danger, that would be a useful desire.

To always believe that somewhere over the next set of hills is the secret to a happy life.

This provides the pull, and all our daily needs that require daily effort require the push.

Even hero’s journey movies have this desire.

That there HAS to be something OUT THERE better than THIS.

Dorothy, in the Wizard of Oz, sang about Somewhere Over The Rainbow.

That mythical place that is NOT HERE.

Unfortunately, we humans seemed to have kind of boxed ourselves in.

We have SO MUCH STUFF that is easy to get.

And there is VERY LITTLE real danger.

We still have that same desire.

But without the necessary NEGATIVE incentives to keep us going, we only WISH.

That desire doesn’t motivate us like it used to.

So much today is easy, and instant, and effortless.

We think that desire should be easy and effortless as well.

Hence all the “one weird trick” solutions to ALL our problems.

However, if you are brutally honest with yourself, you must admit that there isn’t any secret trick.

Because people keep getting LARGER.

Obesity continues to INCREASE.

If you see health as a proxy for our desires (sex, relationships, careers, finance, etc.) we seem to be going in the OPPOSITE direction.

The more we WISH for an easy solution, the further away we get.

Consider switching how you think about things.

See that desire as not a magnet, that allegedly pulls things to you.

But rather a motivation engine that inspires YOU to move toward THEM.

You are, after all, a nomad.

Nomads are the ones that left Africa thousands of years ago and spread out across the globe.

There is still treasure.

Your job is to find it.

Learn How:

Ego Taming

The Wasteland Of Their Mind

How To Spot The Cheaters

Once a friend of mine asked me to go with her and her sister to buy a car.

They didn’t want to get taken advantage of by a stereotypical car salesman.

Most people don’t like salespeople for this reason.

Especially ones that get paid primarily by commission.

The idea of getting paid pure commission is pretty terrifying for most people.

This is why there is so much turnover in sales.

There is a low entry for of a lot those jobs, since some places hire anybody.

They don’t have to worry about training or anything.

The companies themselves are leveraging the law of numbers.

They figure they’ll hire 100 people a month.

Due to Pareto (the 80-20 rule), 20% will make most of the sales.

The rest will generally quit after a couple of weeks.

The idea of a guaranteed salary, on the other hand, is VERY compelling.

But in a sense, all people “live” by pure commission.

Meaning the quality of the lives we live are based on how we interact with others.

To get “good” results, you need to interact with others in a “good” way.

Most of the time, there’s plenty of overlap.

A win-win type of outcome.

Both people are benefiting.

A “non-zero-sum-game.”

Zero sum games, on the other hand, are interactions where one person benefits at the expense of the other person.

Many argue that it’s a dog eat dog world.

And the name of the game is get whatever you can, and don’t get caught.

If you walked onto a car lot, you would expect to be “sold.”

But most of us don’t want to be sold or taken advantage of when we don’t expect.

Which makes us very vulnerable.

Especially to those who are always on the lookout for any advantage they can get.

To them, all’s fair in love and war.

And the best strategy with that mindset is to not advertise.

To come in under the radar.

Like the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Luckily, if you do some linguistic drills, you’ll learn to spot those types a mile a way.

Even better, they’ll know that you know.

So they’ll keep their distance.

Learn How:

Weaponized Hypnosis

Ghosts Are Everywhere

Wax On – Wax Off

A lot of things influence pop culture in unexpected ways.

Way back when Star Wars was being made, Alec Guinness (the guy who played Obi Won Kenobi) looked at the script and thought it was silly.

He said it was like Robin Hood in space or something.

I doubt anybody working on the movie thought that Darth Vader would become one of the most popular villains of all time.

Short lines from these movies also have a way of making into the common vernacular.

“Maybe the Force be with you,” from Star Wars.

“I’ll be back,” from pretty much any Arnold movie.

One movie that seemed to be pretty corny even when it came out was Karate Kid.

“Wax on, wax off,” was one of the more famous lines.

Keep doing something boring, over and over and over.

And then one day it will surprise you with its deadly effectiveness.

This is the heart of the Weaponized Hypnosis program.

A core set of writing exercises.

Just like, “wax on, wax off,” they are boring and repetitive.

And just like the kid from the Karate Kid, you won’t want to do them.

But those who DO will find them just as effective as the wax on wax off exercises in the movie.

These are linguistic exercises.

If you do them long enough, they’ll be built into your brain.

And one day something will throw a verbal “punch” at you.

A verbal punch they expect will land with considerable force.

But because you will have been doing the linguistic “wax on wax off” exercises, you’ll be able effortlessly block it.

And just like in the movie, the first couple of times you might surprise yourself.

But nearly as much as they’ll surprise your attacker.

Because he or she will have assumed you’re an easy target.

Otherwise they wouldn’t lob the insult at you.

What’s particularly insidious about verbal slams is they are done in front of others.

And they are carefully created so even if you just sit there, trying to ignore them, you’ll look weak.

If you try to defend them the WRONG way, it will be even worse.

But after doing these exercises, you won’t even need to think.

You’ll respond automatically.

And all the focus will be on your attacker.

Most of the time this will be enough to send them scurrying.

But if they keep coming at you, you can dig deeper.

And switch from defense blocks, to deadly attacks.

Attacks that will make NOBODY want to mess with you.

Learn How:

Weaponized Hypnosis

They're Everywhere

Protect Your Most Precious Resource

When you get into trouble, you call the police.

When the police get into trouble, they call SWAT!

At least that’s how the TV show (from the 70’s) started.

They’ve made a few movies, about SWAT in particular.

But there are endless cop shows.

One of the best TV shows of all time (The Wire) is about cops.

Another one of the best TV shows of all time (The Sopranos) is about criminals.

Seems we are easily entertained by TV shows and movies about cops and robbers.

Or good guys and bad guys.

In fact, all movies and stories need both.

You CAN get away with a movie that only has good guys, and good things, and happy endings, but that’s like eating a bowl of sugar.

It might be a fun thing to do once in a great while, but it’s not something you do every day.

Even music is surrounded by the idea of tension and relief. Chord and discord.

We like those structures for two main reasons.

One, they resonate with us. Every day we have “good parts” and “bad parts.”

If we were to separate the people we deal with, or potentially deal with, we could easily separate them into “good guys” and “bad guys.”

The second reason is that most of the time, the good guys win.

And we like that feeling, even if we know it’s fake.

Because in real life, the good guys don’t always win.

In fact, even if you DID get into trouble, and you DID call the cops, they best they might do is give you paperwork to file with your insurance company.

One of the great promises of an organized society based on laws is that we are protected from the bad guys.

Yet bad guys are everywhere.

And when they come at you with their badness, how do you respond?

If it’s a physical attack, there are plenty of options.

Dial 911.


Stand your ground and fight.

But what if it’s a verbal attack?

A carefully crafted emotional attack?

In front of others?

These are the hardest to defend against.

At least, they are for most people.

But when you learn the skills of verbal self defense, you can stop them dead in their tracks.

Faster than a spin kick to the head of an attacker.


Learn How:

Weaponized Hypnosis

Easy Peasy

Become The Naturally Attractive Man

What turns a woman on more than anything?

It’s not something she knows, or can anticipate.

Think of a woman’s desire as you would your own hunger.

Sure, you can sit there and list all the foods you want.

But since hunger is an instinct that responds to our environment, and not our conscious brains, it gets turned on whether we like it or not.

Food could be the last thing on our mind, but if we smell or see something good, our hunger takes over.

Whatever we were thinking of is GONE, and all we want to do is eat.

This is the way a female responds to a naturally attractive man.

Sure, she and her friends can sit around and play pretend.

They can list out the qualities they THINK they want.

But when a naturally attractive man shows up, she’ll want him just as much as YOU want that food that suddenly came out of nowhere.

The million dollar question:

How do you become the naturally attractive man?

Is it money? Clothing? The right cologne? The right combination of pick up lines?

Luckily, it is none of these.

Now, this is going to sound like the oldest advice in the book, but stick with me.

That naturally attractive male quality that makes women UNABLE to get their minds off him is CONFIDENCE.

Now, what is confidence?

It’s not what most people think.

Confidence is the absolutely ABSENCE of any anxiety or worry.

Imagine a guy sees a girl.

She’s physically attractive, but to a naturally attractive, and FEARLESS man, that’s not enough.

Since pretty girls are a dime a dozen.

So he talks to her.

And his attitude is “I like you so far, but my attraction to you is always conditional on your behavior, intelligence, and anything else I come up with.”

This cannot be faked.

But if you HAVE this attitude, NOTHIGN else will matter.

Wanna know why women are so angry today?

They are hard wired to FOLLOW a man, but not just any man.

They want a guy who is naturally confident in his own skin.

Not a guy that is worried about what to do, or say, or trying hard to please her.

They guy that can at the same time, express an interest in her AND radiate the “take it or leave it” attitude.

How do you BECOME that guy?

Here’s How:

Zero Fear Game

Embrace The Unknown

Powerful One Two Charismatic Punch

Often there is a HUGE chasm between the thoughts and ideas in our heads, and the words that come out of our mouths.

One of the mainstays of a comedy is some character that says something really goofy, gets embarrassed, and then says, “That didn’t come out right…”

Just that we understand that’s funny means it’s a common human experience.

Having clear ideas in mind, but they come out as jumbled up nonsense.

Most of the time, though, we tend to overlook the main issue.

We think if we ONLY had the words, it would be easy.

But when it comes to human communication, words are just the icing on the cake.

How we express those ideas inside our heads takes a LOT MORE than just words.

And most of the time, the words themselves are not the most important part.

Meaning if you have an “understandable enough” set of words, but the underlying energy is positive, attractive and charismatic, you’re good to go.

You might even consider that the feeling of “not having the right words” to be an EFFECT rather than a cause.

Consider that the cause might be the not having the right “frame” to speak from.

As humans tend to do, we often misunderstand the relationship between cause and effect.

It’s easy to get them backward.

But here’s the cool part.

If you take the time to build up the “frame” (which contains all the positive attractive energy) the words can take care of themselves.

Even better, when you combine the right “frame” WITH the right words, you can be unstoppable.

Learn How:

Stop Manipulation

Defend Your Boundaries

How To Really Really Like Yourself

Energy is a strange concept.

Even when talking about energy from a pure physics standpoint, it’s hard to wrap our minds around.

We can’t really EVER experience PURE energy.

Even though energy and matter are the same.

That’s what Einstein’s famous equation (E=mc^2) says.

Energy EQUALS Matter (times a pure number, the speed of light squared).

But every single experience we have of “energy” is really “energy” AND matter.

Even electricity is the movement of electrons, which are particles.

And those particles have mass.

But when talking about us humans, with respect to energy, what do we really mean?

If you say somebody has “positive energy” what does that mean?

It generally means the sum total of all their subconscious body language movements.

How they walk, how they talk, the tone of their voice. How slowly or quickly they speak, etc.

You could also say the same about somebody who has “negative” energy.

Maybe they are angry, frustrated, fists clenched, teeth gritted, looking around for a fight.

Sociologists who study criminals tell us that when criminals are out looking for victims, they look for people who radiate “victim energy.”

People that look down when they walk, have their shoulders slumped over, rarely make eye contact with anybody.

They KNOW that if they rob these “victim energy” people, they will get away pretty easily.

Unfortunately, a LOT of people operate this way.

Not just pick-pockets and purse snatchers.

It’s believed that one out of every twenty five people is a clinical SOCIOPATH.

And these people have a sixth sense for those of us who are EASY to take advantage off.

It gets worse.

Even people that wouldn’t be considered sociopaths tend to know WHEN they can take advantage of others.

Even those close to us.

They get to know our buttons, and they learn how to push them.

It makes us emotionally weak, and allows them to get what THEY want a lot easier.

Even if you weren’t being taken advantage of, radiating this kind of energy (the easy to be manipulated kind) is NOT attractive in the least.

What IS the most attractive kind of “energy?”

Comfortable in your own skin.

Somebody that ENJOYS who they are.

If YOU like YOU the world will too.

But if you DON’T like YOU, the world can be a dangerous place.

Luckily it’s MUCH EASIER than most people realize to switch into the “I like me” energy, which radiates confidence and attractiveness.

Learn How:

Stop Manipulation

Hot Buttered Popcorn

Hot Buttered Popcorn!

The first job I had selling anything was in elementary school.

Me and my buddy volunteered to sell popsicles at lunch.

It was a lot easier than I’d expected.

Selling stuff people want to buy is pretty fun.

Everybody’s generally in a good mood.

When I was in HS I worked at a movie theater.

That was also fun.

Especially when they tried and “experimental” sales method.

I was eager to try it out.

Instead of sitting there passively behind the snack counter waiting for customers, they wanted me to load up a cart of stuff and walk into the theaters.

The girl doing it hated it.

Nobody would buy anything.

But she was just standing there, waiting for people to come up.

I tried a different method.

I would push the cart up and down the aisles, yelling out whatever goofy sales pitches I could think of.

At first it was pretty embarrassing.

But pretty soon people started buying stuff.

Soon, I was sold out.

It happened over and over.

Even the people that didn’t buy stuff were entertained. Some high school kid making up lame sales pitches, yelling them out as he walked up and down the aisles.

Of course, there are many ways to sell things.

And few things are as enjoyable to purchase as popcorn on movie night.

At least, that’s now how they seem at first.

Some things we buy because we have to.

But even those purchases can be turned into something exciting.


All sales (and all decisions for that matter) happen when we WANT to do something more than we WANT to NOT do something.

It’s really a matter of “either-or” at the end.

But the cool thing is there are many ways to attach things they are already excited about to whatever you want them to do.

Buy something, or give you their phone number or go somewhere with you.

All you need to do is build their general desire, and then attach that general desire to whatever you’re suggesting.

A few simple language patterns, and some spatial anchoring, you can connect any feeling to any decision.

Not only will they love doing what you suggest, but it will be a lot of fun.

Learn How:

Hypnotic Sales

Believe In Yourself

Who Leads Your Life?

Back in the 1800’s a couple of genius scientists made a prediction.

Their prediction was that “science” had already more or less discovered everything.

Lucky for us, they were wrong.

This is pretty common.

Before they invented railroads, most “experts” scoffed at the idea that people could travel long distances in a short time.

Even physical accomplishments, like the four minute mile were thought to be impossible.

Until Roger Bannister ran a mile in under four minutes.

Once he showed it was possible, suddenly everybody could do it.

Well, not “everybody” but you get the idea.

But the question is, why did those folks who ran a sub-four minute mile AFTER Bannister did it need to wait?

Why did they did to SEE it to BELIEVE it?

Bannister did the opposite.

He BELIEVED it first, then he achieved it.

One way is easy.

That’s the way most people live their lives.

They won’t believe ANYTHING unless they see proof.

But here’s the thing.

If you wait for PROOF that something is “possible” (or safe or whatever else you want proof of) then EVERYBODY will have that same proof.

And since MOST people will wait for PROOF, that means MOST people will only be able to do what all the other “most people” do.

And if you can ONLY do what “most people” can do, then you’ll GET the same thing that most people get.

Which, by definition, is average.


Bannister didn’t want average.

Neither did all of the scientists and entrepreneurs who kept inventing stuff even though the “experts” said everything had already been invented.

Doing that takes courage.

Doing that takes belief in YOURSELF.

Doing that requires you are capable of moving forward into uncertainty, without somebody holding your hand and showing the way.

It requires you LEAD. Not necessarily others, but your own life.

Funny thing is, even if you don’t WANT to lead others, if you lead yourself, plenty of people will follow.

Learn How:

Entrepreneurial Mind


Is Your Compass Broken?

When I was in Boy Scouts, we had to do a lot of merit badges.

One of the cool ones was compass reading.

Me and a buddy did it when we were camping in the desert.

For part of the exercise, we had to follow a long set of instructions, each of which involved going a certain distance in a certain direction.

It had been set up before, and if we followed the instructions correctly, we would get to the right point eventually.

After five or six turns, and walking carefully, we eventually found the “prize” and got our badge.

Many things that seem mysterious can be explained by science.

The disappearance of Amelia Earhart may be one of these.

A seasoned flier, (first woman to fly across the pacific) one day she just vanished.

One theory is that if her directional compass was only off by a small percent, that would mean missing a crucial refueling point.

Maybe believe she ran out of gas and crashed into the ocean.

An unfortunate example of what happens if you go off course just a little bit.

Most people, though, don’t really have a course.

Imagine if you got on a plane, and all the pilot did was look out the window and hope he recognized certain mountains to find his way.

This may work if you were flying small planes of familiar territory, but if you were flying across the ocean, it would be very foolish.

Sadly, most people live their lives like this.

Not only do they NOT have direction, but they don’t really have a system in place to measure their progress.

It would be like me and my buddy trying to get our merit badge by walking in random directions for random lengths and hoping we’d get something at the end.

Even during the gold rush, people knew they had to keep going west, toward the rising sun.

What about you?

Do you know which direction your life is going?

Do you have a feedback system in place, to measure your progress, and to tell if you are off course or on course?

Even if you don’t, all you’ve got to do is get started.

As you make forward progress, you’ll learn valuable information that will let you know.

And you’ll also learn what skills you might need to keep going forward a lot faster.

The more skills you pick up along the way, the more directions you’ll find that will help you become successful.

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