They say you can’t step in the same river twice.
Meaning every second that passes by, the river is changing.
The fish, the rocks and sand on the bottom, the amount of water is always in flux.
So too are us humans.
Once in chemistry class, the professor told us to close our eyes and think of a deceased person we admire.
I thought of my grandfather.
Then he told us to take a slow breath, and then open our eyes.
He told us that we’d just inhaled at least one molecule, (the very same one) that the person we’d just thought of had inhaled in their lives.
Then he explained all about the volume of our atmosphere, how many breaths we take, etc, and why what he’d just told us was statistically likely.
Scientists tell us that every seven years or so, all the atoms and molecules in our body are replaced.
Kind of like on Star Trek, when they beam themselves around, only in slow motion.
All the thoughts in your mind that make up your personality are continuously being updated.
So even who you ARE (when you think of “I”) is always changing.
Life, and every part of it, is a never ending process.
Always changing.
If you could take all those endless changes, and line them up, what would you produce?
Something magnificent.
On the other hand, if you took all those changes, and arranged them in a circle, you might find yourselves in the same place a few years or even a decade from now.
Either way, it’s up to you.
But it takes courage, and dedication.
You have to take small actions on a daily basis that are just a hair outside of your comfort zone.
But if you take your time to plan those actions, you’ll be surprised how quickly things add up.
No matter where you are or who you are or what you have or haven’t accomplished, the best time to start is now.
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