Author Archives: mindpersuasion

How To Charge Forward Toward Your Dreams 

Goals Are Always Present

Are You Afraid Of Big Goals?

Most people shy away from things like “goal setting.”

There’s a lot of reasons for this. For the longest time I was TERRIFIED of setting goals.

I mean, what happens if you set a huge goal (like the gurus preach) and then it doesn’t come true?

The part of me who believes in conspiracies suspects “some” gurus preach setting big goals because they KNOW most people won’t achieve them. Which means they’ll keep buying the guru’s products.

On the other hand, if you DON’T set big goals, the only thing you’ll ever achieve worth anything is by accident.

I’m pretty sure that relying on dumb luck is not the best strategy! (At least it never worked for me in Vegas!)

So, what’s the secret? How do you avoid the guru trap while still creating a life worth living?

One way is to set a huge goal out there, and then set smaller goals that you’re pretty sure you’ll NEED to accomplish to get there. Certain milestones related to certain skills.

Things like giving ten speeches at Toastmasters, or being able to play a certain piece on a musical instrument from memory, in front of several friends and family members.

Things that will help you KNOW you’re on the right path.

Take Charge Of Your Goals Or He Will!

Conscious Or Subconscious – They’re There

The truth is that humans are goal setters whether we know it or not. Every action we take has some kind of intended outcome. However if you never take time to chose your outcomes wisely, your subconscious is going to be choosing short term outcomes based ONLY on your instincts.

Safety, comfort, social recognition, sexual expression, etc. (Maslow’s stuff).

The trick is to make sure your conscious goals are DRIVEN by your subconscious instincts.

That way your inner caveman (or cave woman) is going to be on your side, instead of fighting you.

So yes. Choose a big goal. Choose a huge goal. One WAY out in the future. Then figure out what smaller goals will get you there.

And start making them happen.

You’ll find what happens next is like nothing you’ve ever experienced.

Live In Congruence With Your Nature For Max Prosperity

You Can't Fight Who You Are

Don’t Fight The Tape

You know the story of the frog and the scorpion, right?

There’s this frog and a scorpion on one side of a river, which is rising rapidly.

They both have to get to the other side to safety, or else they’ll drown.

The frog jumps in the water and starts to swim, but the scorpion asks him to stop.

The scorpion asks for a ride, but the frog protests that he’ll sting him.

The scorpion promises that he won’t. The frog believes him, so the scorpion climbs on.

They get halfway across the river, the scorpion starts to sting him. The frog asks why. It’s my nature, says the scorpion, right before they both drown.

Now, the money question. What’s the moral of this story? There are many to choose from.

One is that evil people will do evil things even if they promise they won’t. People that hold to this say you can’t trust anybody.

Another is that you can’t act contrary to your nature. Even if you try.

If you’re a scorpion, you sting people. That’s what you do. Even if it will end up killing you.

If You're Happy, Let It Out!

How About Humans?

What about humans, what is our nature?

When talking about human nature, there’s two ways to look at it.

One is to listen to religious leaders, politicians, marketers, gurus, etc. They’ll all tell us what we SHOULD do. (Which, most of the time, we DON’T).

Another is to simply look back across human history to see what we HAVE been doing.

It seems that human nature is wide. There’s a lot of stuff that we do, do well, and have been doing since we started living in large societies.

War is certainly one of them. War, however, tends to destroy stuff. If war truly WAS our strongest nature, there wouldn’t be anything left.

But since there’s TONS of stuff, it seems there’s something we’re BETTER at than killing each other and blowing stuff up.

Building. Creating. Inventing.

Despite all the wars that have been raging since the dawn of time, there’s been an even BIGGER drive to create more stuff. Wealth. Ideas. Products. Services.

Look at how much stuff we’ve got now compared to only ten years ago.

Sure, there are good times and bad. But regardless of what horrible things we do to each other, the net wealth of society is ALWAYS going up.

So, what is the nature of humans? Many. But the strongest one is creation.
Humans are creators.

What would you like to create?

Are You Trying To Save The World?

Are You Trying This?

How To Save Your World

The world is a mysterious place.

The second you think you’ve got it figured out, suddenly you don’t.

I remember a long time ago, when I was a kid. I was interested in science, and I figured if I read a few science books, I’d have the world figured out.

I took this mindset all through college, where I got a degree in physics. But the more I knew, the less I knew.

All along I figured physicists would be able to definitively say what was what. But in reality, they really don’t know. Sure, sometimes they’ve got a theory that can be proven in a laboratory, or in the skies, but often times this isn’t the case.

Most people have an idea that they’d like to “change the world.” But if you can barely grasp how the world operates, how in the heck are you going to “save it?”

The answer is “one step at a time.”

OK, but which steps?

Who decides what they are?

The Invisible Hand Always Rules Supreme

The Invisible Hand

There’s this fantastic theory in economics called “Spontaneous Order.” It basically means that when you put a bunch of humans together, even if they don’t know each other, they’ll start or organize themselves, from the bottom up.

This happens without any goof in charge telling people what to do. This is just people, on their own, figuring out what they need, and what they can contribute. 

There’s plenty of examples of this in prisons, especially POW camps. This is a place where the guards definitely DON’T want people to organize themselves, but they do anyhow.

In WWII for example, where they had POW camps filled with soldiers for years at a time, entire economies sprung up out of nothing. Some guys became barbers, some guys grew vegetables, some guys became laundry cleaners.

Now, this can only happen if it’s programmed into us. Deep into our DNA. Part of the human mind is hard wired to get in the game, and interact with others.

Helping others get what they want, so you can get what you want. WHATEVER that is.

And since we’re living in a GLOBAL economy, with BILLIONS of people, there’s really no limit.


All you’ve got to do is get in the game.

Why The World Needs Your Success

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Everybody Wants You To Win

No matter what you do, you’ll find a common response from people.

A few will be excited and supportive, and want you to succeed.

A few will hate you and want you to fail.

Most people won’t really care one way or the other.

This is true, but only on the surface. And as I’m sure you know there’s much more BELOW the surface than what we see on top.

The people that want us to succeed are usually those close to us, our friends, family, supportive coworkers.

Those that want you to fail (usually secretly) usually have some kind of irrational grudge.

But what about the unseen?

Hidden Secrets Of Life

Hidden Secrets

There was a famous economist a couple hundred years ago who said, (I’m paraphrasing) “It’s not what we see that’s important, it’s what we don’t see.”

Every time you get out and participate in the world, you are subconsciously depending on the success of pretty much everybody else on Earth.

You want all those people working in factories and on farms and in hospitals to keep succeeding.

You want the guys who drive those big cargo ships across the ocean to NOT sink.

You hope that every single person on an airplane DOESN’T crash.

Otherwise, the whole thing would collapse, and we’d be pretty screwed.

The whole progress of humanity is based on an unconscious desire for mutual success. We all depend on it.

Which means when YOU go out there, and try something new, there’s literally millions of people that you don’t know about, and don’t know about you, who are HOPING that you are successful.

This is what they mean when they say, “The Universe Wants You To Succeed.”

They don’t mean those planets and asteroids a thousand light years away are hoping you make money, or find true love or get that six pack. 

They mean “all the other people on Earth” when they say “The Universe.”

In truth, the ENTIRE PLANET is highly dependent on YOU not only trying new things, but trying new things and doing well.

Just think what the world would be like if NOBODY ever did this? Everybody just sat at home waiting for somebody ELSE to do all the hard work?

We’d still be throwing rocks at zebras, that’s what!

So think of what you want. I mean really want. The biggest dream you can think of.

The rest of the world (the “universe”) ALSO wants you to get it!

So, what are you waiting for?

Are You Climbing The Banana Tree All Alone?

Banana Hunting Monkey

Leverage The Two Worlds

Any time you talk about getting any “result” there are two aspects to consider.

How you interact with your “inner” world, and how you interact with your “outer” world.

To start off, notice that interacting with BOTH worlds is necessary for success.

Luckily, so long as your heart’s pumping blood and your lungs are breathing, it’s impossible to NOT act, both upon your inner world, and your outer world.

Of course, if you NEVER consider anything other than your preprogrammed instincts (meaning you are somehow born as an only-child orphan on some island with enough water and food) most everything will be unconscious. 

Sure, you might consciously think of a better way to climb up that banana tree, but it will ONLY be an extension of your raw instincts.

The great thing about living in a world filled with other people is that we can cooperate with them. We can watch them doing things and imagine how we’d do the same thing. We can try new things, get feedback, and then imagine how we could do better.

Pretty soon, our conscious thoughts and creations take on a life of their own.

As more and more thoughts become things, the world we live in is FAR removed from a world based ONLY on our base instincts.

Eggs Are Good To Eat And Juggle and Stuff

Still Gotta Eat

But we shouldn’t forget about our base instincts. The need for survival, companionship, sex, and self actualization are POWERFUL motivators. Just be careful they don’t become ends in and of themselves.

When you learn to use your mind-body system efficiently, there’s no telling what you can create.

Spurred on by your instincts, and riding that ever present feedback loop, every time you get in the game you can improve upon not only your results, but the results of others.

But sometimes it can be pretty scary to “get in the game.” We often times feel the need for “proof” or some kind of “step by step” procedure. In truth, we’re ALL deeply terrified of public failure, as if it’s some “proof” or our inner “unworthiness.”

Luckily, that’s all nonsense.

One of the great paradoxes of life is many things turn out the OPPOSITE of what we think.

If you “think” you’re playing it safe, by not taking action, you’re actually doing the worst possible thing.

And when you take action without really knowing what’s going to happen, it’s not scary at all. It’s enlightening, exciting, and often times profitable.


Remember that lone guy climbing the banana tree? If he lived in a larger society, and they were watching him (even for the first time) they would ALL be hoping and praying that he succeeds.

So they can copy him, and succeed themselves.

Which is why when YOU take action, most everybody will WANT you to be successful. Because in large societies, especially GLOBAL societies, success NEVER happens in a vacuum.

Ready to take some action?

Check it out:

Mental Alchemy

The LOA Scam

The Law of Attraction Scam

Con Artists Are Everywhere

I saw this interesting sales video the other day for another “Law of Attraction” course.

As someone who loves NLP, persuasion, instinctive triggers, I LOVE reverse engineering those things, just to see what they’re structure is.

This particular sales vid followed the same pattern:

Promise (Good feeling)
Take Away (Bad feeling if you don’t buy the product)
Benefits of the product

This is a classic strategy as old as the hills. Hit the customer with negatives and positives, and associate the positives with the product, and the negatives with NOT buying the product.

As most of us have TONS of negatives and positives inside our heads, this is pretty easy.

But what I found interesting was how little information there was about the product, other that it sounded WAY too good to be true.

Things like “quit your job within a month, and buy houses and cars with cash,” etc.

Pure snake oil nonsense.

Interestingly enough, if you push the benefits of your product to EXTREME LEVELS (lose weight while you eat ice cream, make money while watching soap operas, get girls to beg you for sex by wearing a certain cologne) people will buy it.


Don't Miss Out!

What If I Miss Out?

Because most of us are TERRIFIED of missing out on something. It’s a very deep trigger that we’ve had for millions of years.

So when people decide to buy the “instant cash while drinking whiskey on the beach” training courses, they do so not because they actually think it will work.

They do so because the sales message has triggered the “What if this DOES work and I miss out on it?”

In reality, so long as the sales message BOOSTS this fear (of missing out) GREATER than the cost of the product, people will buy it.

Trust me, I know. I’ve bought many idiotic products for that very same reason!

And then I told myself the same lie that we always tell ourselves:

“Well, at least I tried.”

Now, it took me a LONG TIME to realize that this was a LIE. Spending money on something you KNOW probably won’t work isn’t really trying. In fact, it’s to cover up what REAL TRYING is.

Real Trying (as opposed to buying snake oil) involves getting out there, and doing things just to see what happens.

Nobody’s going to hold your hand and show you the step by step path to riches, or weight loss, or finding the partner of your dreams.

That takes effort. That takes time. And yes, that takes risk.

But risk doesn’t have to be bad. In fact, it can be pretty fun. Especially when you train your mind into LOVING doing things, just to see what will happen.

How To Get Lucky

How To Get Lucky

What Is Luck, Anyway?

A couple of buddies and I used to go to Vegas a few times a year.

Most of the time, we’d come back with our pockets a little lighter, but a few times we came out ahead.

One particular time we somehow made the decision to “think positive” while we were there.

Meaning that no matter WHAT happened, we HAD to put a positive “spin” on it.

And strangely enough, we ALL were on a winning streak the entire time.

Another time I had a really bad case of tendonitis in my Achilles. I was on crutches, as well as on some pretty cool drugs. They put me in a REALLY good mood.

And for some strange reason, I was ON FIRE. For about an hour I sat at the roulette table, and because of my messed up leg, I couldn’t really lean over to place my bets. So I just kind of “tossed” the chips out onto the table. Luckily, the dealer was pretty sympathetic, and just pushed my chips to the closest number.

It was INSANE how I just kept winning.

When the “universe” seemingly conspires to help you, it feels pretty good.

Science And Luck

Scientific Or Chance?

But as much as it felt AWESOME to be in the flow, my scientific, lab rat mind HAS to acknowledge that those two events were just dumb luck.

Stuff like that is GREAT when it happens, and you should ALWAYS be open and ready to embrace situations like when they DO come up (otherwise you might miss them) it’s not a good idea for these to be your main strategy.

Sadly, many people wait their ENTIRE LIVES for something to “just happen.” They see the whole world through “luck” and think other people are “lucky” and they are “unlucky.”

But as I’m sure you know, the BEST definition of “luck” is when “preparation” meets “opportunity.”

And what is opportunity? It’s something that is WAITING FOR YOU to take action. It’s NOT a sack of gold left on your door step during the night.

The universe is always giving you the raw materials, in the form of people, situations and circumstances, but it’s YOUR JOB to take those raw materials and turn them into something wonderful.

The cool thing is that the MORE you TAKE ACTION, successful or not, the MORE opportunities you’ll get.

Think about it from the universe’s standpoint. Why would it keep giving you opportunities if you never take advantage of them?

Simply by TAKING ACTION, you’ll start the process.

Learn How:

How To Guarantee Success In Any Area

Leverage The Magic of Feedback

Is It Really So Easy?

What’s the secret to life?

It’s pretty simple, at least from a strategic standpoint.

First, choose something that you want.

Next, try something to get it. 

After that, measure  your results.

If you got closer, do more of whatever you did.

If you didn’t get closer, do something different.

So, if this is so easy, then why do many of us struggle?

Like many things, this is MUCH easier said than done.

First of all most people have NO CLUE what they want. Just some kind of vague idea, like “happiness,” or “romance” or “income.”

Second, most people are paralyzed by fear. Except most of us are too scared to admit we’re afraid. We say things like “paralysis by analysis” or “taking it all in” or “steep learning curve.” But if you only just TOOK ACTION, and then saw what happened, you’d be light years ahead of everybody else.

Thirdly, it’s very hard for humans to objectively measure feedback. If we get positive feedback, we think we’re the bomb, and the universe loves us. We brag to our friends, and think we’re on easy street. 

If we get negative feedback, we blame everybody else, and we think the universe hates us.

We tie BOTH positive AND negative feedback into our ego. We think they say something about our value, or our nature.

But in reality, it’s just information.

Make All Actions Profitable

Make Life Profitable

Think of it from a pure business standpoint. Any business takes some kind of raw material, and transforms it into something else. It can be information, shoes, food, whatever.

If you get paid MORE than what it cost you to make it, that’s a profit. That is a SIGNAL, nothing else. A SIGNAL that says DO MORE.

If you lose money, that’s a loss. That’s a SIGNAL, nothing else. It just means DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.

If it costs you ten dollars and an hour to buy some lemons and make lemonade, which you end up selling for $20, then you just keep doing it again and again.

But if you spend ten bucks on some onions and tried and sell some onion juice, you’d stop after a couple hours, realizing that this isn’t the best business model.

Life is the EXACT same way.

So long as you have a clear idea of what you want, and you are committed to trying things and OBJECTIVELY measuring the results, you simply CAN NOT FAIL.

This Will Help:

Can You Make Tough Decisions?

Tough Decisions

Beware Of Pretend Logic

Your conscious mind is a great tool, but often times it can get in the way.

Only some times, it’s not your conscious mind that’s getting in the way, it only seems like it.

That happens frequently when we “think” we’re “thinking” about some difficult decision. Like when you’re weighing the pros and cons, and trying to come up with a “rational” decision.

But the very idea of a “rational” decision is kind of a myth. Without input from our emotions, making ANY decision is impossible. Sure, when we’re looking at some objective system, and we have a concrete outcome based on the metrics of the system, logic is all you need.

When I was a kid I used to build these long racetracks for Hot Wheels, these miniature racing cars. I would look at this “system” and imagine my desired outcome, which was based on the laws of gravity and the constraints of the “system.” Generally, my outcome was to get the cars to jump over the coffee table, and land back on the racetrack.

In this case, it’s easy to adjust “the system” to achieve your outcome, because you aren’t really involved “in” the system.

Inside A Situation Is Tough

Inside Is Tough

But when making decisions for ourselves, we ARE in the system, and any outcome we  choose is based on our desires, which are based on our emotions.

So when we’re going back and forth, we’re not “really” thinking logically. What we’re REALLY doing is deciding which decision carries the most emotional strength.

And more often than not, this is a contest between our emotional desires, and our emotional strengths.

Part of us wants to do something, but part of us is afraid of what will happen if we do.

To make matters even more complicated, often times we “think” we have a “desire,” but in reality our desire is based on moving away from pain, rather than moving towards pleasure.

Only that we con ourselves into thinking we’re moving towards pleasure.

So we end up with two choices. One is what we “think” is a pleasure based desire, but it’s really an “away from pain” based desire.

The other choices is based on fear of what will happen if we take the “away from pain” based desire.

Which means we’re choosing between two crappy outcomes. There’s really no logic at all.

This is why most people HATE making tough decisions. On the surface, we pretend it’s all about logic.

But from an emotional, subconscious level, we’re choosing between two different flavors of crap.

No wonder we can’t choose!

Scared To Decide?

Ditch The False Fears

But there IS some good news. A lot, really. Most of those fears are absolutely FALSE. Meaning really is gold at the end of the rainbow, we are just looking at it through the filters of our imaginary fears and anxieties.

If you want to GET RID of those, and become much more congruent, making decisions and taking action (Right Action) will be a LOT easier, and  LOT more fun.

Learn How

How To Leverage The Collective Consciousness 

The Law of Attraction Depends On Other People

Remember Others

A common misunderstanding of the Law of Attraction is how other people are involved.

Many things in life are comfortably put into the “vague” category.

We aren’t sure how they will take place, but we’ve just got some “feeling” that somehow, someway, they’ll come to pass.

Because of our powerful subconscious, most of the time, they DO happen. We’ve got some problem that we don’t have ANY idea how to solve, and then at the last minute, something happens we NEVER could have predicted, and everything’s groovy.

Here’s a metaphor. Just realize it’s a metaphor and not the whole story. Imagine we are on this ship which is adrift in the ocean. Our conscious minds are on the deck, and looking out over the vast sea with our naked eyes. All we see is water. We’re worried, hoping that we reach land soon.

Our subconscious is the guy way up in the crow’s nest, with a powerful telescope. He can see land that’s maybe 50 miles away, and judging by the current, he knows we’ll be there in 3.24 days.

To our conscious minds, it seems like it just “happened.” But our subconscious knew what was happening all along.

Understanding The Metaphor

The Metaphor Of Creation

Now, like I said, this is a metaphor, it’s not the whole story. In this metaphor, the guy on the ship just stood there and waited, and a solution was pretty much dropped in his lap.

But in real life, the missing piece of the puzzle is other people.

Regardless of what you want, it’s going to involve other people. And how you interact with them, and who you choose to interact with will have a DRAMATIC effect on how well you can manifest your intentions.

However, most people don’t treat the Law of Attraction this way. Most people treat it like the guy on the ship, thinking all they’ve got to do is wait around for something to “show up.”

But unless you’re willing to get out and interact with the world, you may be waiting a while.

But here’s the cool part. Just as your desires are dependent on “other people,” everybody else has desires that are dependent on “other people” as well. And YOU are in that group of “other people” that other people need to interact with to get THEIR desires.

When you think of getting out there and interacting with others, it’s not like you’re asking anybody to “give you” something.

It’s a HUGE collection of cooperation that together is worth MUCH more than each individual put together.

All you’ve got to do is participate, and you may be surprised how easily, and how quickly your desire suddenly shows up.

Learn How