Category Archives: Hypnosis

Have You Discovered Your True Purpose?

Overcome Fear With Easy Mind Control

How To Embrace and Overcome Fear

Your history is one of incredibly accomplishment.

Despite how we humans try and take away risk and uncertainty, there’s still plenty to go around.

I read this very interesting history book a while back that said the story of man is a story of a timid, fearful, and lazy people trying to invent new things to make life easier, safer and less scary.

Regardless of who you are and where you come from, you’ve demonstrated countless times that you are fully capable of facing risk in the face, taking action, and getting what you want.

The fact that you are reading this now is proof of this.

So why do we still feel timid, afraid and on the fence whenever an opportunity presents itself?

One of the reasons is our brains are hard wired to be more aware of potential danger than potential opportunities.

This is a biological, chemical and physical aspect of our brains. The neural pathways that carry fear based impulses are physically thicker than the pathways that carry potential pleasure.

We all like to eat, right? Imagine you’re sitting there in your favorite restaurant, about to dig into your favorite food. Just as you’re about to bite into it, a huge tiger appears to your right.

What happens to your hunger? It vanishes quicker than a sliver of ice in a volcano!

On a very basic, primitive level, moving toward pleasure is great, so long as our lives aren’t in danger.

But as I’m sure you know, living in the modern world is rarely a life or death decision. Far far from it.

But our primitive brains sometimes can’t tell the difference.

Sure, you might logically conclude that there’s no danger walking over and talking to that interesting looking stranger, but  your subconscious might have something to say about it.

But as I mentioned above, you’ve got a HUGE collection of experiences where you looked fear in the eye, laughed at it, and took action anyhow.

Once you learn how to access THOSE memories, automatically, instead of those other ones, it will be easy.

Instead of seeming like some scary event after scary event, life will become an adventure. Trying and “failing” won’t feel bad, it will feel good. Because every step, no matter what happens, is a step closer to what you want.

No matter what it is.

That’s what the Frame Control program is all about. To shift your automatic thinking from recalling times when you felt like a “victim” to those times when you were a champion.

When that happens, you’ll walk the Earth with a purpose.

And many people will follow.

Get started:

Frame Control

Secrets Of Massive Social Power

Are You Really The Captain Of Your Ship?

Leverage Your Instincts – Don’t Fight Them

I read this amazing book several years ago.

It was called “Chimpanzee Politics,” and it was about this group of chimps in this huge compound somewhere in Europe. These scientists studied them for a couple years, recording their every move and social interaction.

They behaved very, very much like humans, hence the title.

The leader, or the alpha male, got most of the sex, and most of the food.

And when you consider that chimps and humans split off from a common ancestor over two million years ago, meaning that we’ve had that same programming in us for AT LEAST that long, it’s pretty mind boggling.

How long have our conscious minds been around? Scientists figure that language is a key. And they figure that language, besides grunts and hand signals, popped up maybe 30,000 years ago.

Which means our deeper instincts, that get us to organize into these “tribal hierarchies” have been the driving force of our existence for the majority of the time.

Even today, underneath the very recent, and very thin layer of our conscious brains (the neo-cortex) is that incredibly powerful subconscious, our collection of vast instincts.

Who do you think wins when the subconscious battles the conscious?

Try making the conscious decision to hold your breath for five minutes and see what happens!

Or try going on a diet of nothing but boiled chicken breasts for a month and see what happens!

Whether we like it or not, our subconscious minds are VERY powerful, and usually in control.

I know it sounds cool to use metaphors like “our conscious minds are the captain of the ship, and our subconscious is the engine room,” but it really isn’t like that.

Otherwise dieting would be easy. Talking to strangers would be easy. Standing up in front of people and giving speeches would be easy.

Any time we try and do something and feel a flood of conflicting emotions, it’s because our feeble conscious minds are saying, “But I want to do this!” while our subconscious minds are saying, “Um…no.”

Sometimes we recognize this, sometimes we don’t.

Most of the time we don’t go along with our subconscious instincts. We fight them, wish they didn’t exist, or think we are somehow “self-sabotaging” ourselves.

The secret is to not overpower your subconscious, or even control your subconscious. That would be like trying to swim against the tide.

Our caveman brains have taken us far. Why not act in congruence with them? Why not choose goals that are congruent with our deep instincts? Why not get the tide on our side?

One way to do that is to leverage the powers of social authority.

This is one of those thing that’s incredibly powerful, that we don’t usually notice.

When you can claim your rightful place at the top of the social food chain, everything will fall into place.

Just like our distant cousins, the chimps, whoever’s at the top gets most of the stuff.

It’s GOT to be somebody.

Why not you?

Learn how:

Frame Control

How To Double Tap Social Charisma

Understanding Structure vs. Content

Secrets Of Reality

One thing that’s tough to wrap our minds around is structure vs. content.

We are always focused on content, and we always think that content is the driving force of our actions, but it rarely is.

I recently finished this dense book about the nature of human consciousness, which described that more and more of our decision making process is not what we think it is.

The content, or the reason we think we do stuff, is just an “after the fact” story, made up that “sounds good.”

It’s like our subconscious is doing all the decision making, and our poor conscious minds are following behind, trying to think up reasons why we’re doing stuff.

Consider the idea of social proof. This is widely known, and very powerful.

Let’s say you’re walking down the street, and you see a big crowd. They all look like you (at least close enough, same demographic, etc) so now you’re REALLY interested.

So you walk up and you see they’re buying some electronic gizmo. You aren’t sure what it is, but everybody looks pretty excited. There are even reporters there. You see a couple of friends, who offer to let you join their group.

So you get in line, buy the gizmo, and get home. Your roommate, spouse, whoever, asks why you bought it.

What do you tell them?

“Everybody else was buying it, so I thought I’d buy it too! I don’t even know what it does!”

Probably not.

By the time you got home, you’d have come up with some “logical” reasons why you bought it. Some “logical” purpose that you’d use it for.

If you were walking down the street, and saw that NOBODY was waiting in line, would you still have bought it?

Not likely.

Now, this is easy to see when other people do it, but pretty difficult to see when it happens to us. After all, we’re in charge of our lives, right? We make rational decisions, right? We always know why we’re doing what we’re doing, right? 

Not as much as we’d like to think.

But once you understand how these subconscious “structures” work, and how they pre-frame pretty much ALL “content,” you can leverage them to your advantage.


Secrets of Massive Authority

Generate Massive Authority

Humans are social animals. Which means we’re driven by socially based systems.

Social proof is one. Another very POWERFUL one is leadership, or authority.

We are just likely to “follow the leader” as we are to “follow the crowd.”

How do you use this to your advantage?


Just become the leader. When you develop the inner beliefs and mindset of a natural leader, people will follow you. And just like in the social proof example, they’ll make up their own reasons. Which means you won’t have to convince them.

And once a few people start to do THAT, you’ll not only have AUTHORTY but a lot of social proof as well.

To learn how, check this out:

Frame Control

Unleash Your Inner Hero

This Is You

Your Life Is A Hero’s Journey

I love watching movies.

Anybody that knows me well knows I spent a good deal of time in movie theaters.

Being somebody who loves hypnosis, movies are the perfect trance generator.

The conscious critic is knocked out, and you’re taken for a nice ride.

Stories have been part of human life since we learned to talk. Maybe even before, as some of those ancient cave paintings may have been around before humans developed any kind of recognizable grammar.

It seems out  minds are hard wired to relax into a good story. Evolutionary psychologists tell us this folded in neatly with our huge learning ability. 

Listening to some old, experience member of the tribe tell a fascinating story was a much better vehicle to deliver essential truths about life than to simply pass dry information.

By following along to stories, rather than some dry lecture, early humans could “own” the knowledge. By paying close attention to the story, they would “see themselves” in the roles of the main characters, and appreciate the deeper meanings.

Get In The Game Of Life And Conquer Your Fears!

All Blockbusters Tell Your Tale

Many stories and movies today have the same structure. Most blockbusters, despite being filled with zillion dollar special effects, generally tell what’s known as the “Hero’s Journey.”

Meaning they’re about some normal guy or girl put into an “un-normal” situation, generally without much choice. Then this normal guy or girl has to dig deep and respond to the situation. Usually there’s some bad guy, and usually the hero has to develop skills, relationships, and sometimes use a “magical” tool.

Why are these stories so compelling?

Because all of us experience the same thing. We all feel we are living lives without really living life.

We are kind of going through the motions, without feeling we are living up to our potential.

We KNOW we are missing something. That common theme, the “Hero’s Journey” is a welcome reminder that we are MUCH MORE than we think we are.

YOU, are much more than you think you are.

You were meant for greatness. Not to get by. Not to make enough to pay the bills and save a little. Not to spend your free time wasting away in front of the TV.

You were put here to set your sights on something HUGE. You were put here to ACHIEVE something huge.

In your life, YOU are the hero.

Are you ready to begin your journey?

Get Started:

Mind Persuasion

How To Charge Forward Toward Your Dreams 

Goals Are Always Present

Are You Afraid Of Big Goals?

Most people shy away from things like “goal setting.”

There’s a lot of reasons for this. For the longest time I was TERRIFIED of setting goals.

I mean, what happens if you set a huge goal (like the gurus preach) and then it doesn’t come true?

The part of me who believes in conspiracies suspects “some” gurus preach setting big goals because they KNOW most people won’t achieve them. Which means they’ll keep buying the guru’s products.

On the other hand, if you DON’T set big goals, the only thing you’ll ever achieve worth anything is by accident.

I’m pretty sure that relying on dumb luck is not the best strategy! (At least it never worked for me in Vegas!)

So, what’s the secret? How do you avoid the guru trap while still creating a life worth living?

One way is to set a huge goal out there, and then set smaller goals that you’re pretty sure you’ll NEED to accomplish to get there. Certain milestones related to certain skills.

Things like giving ten speeches at Toastmasters, or being able to play a certain piece on a musical instrument from memory, in front of several friends and family members.

Things that will help you KNOW you’re on the right path.

Take Charge Of Your Goals Or He Will!

Conscious Or Subconscious – They’re There

The truth is that humans are goal setters whether we know it or not. Every action we take has some kind of intended outcome. However if you never take time to chose your outcomes wisely, your subconscious is going to be choosing short term outcomes based ONLY on your instincts.

Safety, comfort, social recognition, sexual expression, etc. (Maslow’s stuff).

The trick is to make sure your conscious goals are DRIVEN by your subconscious instincts.

That way your inner caveman (or cave woman) is going to be on your side, instead of fighting you.

So yes. Choose a big goal. Choose a huge goal. One WAY out in the future. Then figure out what smaller goals will get you there.

And start making them happen.

You’ll find what happens next is like nothing you’ve ever experienced.

The LOA Scam

The Law of Attraction Scam

Con Artists Are Everywhere

I saw this interesting sales video the other day for another “Law of Attraction” course.

As someone who loves NLP, persuasion, instinctive triggers, I LOVE reverse engineering those things, just to see what they’re structure is.

This particular sales vid followed the same pattern:

Promise (Good feeling)
Take Away (Bad feeling if you don’t buy the product)
Benefits of the product

This is a classic strategy as old as the hills. Hit the customer with negatives and positives, and associate the positives with the product, and the negatives with NOT buying the product.

As most of us have TONS of negatives and positives inside our heads, this is pretty easy.

But what I found interesting was how little information there was about the product, other that it sounded WAY too good to be true.

Things like “quit your job within a month, and buy houses and cars with cash,” etc.

Pure snake oil nonsense.

Interestingly enough, if you push the benefits of your product to EXTREME LEVELS (lose weight while you eat ice cream, make money while watching soap operas, get girls to beg you for sex by wearing a certain cologne) people will buy it.


Don't Miss Out!

What If I Miss Out?

Because most of us are TERRIFIED of missing out on something. It’s a very deep trigger that we’ve had for millions of years.

So when people decide to buy the “instant cash while drinking whiskey on the beach” training courses, they do so not because they actually think it will work.

They do so because the sales message has triggered the “What if this DOES work and I miss out on it?”

In reality, so long as the sales message BOOSTS this fear (of missing out) GREATER than the cost of the product, people will buy it.

Trust me, I know. I’ve bought many idiotic products for that very same reason!

And then I told myself the same lie that we always tell ourselves:

“Well, at least I tried.”

Now, it took me a LONG TIME to realize that this was a LIE. Spending money on something you KNOW probably won’t work isn’t really trying. In fact, it’s to cover up what REAL TRYING is.

Real Trying (as opposed to buying snake oil) involves getting out there, and doing things just to see what happens.

Nobody’s going to hold your hand and show you the step by step path to riches, or weight loss, or finding the partner of your dreams.

That takes effort. That takes time. And yes, that takes risk.

But risk doesn’t have to be bad. In fact, it can be pretty fun. Especially when you train your mind into LOVING doing things, just to see what will happen.

How To Get Lucky

How To Get Lucky

What Is Luck, Anyway?

A couple of buddies and I used to go to Vegas a few times a year.

Most of the time, we’d come back with our pockets a little lighter, but a few times we came out ahead.

One particular time we somehow made the decision to “think positive” while we were there.

Meaning that no matter WHAT happened, we HAD to put a positive “spin” on it.

And strangely enough, we ALL were on a winning streak the entire time.

Another time I had a really bad case of tendonitis in my Achilles. I was on crutches, as well as on some pretty cool drugs. They put me in a REALLY good mood.

And for some strange reason, I was ON FIRE. For about an hour I sat at the roulette table, and because of my messed up leg, I couldn’t really lean over to place my bets. So I just kind of “tossed” the chips out onto the table. Luckily, the dealer was pretty sympathetic, and just pushed my chips to the closest number.

It was INSANE how I just kept winning.

When the “universe” seemingly conspires to help you, it feels pretty good.

Science And Luck

Scientific Or Chance?

But as much as it felt AWESOME to be in the flow, my scientific, lab rat mind HAS to acknowledge that those two events were just dumb luck.

Stuff like that is GREAT when it happens, and you should ALWAYS be open and ready to embrace situations like when they DO come up (otherwise you might miss them) it’s not a good idea for these to be your main strategy.

Sadly, many people wait their ENTIRE LIVES for something to “just happen.” They see the whole world through “luck” and think other people are “lucky” and they are “unlucky.”

But as I’m sure you know, the BEST definition of “luck” is when “preparation” meets “opportunity.”

And what is opportunity? It’s something that is WAITING FOR YOU to take action. It’s NOT a sack of gold left on your door step during the night.

The universe is always giving you the raw materials, in the form of people, situations and circumstances, but it’s YOUR JOB to take those raw materials and turn them into something wonderful.

The cool thing is that the MORE you TAKE ACTION, successful or not, the MORE opportunities you’ll get.

Think about it from the universe’s standpoint. Why would it keep giving you opportunities if you never take advantage of them?

Simply by TAKING ACTION, you’ll start the process.

Learn How:

How To Manipulate People

How To Manipulate People

The Tool Of Manipulation

What, you think this is something evil? All of us do it, all the time. Ever since you realized that by crying you could get somebody to change your diapers, you’ve been manipulating people.

And if you have kids, you know how well easily you can be manipulated. Manipulation is hardwired into our nature.


Because Mother Nature knows we are a bunch of lazy clods who can’t think for ourselves. If we had to remember to go to the toilet, or eat, or get excited when some sexy cave lady or guy came walking our way, we’d have died out long, long time ago.

Instead, she (Mother Nature) gave us these instincts. Subconscious drivers. Hot buttons. Whatever you call them. When they are pushed, we act without thinking.

Now, some of these triggers are obvious. Like eating and running away from dinosaurs.

Fight Or Flight?

But some of these triggers are very subtle, and deal with interpersonal relationships. They were put there to help us survive. Like a mom picking up her kid when it cries.

Just like when the doctor hits your knee with that rubber mallet, the response is unconscious. Driven by your subconscious mind.

You have no choice but to kick your leg. Mothers have no choice but to feel that deep desperate pang of worry when junior cries out in the night.


Most of us have no idea these triggers exist. So we stumble through life and get our buttons pushed and our chains pulled in all kinds of different directions.

Who Does This?

A lot of times, it’s nobody. Just a randomness that coalesces to make you go one way or the other.

You weren’t planning on eating, but you see some guy macking on some delicious roast beef sandwich. Now you want one. Then you buy one.

Did that guy plan on manipulating you? Nope. But it still happened.

Sometimes, though, entities to conspire to manipulate us.

So in learning how to manipulate people, you can see it like Karate. You’re not learning it to kill unsuspecting people while they sleep and take their money.

Fight Or Flight

You are, however, learning it so you don’t get your ass handed to while walking down that dark alley. (BTW, why the f*** are you walking down dark alleys?)

Now you don’t feel do bad about learning how to manipulate people, are you?

How do you do it? Learn these principles, and apply them however you like.

Social Proof

This is the granddaddy of all hot buttons. When you convince somebody that everybody else is doing something, they’ll go along with it without much thought.

To make it even stronger, make the “group” as much like your target as you can. If your target is a male in his twenties that likes grunge rock, then convince him that the group is comprised mostly of mid twenties males who love grunge rock.


Whose Your Monkey?

If some homeless guy comes up and starts talking about some police conspiracy, you’ll laugh at him.

But if some respected news reporter starts talking about the very same thing, you’ll sit up and take notice.

Why? Humans are hard wired to turn off our brains, and listen to an authority figure. It helped us back in the caveman days.

You can leverage this to a great extent. Just make phrase your message so it sounds like it’s coming from an authority, as respected by your target.

Combination I – Authority And Social Proof

Unlock Your Powers Of Manipulation

If you can get both of these on board, you’ll be doing fine. Often times this is all you need. Advertisers, politicians and cult leaders have been using this con for years.

First, choose any kind of authority your target will respect. Then find a group of people as similar to your target as you can. Then combine the message as coming from the authority, and from the reference group.

If they believe you, there’s really not much they won’t do.


Entire nations have gone absolutely bat shit crazy because of this simple one two punch.

The What If – Missing Out Con

Sometimes people will take action simply to find out what will happen. Other times people will take action because they are afraid they will lose out if they don’t.

This is where scarcity comes in. Scarcity makes everything seem more valuable. So present your idea, and make sure it’s going to be leaving soon. If you combine this with an over the top promise, that sounds too good to be true it will work.

Most people won’t believe it, but they’ll take action anyway.


Part of them will think that it may work, and if it doesn’t, they’ll feel bad for not trying.

This is where the next con comes in.

Self Deception

People hate to feel like idiots. So we are hard wired to lie to ourselves. Scientists tell us this evolved after we grew larger and larger as societies.

In hunter gather groups, there’s only about 200 folks you’ve got to keep track of.

But in large agricultural based communities, there’s tons more. So you have to trust your gut when it comes to trusting people.

This left the door wide open for con artists. So people evolved a sixth sense to tell when people were lying.

Are You Conning Yourself?

Then the con artists evolved one step further. They first learned how to lie to themselves, so they could lie to others. That worked out so well, everybody jumped on the bandwagon.

Now we’ve got societies filled with goofs who can lie to themselves like a champ.

You can use this to your advantage. Promise the moon, and convince them they’ll miss out if they don’t take action. Then throw in some kind of booby prize if it doesn’t work out.

This way, when they do take action, and it doesn’t work out, they won’t kill you for conning them.

They’ll tell themselves the oldest con in the book, “Well, I knew it wasn’t going to work, and at least I…” and then whatever you told them the booby prize was.

Social Status

I Want To Be Popular!

Here’s the best way and easiest way to manipulate people. Since the stone age, all of us have been hard wired to get as much social status as we could, any way we could.


More social status meant more sex and food.

Less social status meant no sex and no food.

Now, nobody will outright say, “I want more social status!”

Because in modern society, an open desire for social status is the biggest way to lose social status.

Combine this with our propensity to lie to ourselves, and what do we get?

A bunch of goofs who convince ourselves we DON’T want social status, but do everything in the book to GET social status, all the while PRETENDING that it wasn’t what we wanted.

(Damn we are fucked up!)

WTF is this doing here?

So, if you allude that somebody will gain social status, in a very covert way, but at the same time give them a completely different conscious reason for taking action, they’ll move heaven and Earth to get there.

People give to charity, go to church, wear ugly ass clothes, all because it gets them imagined social status. But at the same time, they NEVER say they are doing that because of social status.

Summary and Conclusion

The bottom line is that we humans are vain, scared, and lazy creatures that are incredibly easy to manipulate.

That means you’d better learn how to manipulate people, so you don’t get manipulated yourself.

AND if you find yourself running for political office, or deciding to start your own cult, you’ll be WAY ahead of everybody!

I’ve put together an entire course on influence, covert persuasion, and a lot more of these powerful triggers that can get you more money, love, and attention that you’d ever thought possible.

A combination of conscious training and hours of unconscious hypnotic programming that will make you a Jedi Ninja of mind manipulation and influence!