Tag Archives: Emotions

Dream Big Baby

Interest Rates and Fantasies

Some of the laws of economics are pretty simple to understand.

It can get VERY complicated, but it doesn’t have to.

And on a personal level, economics is inseparable from basic human behavior.

The crux of interest rates, a pretty complex subject, has to do with how humans think about desires and time.

We’d rather have something NOW than later, all else equal.

Because we want it more NOW than later, something “later” has to be worth MORE if we were to not get it now.

In terms of dollars and cents, we’d like to have a hundred bucks today, OR if we had to wait a week, we might accept a hundred a ten bucks.

This is the reason why we have things like interest rates.

Why when you borrow money, you have to give back more than what you got.

Theoretically, the person loaning you the money wants to keep his money.

And the only way he’ll loan it to you is you give him back slightly MORE in the future.

In a sense, the difference is the “cost” of money.

Like you have to pay ten bucks to rent somebody’s money for a year.

Of course, when you involve central banks and debt based money, it gets pretty complicated.

But the idea of thinking about things in the FUTURE is very compelling.

Things that we don’t have, but we want.

Unfortunately, we rarely get an opportunity to talk about those things.

Even if you were hanging out with your friends, and started talking about your ideal future, they wouldn’t support you a hundred percent.

Even family members tend to get a bit sketchy when talking about ideal futures.

Most people have a very vague idea of their ideal future.

But at the same time they have a ton of anxiety.

This is why few people ever set real goals.

The idea of achieving a goal is pretty cool.

But the idea of trying and failing is pretty real, so people tend to not think about it.

Which is why if YOU started to talk about your ideal future, they would start to feel uneasy.

A lot of times, this is where all their judgement comes from.

When they start telling you WHY you shouldn’t dream big like that.

But here’s the thing.

You can flip the switch.

Meaning don’t talk about YOUR ideal future, talk about theirs.

Carefully elicit it, and get them talking about the absolute BEST thing they hope will happen.

Most people don’t even think in such specific terms about their own future.

Let alone be asked about it by somebody else.

Why do this?

Because after that simple conversation with you, they will see YOU as different from every other human on Earth.

And when they think of you, they’ll subconsciously associate their biggest dreams and fantasies.

Think that would be useful?

Learn More:

Secret Agent Persuasion

Their Deep Inner Dreams

Doubled Edged People Secrets

Externalizing is a very common human strategy.

It happens subconsciously, and presents itself in many forms.

One way to “discover” this is by doing the “shadow energy” exercise.

The theory is whenever we come across somebody who “rubs us the wrong way,” it’s because they remind us of US, on some level.

So to prevent us from finding out that “bad stuff” about ourselves, we (or rather our ego) throws up a protective barrier.

That barrier comes across to our conscious minds as a form of “distaste” for that person.

We usually come up with some logical sounding reasons, usually ones that make US look good, and THEM look bad.

This is extremely common.

We ALL do this, ALL the time.

Not just “those other people.”

What’s rare is being able to use this as a personal growth tool.

This is where the “shadow energy” exercise comes in.

We acknowledge that we feel “distaste” for them because they remind us of us.

Then we find a place to sit and contemplate that part of ourselves we don’t want to acknowledge.

You don’t really need to address it, or confront it, or even understand it.

All you really need to do is acknowledge that it exists, and accept it.

Everybody has TONS of imperfections, this is just another one of them.

By doing this, you will discover something pretty cool.

It’s not being perfect or not perfect that makes us who we are.

It’s our opinion of ourselves.

No matter WHO you are, if you ACCEPT yourself completely, so will everybody else.

Another cool thing you discover is that the LESS people out there are that “rub you the wrong way,” the MORE you’ll be able to get.

In fact, it cuts (in a good way) both ways.

The MORE you accept yourself, the MORE others will accept you.

And the more you do so via the shadow energy exercise, the MORE resources (other people) you’ll find out in the world.

Once you understand that you can get ANYTHING from other people, so long as you help them FEEL GOOD first, there is really nothing you can’t get.

All you need to do is talk to people in the right way.

Ask them the right questions in the right order, and they’ll be MORE than happy to help you get whatever you want.

Learn How:

Secret Agent Persuasion

Joining Of The Minds

Wordless Persuasion

I saw this really corny romantic comedy a while ago.

A guy and a girl were in love, and the guy died.

But after he died, he’d left behind a trail of “bread crumbs” for the girl (his grieving widow) to find.

The deal was they’d only known each other so long, and that was his way of showing her all the things important to him.

The movie was about her following all these clues, going to his hometown, learning all about his childhood, meeting his friends, etc.

Little too “romantic” for my tastes, but the idea is pretty cool.

To leave a bunch of bread crumbs for people to follow.

Especially if something is cool at the end.

Luckily, you don’t have to die to pull this off.

It’s actually pretty easy to do conversationally.

All you do is ask the right questions in the right order, and you can lead people to some pretty amazing feelings.

Feelings they’ve likely never felt before.

Most people are always talking about themselves.

Even when we are listening to others, part of our brains is trying to figure out what to say when they’re done talking.

If you can momentarily turn that part of your brain off, and just ask the right questions, you can lead people to some fantastic ideas.

The questions are easy to ask.

And they are really easy to answer, especially if you ask them right.

Done correctly, you can not only ask easy questions, but get them feeling fantastic without ever needing to say ANYTHING.

A lot of people feel a bit shy about talking about talking about their deepest desires.

But you can set it up so they don’t have to even talk.

And you can keep leading them deeper and deeper into the middle of their most secret fantasies.

All the while anchoring those wonderful feelings to whatever you want.

Your idea, your product, your service, or you.

Imagine all the ways you could use this!

Get Started:

Secret Agent Persuasion

Only In Your Imagination

Get Her To Follow You Anywhere

If a girl is REALLY into you, she’ll follow you to the ends of the Earth.

How, then, do you get a girl to be REALLY into you?

Take a closer look at that first sentence.

The part about the girl “following” you.

If you try to create attraction the way most guys do, this will never happen.


Because guys do all the work. They COMPETE for her attention.

They put in a lot of effort to make her happy.

To consciously get her thinking happy and romantic thoughts.

What is the deeper message?

Even if these techniques work, and the girl feels STRONG attraction, it’s for a guy who is doing all the work.

Which means their ENTIRE relationship is based on HER sitting there in the center, while HE does all the work.

Go any social setting and you’ll see this in action.

Are girls ever wandering around looking for guys?

Not usually. Their sitting there, while all the guys come up to them.

So if a girl is EVER going to “follow” a guy, he’s got to FIRST create tons of attraction, and THEN change course, pulling back.

If she loses interest, then he’s got to create it again, and then pull back again.

This is a LOT of work.

It’s also a LOT to think about.

On the other hand, if you get her to follow you from the VERY START, then she’ll feel COMFORTABLE following you.

How do you do that?

By creating attraction on a VERY DEEP and unconscious level.

So deep she thinks it’s just happening.

She’ll just notice something about you that makes her NOT able to get YOU out of her mind.

And since you are NOT overtly using any “game” techniques, she’ll feel it EVEN MORE.

And once she starts to follow you, then YOU have set the hook.

(Usually it’s the other way around).

How do you do that?

With These:

Hypnotic Seduction

Picking Up Girls on Skull Island

Chocolate Filled Love Cake

Imagine if you wanted to cook something.

But you had no idea how.

So you just poured a bunch of random stuff into a pan, and put it in the over.

Or imagine you were at a party, and you saw a piano.

You had an idea that you wanted to play and sing and hopefully impress a few people.

But you’d never taken singing lessons or piano lessons.

So you just started banging randomly on the keys, hoping a melody would come out.

This is like the “Shakespeare Monkey Island” theory.

That if you had an island of monkeys all randomly banging on typewriters, eventually one of them would produce “Hamlet” or some other Shakespearean play.

This is theoretically true, but it may take a few hundred thousand years.

Similarly, if you just kept banging randomly on the piano, you MIGHT come up with a decent tune.

But it would take a long time.

Sadly, this is how most guys TRY and create attraction in females.

They try things haphazardly, and hope for the best.

One of the common mistakes is to just “tell her how you feel” hoping she’ll magically reciprocate.

This would be like opening your oven and saying how much you’d like to eat a chocolate cake.

If there’s nothing in the oven it doesn’t matter how much you plead.

That cake ain’t gonna bake itself!

Luckily, you CAN create the right emotions in the right order in the right woman.

You just need a recipe.

And just like a chocolate cake, if you follow the instructions, you’ll get the right result.

Frosting and everything!

And once you get the “recipe” down, you can use it again and again.

Learn How:

Hypnotic Seduction

She Wants You

How To Drive Girls Crazy

We humans love our porn.

Both guys AND girls.

Wait, what?

I thought girls didn’t like porn?

They do, just not the same kind guys do.

After all, what is porn?

For guys, it’s the ideal sexual experience.

And for most guys, this is explicit sex with random strangers.

And not just passive strangers, really WILLING and BEAUTIFUL strangers.

Study after study shows this is true.

Most guys, if their absolute dreams came true, (according to a lot of academic level research) would be to take some random hottie off the street, and bang her silly.

WITHOUT even exchanging names.

Which is why porn for guys is pretty much this scenario.

What about girls?

Girls love porn just as much as we guys do.

And what is a girls biggest sexual fantasy?

To be swept off her feet by a mysterious alpha male.

Note being “swept off her feet” is MUCH DIFFERENT than some guy grabbing her and giving her a ride on the baloney pony.

This is some STRANGER showing up out of nowhere and making her feel all of those wonderful emotions that girls crave but never get.

This is why romance novels, especially the super dirty kind, are the HOTTEST selling market on kindle.

Girls can get their porn on ANYWHERE.

So what happens if she meets a guy who can TELL HER those same stories?

Especially in a socially acceptable way?

She would be as excited as YOU would be if YOUR porn fantasies came true.

How, exactly, do you do that?

Tell her those stories?

Here’s How:

Hypnotic Seduction

Approach Anxiety Brain

How To Turn Off Approach Anxiety

One of the cleverest ways we deceive ourselves is when we tell ourselves WHY we aren’t going to take action.

And guys who give themselves reasons for NOT approaching are super genius.

Our brains are very squirrely.

We’ll do anything to protect our egos.

One way we do this is when we lie to ourselves about WHY we aren’t going to approach.

She’s not my type.

She’s too flirty with too many guys.

She’s a little too fat/skinny/tall/short/whatever.

But in reality, the REAL REASON is always fear of social exposure, and social rejection.

The twin horrors the make up approach anxiety.

Walking over is like making a massive declaration.


And then you walk over, and EVERYBODY is watching you.

There’s a scene from an old Steve Martin movie, “The Lonely Guy.”

He walks into a restaurant ALONE, and as soon as he tells the hostess this, everybody stops and stares.

The entire restaurant watches as he walks in, ALONE, and sits.

That’s what walking across any space toward a female FEELS LIKE.

Like the whole world is watching your performance.

Now, anybody can give “advice” about what to do.

Like “Just don’t care about the outcome.”

Or “rejection is better than regret.”

Unfortunately, the part of our brain that comes up with feelings like fear and anxiety can’t be reasoned with.

That would be like telling a person on a diet to just “not be hungry.”

If it were easy to “not be hungry” then 2/3’s of developed countries wouldn’t be overweight.

So you can’t really just “not be afraid.”

At least through sheer willpower and conscious thought.

But you CAN through careful reprogramming.

You CAN reprogram yourself, if you do so a little bit at a time.

And before long, it really is EASY to “not care.”

And that means that approaching cute girls ANYWHERE can be FUN, like it’s supposed to be.

So fun that you’ll ONLY WANT numbers from girls who are interesting enough, smart enough or WHATEVER enough for you tastes.

Learn How:

Zero Fear Game

Unlock Your Power

Essential Variable Of Successful Seduction

What’s the secret line to say to any girl and make her fall in love with you?

That is the most common desire that most guys have.

Unfortunately, it’s the wrong question.

It would be like walking into a bakery, and asking about your upcoming birthday party.

“What is the BEST icing to put on the cake to make sure everybody likes the cake?”

If you asked that question, the baker would laugh and ask you what you meant.

Similarly, what you SAY to a girl is not nearly as important as what YOU are under the words.

Think about what words are. A way to describe the thoughts in our mind.

People “judge us” (whether we like it or not) based on WHO we are.

Our thoughts and the words we describe them with give them an IDEA of who we are.

Think of it this way.

Imagine there WAS some kind of “pick up line” that had been created by seduction scientists in their seduction lab.

And imagine a few hundred different guys went out to say this “magic” pick up line.

Some of the guys were nervous and sweaty.

Other guys were confident and laid back.

Some guys had horrible breath.

Other guys couldn’t make eye contact to save their lives.

If you looked at all the results, and you did a scientific analysis, you would come to the conclusion that the words are the LEAST important.

Since that was the ONE THING that all the guys shared, but they got different results.

So the actual WORDS you say to her aren’t the most important thing.

Or they don’t NEED to be.

Or they are important but only AFTER you get the “basics down.”

What are the basics?

A certain attitude, that you CANNOT fake.

One that radiates a POWERFUL MESSAGE to every girl you interact with, verbally or not.

One that says, “there are plenty of girls, and I’m talking to you to see if you are interesting enough for me.”

With this UNDERLYING attitude, that you radiate with your energy (body language, eye contact, movements, gestures, etc), what you say isn’t nearly as important.

Of course, if you decide AFTER you talk to her long enough, that she IS qualified, you CAN use language technology.

But it won’t be to IMPRESS her.

It will be to ENJOY her.

How do you get this underlying attitude?

Like This:
Zero Fear Game

Easy Peasy

Become The Naturally Attractive Man

What turns a woman on more than anything?

It’s not something she knows, or can anticipate.

Think of a woman’s desire as you would your own hunger.

Sure, you can sit there and list all the foods you want.

But since hunger is an instinct that responds to our environment, and not our conscious brains, it gets turned on whether we like it or not.

Food could be the last thing on our mind, but if we smell or see something good, our hunger takes over.

Whatever we were thinking of is GONE, and all we want to do is eat.

This is the way a female responds to a naturally attractive man.

Sure, she and her friends can sit around and play pretend.

They can list out the qualities they THINK they want.

But when a naturally attractive man shows up, she’ll want him just as much as YOU want that food that suddenly came out of nowhere.

The million dollar question:

How do you become the naturally attractive man?

Is it money? Clothing? The right cologne? The right combination of pick up lines?

Luckily, it is none of these.

Now, this is going to sound like the oldest advice in the book, but stick with me.

That naturally attractive male quality that makes women UNABLE to get their minds off him is CONFIDENCE.

Now, what is confidence?

It’s not what most people think.

Confidence is the absolutely ABSENCE of any anxiety or worry.

Imagine a guy sees a girl.

She’s physically attractive, but to a naturally attractive, and FEARLESS man, that’s not enough.

Since pretty girls are a dime a dozen.

So he talks to her.

And his attitude is “I like you so far, but my attraction to you is always conditional on your behavior, intelligence, and anything else I come up with.”

This cannot be faked.

But if you HAVE this attitude, NOTHIGN else will matter.

Wanna know why women are so angry today?

They are hard wired to FOLLOW a man, but not just any man.

They want a guy who is naturally confident in his own skin.

Not a guy that is worried about what to do, or say, or trying hard to please her.

They guy that can at the same time, express an interest in her AND radiate the “take it or leave it” attitude.

How do you BECOME that guy?

Here’s How:

Zero Fear Game

Secret Ninja Skills

How To Radiate Black Belt Linguistic Energy

Most people hit the snooze button at least once.

Sometimes a few times.

If you absolutely NEED to get out of bed at seven, for example, most people would set their alarms at six thirty.

It’s not a very pleasant thing to pop right awake and have to jump right out of bed.

Sleeping is nice. Dreaming is nice. Your bed is a safe place to be.

Getting and up and walking to the shower while imagining dealing with all the goofs at work, on the other hand, generally sucks.

So we like to ease into it.

Looking at the clock and seeing we’ve got twenty minutes before we need to get out of bed is a good feeling.

We love that extra feeling of “time insulation.”

We tend to do that whenever possible.

We like to have a few extra dollars saved in a secret stash.

We tell the boss we’ll have the report done by Friday, when we could probably finish by Thursday.

It doesn’t feel good to go down to the wire, and have NOTHING left.

Even on Star Trek, Scotty frequently said that it’s never a good idea to tell the Captain how fast the ship can REALLY go.

Building up a set of “defensive linguistic tools” can be thought of as the same way.

That extra bit of secret power.

Even if you never really need them, knowing they are there will make you feel much more confident.

If somebody says something hurtful to you, out of the blue, it can really sting.

Especially if they are somebody close.

But if you’ve got a secret stash of linguistic weapons, you can look at them and just IMAGINE saying them.

Just knowing you have them will take away that sting.

And paradoxically, just knowing you have them will keep those insults from ever happening in the first place.

It’s like you’re radiating a different kind of energy.

Kind of like a quiet guy with a black belt in martial arts.

Nobody knows exactly why, but they suspect it would be a very BAD idea to mess with him.

Luckily, learning these linguistic skills isn’t nearly as difficult as getting a black belt.

All you need is a few minutes a day, and before you know it, your energy will shift.

Get Started:

Stop Manipulation