One time I was in Vegas with a couple of friends.
I had a sudden flash of insight, and hid $40 in my wallet.
In case I lost everything, I’d still have the $40 to buy gas with for the drive back.
Only I totally forgot about the hidden money.
(I suppose because I never lost everything).
I didn’t find that extra $40 until a few months later.
For a brief few seconds, I thought I’d been visited by the money fairy.
A lot of people do that.
Hide resources.
And then forget about them.
Sometimes for their entire lives.
They are always those stories of old people who lived extremely frugally.
Then when the authorities come to collect the body and clean up their apartment, they find stock certificates worth millions.
We always wonder if they knew they were worth millions and just chose to live an ascetic lifestyle.
Or maybe they just got into good habits, of investing wisely and consistently, and then forgot the REASON for the habit.
There’s a song from the musical “Fiddler on the Roof,” about “tradition.”
The theme is doing things just because you used to do them, without really knowing why.
The word “squirrel away” is obviously from squirrels. They collect and hide food, because they expect to USE IT later on.
But as humans, with our often confused minds, it’s easy to forget WHY we do certain things.
It becomes even MORE “mystical” when we consider that we may have made these decisions LONG before we came into this life.
If it was pretty easy for me to forget my hidden $40, imagine the kind of stuff our HIGHER SELVES might have hidden in our physical bodies!
This may be the REASON we are here.
To FIND that which we hid, long ago.
Or at the very least, to enjoy the search.
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