Tag Archives: learning

Anchor On Your Desires

Why Now Always Beats Later

There are two reasons we human do anything.

Either to move toward pleasure, or to move away from pain.

Anything you want or don’t want can be broken down into those components.

However, it’s usually not so simple.

Take the ubiquitous goal of weight loss.

Most people would LOVE to be skinnier.

Otherwise the “lose weight” section on Amazon wouldn’t have zillions of best sellers.

But this simple and common idea involves a TON of confusing “good things” and “bad things.”

Eating feels good.

But having to strain to button your pants doesn’t feel good.

So we want make it easier to put on our pants.

In order to achieve that “good” we need to reduce another “good,” namely the pleasure we get from eating.

Problem is that eating pleasure happens right NOW.

While the pleasure of loose fitting pants is WAY out into the future.

And we’re supposed to “live in the moment,” right?

So it’s “good thing” to eat ice cream, NOW.

But then later the next morning, when we have to lie on the floor to zip up our pants, we are still “living in the moment.”

Only that particular “living in the moment” of squirming around trying to zip up our pants is a different “living in the moment” than when we ate a quart of ice cream the night before.

How the heck are we supposed to know what to do?

Even when we DO know what to do, how the heck we do it?

I doubt you’d find anybody that thinks eating a quart of ice cream is more than a “guilty pleasure.”

Yet somehow, that ice cream magically gets from the grocery store to our freezer.

And despite our promises to ourselves in the grocery store, it’s hard to ONLY eat a small bowl.

In case you hadn’t noticed, another theme in all of these confusing ideas is the idea of TIME.

When we choose to eat or not eat the ice cream, we are comparing NOW vs. the FUTURE.

When we buy the ice cream in the store, we are comparing NOW vs. THE FUTURE.

For most people, NOW wins over the FUTURE every time.

But you can “go meta.”

Most people try to battle on a surface level.

They focus on the content of the NOW vs. the content of the FUTURE.

Buying the ice cream (and promising to only eat a little bit) or NOT buying the ice cream.

Every time we choose, it’s always a matter of pleasure NOW vs. pleasure in the FUTURE.

The good news is you can ignore the content.

Meaning you can slowly build up your FUTURE thinking muscle, so that starts to win over the NOW.

It’s easier than you think.

Learn How:

Seven Disciplines

Who's Doing Your Thinking?

Whose Thoughts Are You Thinking?

Once I went to a bar with a friend.

As soon as I walked in, I noticed that the walls were covered with Corona flags.

We sat at our table, I ordered my drink, and he studied the menu.

After a little bit of thought, he ordered a Corona.

He acted like he’d decided on Corona ONLY after reading the menu.

I laughed, and he asked why.

I pointed out all the Corona signs and he looked stunned.

When I was a kid I saw this stage show at an amusement park.

The trick was that I was supposed to whisper something to a dog, and the dog would go and retrieve it.

I did, and the dog retrieved it.

Since I was a kid, I really thought the dog could understand me.

But my brother explained that the trainer had carefully slipped that idea into my mind, so I thought it was mine.

Every show, the dog would always get the same thing.

And every time, the kid thought it was HIS choice that he told the dog.

Just like my Corona ordering friend, the thought had been carefully implanted in there.

Had my brother not explained the trick to me, or had I not shown my friend all the Corona signs, we would have thought it really WAS our thought.

So here’s the uncomfortable question:

How do you know your thoughts are really yours?

Grocery stores are laid out to alter our buying choices.

TV ads are carefully designed to alter our thinking choices.

And since most people think the same thoughts every day, what does it mean if those same thoughts (that people think every day) are really put there by others?

Whose thoughts are we REALLY thinking all day long?

Our lives are built from our behaviors.

Our behaviors are a result of our thinking.

But if our thinking is secretly controlled by others, WHOSE lives are we living?

On a big scale, this sounds terrifying.

But on a much smaller scale, it’s not so bad.

If you’ve got a massive garden that is overrun by weeds, it’s not a very happy thought.

But if you just took out ONE weed per day, and replaced with a seed for a flower, pretty soon you’d transform your garden.

Your thoughts, and the behaviors that create, are the same way.

Even if ALL of your thoughts are really somebody else’s, you can start small.

And slowly replace them with YOUR thoughts that will build the life that YOU want.

Not anybody else.

Learn How:

Seven Disciplines

Free Yourself From Unenlightened Persuasion

Secret Pac Man Magic

When I was a kid me and my buddies loved to play Pac Man.

There were lots of old school video games.

But Pac Man was unique.

In that there was allegedly some secret “pattern” that once you learned it, it would allow you to easily escape the dudes trying to eat Pac Man.

Lots of video games have “cheats,” but for Pac Man it was a little different.

It was like a secret system.

Of course, nobody knew what that system was.

Everybody knew somebody who saw somebody use it.

It seems we humans love to think along these lines.

Of some secret shortcut that exists, and only those “in the know” have access to it.

Once I was told by a professor in college that companies had secretly invented tires that never wear down and nylons that never run.

But if they released them to the public, they wouldn’t make nearly as much money.

Maybe it’s true, maybe not, but it seems that with some clever marketing, if you DID have a tire that never wore down, you’d make a ton of money.

On the other hand, there ARE some things that do seem like shortcuts.

But they only appear to be shortcuts to others who don’t know the “system.”

If you work any system long enough, you’ll figure out all the angles.

Kind of like that movie, “Groundhog Day.”

Poor guy lived the same day over and over and over.

But by the end, he had everything down PERFECTLY.

The good news is that we don’t need to relive every day, or take a bunch of time to learn all the angles.

Because there really IS a set of “shortcuts.”

Shortcuts in human thinking and behaving.

The people that know about these shortcuts, and more importantly, how to deliver them, make TONS of money.

And they have been for a LONG time.

And many of the folks that are naturally persuasive use these also.

They just don’t know it.

So when you learn these, and find out just how effective they are, it’s up to you whether you want to share them or not.

But it IS pretty cool to let others think you’ve discovered some kind of magic trick.

Learn How:
Seven Laws

Sheeple Are Everywhere - Lead Them

Leave Average Ideas Behind

Life is filled with tons of complex ideas.

But in order to make sense of these, we have to use approximations.

Metaphors, models, etc.

If you have the correct model for any system, it’s pretty easy to predict what’s going to happen.

But if you have the WRONG model, nothing makes sense.

Whenever we are trying to figure out what any group of people are going to do, we need to know their intentions.

This can be difficult, especially when most of the time WE ourselves don’t really know WHY we do certain things.

In fact, the “go-to” response for ANY kid when he gets into trouble is to say, “I don’t know,” when asked WHY he did that.

Even grownups use this handy excuse!

But here’s a useful model to use whenever thinking in terms of groups.

All groups of humans (and even all mammals) organize in a hierarchy.

This happens automatically.

Which means something that is ALWAYS on EVERYBODY’S mind is wondering WHO is in charge.

The truth is that most people are just not that comfortable thinking on their own.

Few people will EVER take responsibility when something goes wrong.

Which is why MOST PEOPLE you will meet in your life will be content to follow others.

It’s safe, it’s easy, it’s comfortable.

That’s good enough for most folks.

It’s also pretty boring, and VERY average.

If you want to BE above average, you’ve got to ACT above average.

Instead of being content to follow, you’ve got to LEAD.

Even if you ONLY want to LEAD your own life, this requires NOT sitting around and waiting for somebody to tell you what to do.

This requires you figure out what’s what, and start making moves.

Own all the results, good and bad, and keep learning and moving.

Funny thing is, once you start to LEAD your own life, people will naturally start to follow you.

Once that happens, you’ll have a lot more options.

All it takes you develop the inner “energy” of a natural leader.

Whether you’re building an empire, or a weekend hobby club, it’s a lot easier with “leader energy” and loyal followers.

Learn How:

Cult Leader

Their Deep Inner Dreams

Doubled Edged People Secrets

Externalizing is a very common human strategy.

It happens subconsciously, and presents itself in many forms.

One way to “discover” this is by doing the “shadow energy” exercise.

The theory is whenever we come across somebody who “rubs us the wrong way,” it’s because they remind us of US, on some level.

So to prevent us from finding out that “bad stuff” about ourselves, we (or rather our ego) throws up a protective barrier.

That barrier comes across to our conscious minds as a form of “distaste” for that person.

We usually come up with some logical sounding reasons, usually ones that make US look good, and THEM look bad.

This is extremely common.

We ALL do this, ALL the time.

Not just “those other people.”

What’s rare is being able to use this as a personal growth tool.

This is where the “shadow energy” exercise comes in.

We acknowledge that we feel “distaste” for them because they remind us of us.

Then we find a place to sit and contemplate that part of ourselves we don’t want to acknowledge.

You don’t really need to address it, or confront it, or even understand it.

All you really need to do is acknowledge that it exists, and accept it.

Everybody has TONS of imperfections, this is just another one of them.

By doing this, you will discover something pretty cool.

It’s not being perfect or not perfect that makes us who we are.

It’s our opinion of ourselves.

No matter WHO you are, if you ACCEPT yourself completely, so will everybody else.

Another cool thing you discover is that the LESS people out there are that “rub you the wrong way,” the MORE you’ll be able to get.

In fact, it cuts (in a good way) both ways.

The MORE you accept yourself, the MORE others will accept you.

And the more you do so via the shadow energy exercise, the MORE resources (other people) you’ll find out in the world.

Once you understand that you can get ANYTHING from other people, so long as you help them FEEL GOOD first, there is really nothing you can’t get.

All you need to do is talk to people in the right way.

Ask them the right questions in the right order, and they’ll be MORE than happy to help you get whatever you want.

Learn How:

Secret Agent Persuasion

Magnetize Their Desires

The Opposite Of Levitation

When I was a kid I loved playing with magnets.

Getting the ends to snap together was pretty cool.

But I always wanted to build a levitation device.

Like Luke Skywalker’s land cruiser.

Magnetic levitation trains are built for the same reason.

There is very little resistance, so you can get the train going pretty fast.

If you have a strong enough magnet, you can do some damage.

Most hotel locks that are card activated can be opened with a magnet.

As can most electronic safes.

Attraction itself is an interesting concept.

Both as a metaphor and as a scientific law.

Gravity, for example, describes the attraction between two objects.

Just by having mass, objects are attracted to one another.

And even when described metaphorically, attraction between two people is pretty much the same thing.

You see an “attractive” person across the room.

Both figuratively, metaphorically and (if you make an approach) literally, you are “attracted” to them.

One minute you’re trying to think about what’s for dinner and then BOOM.

You’re walking across the room trying to think of something interesting to say.

In our most basic form, humans are a lot like magnets.

There are things we are attracted to, and there are things we are repulsed by.

Things we want to move towards, and things we want to get away from.

Every single thing you can think of can be put into one of these two categories.

Either something you want to get closer to, or something you want to get away from.

Most of the time, we are only concerned with OUR OWN wants and “not wants.”

But if you take the time to find out what these are in others, you can gain a lot of leverage.

Because in it’s basic form, that raw desire is the same.

Even if you don’t want to attach it to anything else, just talking to other people about their “wants” will do something pretty cool.

The more you talk to them about what they want, the more specific you help them get, the more they will AUTOMATICALLY start to associate that raw desire (underneath that surface level thing) with YOU.

So later on, when they think of you, they’ll get the SAME good feelings they get when they think about what they want.

Whatever it is.

Learn How:

Secret Agent Persuasion

Fantasy Land OF her Mind

Fly Under Her Radar

Girls love it when guys chase them.

Especially guys they like.

They KNOW that as soon as they send a text, his mind will be spinning in circles trying to figure out the best way to respond.

And when it comes to sex, the language they use (with other girls) explains EXACTLY how they feel about the power dynamic.

“Maybe I’ll LET HIM f–k me after two weeks.”

Even when guys talk amongst themselves, they use this kind of language.

“I HOPE I get laid.”

Even that short phrase, “get laid” explains how guys view sex.

Lay is a transitive verb. A transitive verb requires an ACTOR and an OBJECT. You lay down and object. So when you say “get laid” you are referring to YOURSELF as the OBJECT.

For example, consider this sentence:

“I laid the book down on the table.”

You are the actor, the BOOK is the object.

Now this sentence:

“I hope I get laid.”

In this, the actor is UNSTATED. But the OBJECT is you.

Not the actor. An object HOPING to be MANIPULATED by an actor.

This is why when you FLIP THE SCRIPT, she won’t know WHAT the heck is going on.

Meaning you need to get HER thinking about YOU without her thinking YOU are trying to do that.

She has to FEEL LIKE it’s just “happening.”

This is the DREAM for women.

NOT to be “picked up” or “pursued” by some kind of player or PUA.

She wants to FEEL DESPERATE ATTRACTION and not know why.

This is what all those romance movies are about.

Not some PUA spitting game.

Some guy that she falls for and has NO IDEA why.

How do you do this?

The first step is to avoid all game type technology.

Speak in a way that sounds normal, but has DEEP SEDUCTIVE technology buried so far inside the language it’s undetectable.

But it works like magic.

Because it was INVENTED by the greatest hypnotist who ever lived.

And he was a MAGICIAN with people’s emotions.

Imagine what happens when you use them on cute girls?

Learn More:

Hypnotic Seduction

Stock Market Fight

Proper Use Of The Quotes Pattern

The “quotes” pattern from NLP is VERY powerful.

Even if you “misuse” it.

Which most people do.

Here’s how it works.

You’re next to some girl at a bar or club or party.

And you’ve already broken the ice. Maybe you know her name, maybe you don’t.

But you are chit chatting about whatever.

Then you point out your “friend” across the room.

“See that guy?” you ask, and she nods her head.

“He’s got massive balls. I mean yesterday he walked up to a girl, just started dancing with her, and right in the middle of the song he looked at her and say, ‘Why don’t we get out of here, so I can show you how you can have such a powerful orgasm you’ll forget your name,’ do you believe that?”

When you start with the “Why don’t we get out of here…” part you actually turn and look at the girl you are talking to.

The whole trick is you can say that part to her (the part about giving her a mind blowing orgasm) but you are pretending you’re “quoting” your friend.

That way you have plausible deniability in case she gets angry.

And if it works, it works.

It’s like getting the potential positives, WITHOUT any of the potential negatives.

The problem is that ONE SENTENCE isn’t going to do much.

This is also the MAIN PROBLEM with any kind of hypnosis or NLP “trick” that people learn about.

They use only one or two of them, imagining that it REALLY IS possible to say about fifteen seconds worth of words and convince a girl you’ve just met to have wild sex with you.

But here’s the thing.

If you stretch that SAME CONCEPT out to a few minutes, (rather than a few seconds) it WILL work.

Meaning that instead of saying one line that some other guy said to some other girl, you tell a bunch of nested stories that other people (characters in the story) told to other people (other characters in the story).

They take a little bit longer to learn than one sentence, but once you do, you’ll have a set of stories you can use AGAIN AND AGAIN on as many girls as you want.

Learn How:

Hypnotic Seduction

Picking Up Girls on Skull Island

Chocolate Filled Love Cake

Imagine if you wanted to cook something.

But you had no idea how.

So you just poured a bunch of random stuff into a pan, and put it in the over.

Or imagine you were at a party, and you saw a piano.

You had an idea that you wanted to play and sing and hopefully impress a few people.

But you’d never taken singing lessons or piano lessons.

So you just started banging randomly on the keys, hoping a melody would come out.

This is like the “Shakespeare Monkey Island” theory.

That if you had an island of monkeys all randomly banging on typewriters, eventually one of them would produce “Hamlet” or some other Shakespearean play.

This is theoretically true, but it may take a few hundred thousand years.

Similarly, if you just kept banging randomly on the piano, you MIGHT come up with a decent tune.

But it would take a long time.

Sadly, this is how most guys TRY and create attraction in females.

They try things haphazardly, and hope for the best.

One of the common mistakes is to just “tell her how you feel” hoping she’ll magically reciprocate.

This would be like opening your oven and saying how much you’d like to eat a chocolate cake.

If there’s nothing in the oven it doesn’t matter how much you plead.

That cake ain’t gonna bake itself!

Luckily, you CAN create the right emotions in the right order in the right woman.

You just need a recipe.

And just like a chocolate cake, if you follow the instructions, you’ll get the right result.

Frosting and everything!

And once you get the “recipe” down, you can use it again and again.

Learn How:

Hypnotic Seduction

Easy Peasy

Become The Naturally Attractive Man

What turns a woman on more than anything?

It’s not something she knows, or can anticipate.

Think of a woman’s desire as you would your own hunger.

Sure, you can sit there and list all the foods you want.

But since hunger is an instinct that responds to our environment, and not our conscious brains, it gets turned on whether we like it or not.

Food could be the last thing on our mind, but if we smell or see something good, our hunger takes over.

Whatever we were thinking of is GONE, and all we want to do is eat.

This is the way a female responds to a naturally attractive man.

Sure, she and her friends can sit around and play pretend.

They can list out the qualities they THINK they want.

But when a naturally attractive man shows up, she’ll want him just as much as YOU want that food that suddenly came out of nowhere.

The million dollar question:

How do you become the naturally attractive man?

Is it money? Clothing? The right cologne? The right combination of pick up lines?

Luckily, it is none of these.

Now, this is going to sound like the oldest advice in the book, but stick with me.

That naturally attractive male quality that makes women UNABLE to get their minds off him is CONFIDENCE.

Now, what is confidence?

It’s not what most people think.

Confidence is the absolutely ABSENCE of any anxiety or worry.

Imagine a guy sees a girl.

She’s physically attractive, but to a naturally attractive, and FEARLESS man, that’s not enough.

Since pretty girls are a dime a dozen.

So he talks to her.

And his attitude is “I like you so far, but my attraction to you is always conditional on your behavior, intelligence, and anything else I come up with.”

This cannot be faked.

But if you HAVE this attitude, NOTHIGN else will matter.

Wanna know why women are so angry today?

They are hard wired to FOLLOW a man, but not just any man.

They want a guy who is naturally confident in his own skin.

Not a guy that is worried about what to do, or say, or trying hard to please her.

They guy that can at the same time, express an interest in her AND radiate the “take it or leave it” attitude.

How do you BECOME that guy?

Here’s How:

Zero Fear Game