Tag Archives: practice

My Next Door Neighbor Has The Loudest Guitar In The World

Develop Linguistic Flexibility

When I was in high school, I loved geometry.

My friends either loved it, or hated it.

I liked the idea of solving problems via “proofs.”

You had this angle or shape or something.

And you had to “prove” that a certain angle was the same as another certain angle.

You had to go through a step by step process where you used some ideas that were simply assumed to be true.

Like if you take a line, and bisect it with another line, the two angles on either side of the bisecting line HAVE TO BE equal to 180 degrees. Or the sum of all angles within a triangle HAVE TO BE 180 degrees.

In NLP, they have a list of “presuppositions.” Things that are simply assumed to be true.

You can’t prove them, but you can’t disprove them.

Like having more resources is better than having less resources.

Or every single person is always doing the best they can, given their skills and their understanding of the situation, to get their needs met, as they see them.

Or the more flexible you are with how you achieve your outcome, the more likely you’ll achieve it.

One of my favorite presupposition is that nobody is “broken.”

It’s just a matter of increasing your understanding of what you want, increase your awareness of your situation, and increasing your skills.

If you accept those three things, which are ALL under your control, you can get anything.

Within the Covert Hypnosis training program, there’re these things called “Linguistic Presuppositions.”

These are grammatical structures that kind of force you to accept something as true in order to make sense of the sentence.

Like if I said, “My next door neighbor’s guitar is the loudest in the world,” you’d have to ASSUME certain things in order to formulate a response.

Like I have a next door neighbor. He or she has a guitar. It’s loud. Etc.

Or consider this sentence:

One reason the Covert Hypnosis training program is so popular is it allows you to become incredibly persuasive without seeming like a salesperson.

What are the assumptions?

It’s popular. It’s popular for many reasons.

It does a lot of things OTHER than training you how to become persuasive.

One of those other things is it is a FANTASTIC tool for self development.


One of the ways to practice the patterns is to write them out.

When you write out the presuppositions, you can use any “assumptions” you want to be assumed true, as you drill them into your brain.

Things like, “you are persuasive.”

Or “making money is easy.”

Or “expressing myself in public is fun.”

Or “getting a good paying job is easy.”

And on and on.

What TRUTHS would you like to program into your brain?

Get Started:

Covert Hypnosis

Mother Nature Always Wins - She Is Persistent

Become A Social Super Hero

I had this friend that was into making jewelry.

She would buy these rocks, and put them in this tumbler.

(not the blog, and actual tumbler).

And had a really rough surface on the inside. The rock would go in, tumble around for a couple days, and come out smooth.

Kind of like how ocean waves relentlessly pound rocks into sand, only a lot quicker.

It’s also why rocks at the bottom of streams are smooth, while rocks out in the wind are rough.

The thing about Nature is she is relentless. She never gives up. She always wins.

There’s an ancient Chinese Proverb that says, “If you wait by the river long enough, you can see the bodies of your enemies floating by.”

Which means patience, above all, will win. If you are rash, and take action, you may win, but you may end up biting off more than you can chew.

I know, we only have one life, right? We don’t have eons of time to slowly wear down our rough spots into smooth edges.

But think about this. What if you started FIVE YEARS ago, doing some kind of skill improvement, for ONLY ten minutes a day.

What kind of skills would you have now?

What if you start now, what will you be like a year from now?

One of the paradoxes of human life is we don’t want to do things unless we are GUARANTEED to see an IMMEDIATE result.

Nobody buys books on how to get rich slowly, or lose one pound a week for two years.

We keep trying these goofy plans time after time, and NEVER get anywhere.

Meanwhile, those slow and steady tortoises are kicking our ass!

Here’s one way you can DRAMATICALLY improve yourself over the next year.

There’s a whole section in the Covert Hypnosis book on practice drills.

Where you take each pattern, and write out a bunch of examples.

A fantastic way to do that, while boosting your own self confidence and social skills at the same time, is take those exercises and write to yourself.

Instead of some imaginary person sitting in front of you that you are selling to or trying to seduce, write the patterns to yourself.

And use the patterns to persuade yourself that you are ultra confident. Super intelligent. Powerfully attractive. Socially outgoing. Massive self esteem.

If you do that, not only will you become a ninja with the patterns, but you’ll also SLOWLY transform yourself into a social skills super hero.

Able to sell anything to anybody, and sweep anybody off their feet.

Get Started:

Covert Hypnosis

The Biggest Skill of All

Here’s a quick and easy exercise that will help you maintain a strong frame.

Holding a frame is a skill like any other skill.

However, the way people talk about it, it can sound like there some “technique,” like how do I make a cherry cheesecake.

Once you’ve got the recipe down for a cherry cheesecake, it’s pretty easy.

But something like holding a frame, a skill, takes a lot of practice.

Like hitting a curveball or being able to juggle.

These aren’t impossible things, but you wouldn’t be able to learn them by reading a “how to” guide.

So, how do you practice holding a frame?

Simple. Choose a frame, and hold it!

Just like juggling, or hitting a curveball, the more you do it, the easier it gets.

But unless you are VERY specific and consistent, your “frame” that you are “holding” will be all over the place, which means you won’t exactly be practicing “holding” a frame. You’ll be practicing watching your frame be yanked all over the place!

What is a frame? It’s the meaning of an interaction, or a situation.

So, you can practice by going through similar situations, and HOLDING the same intention.

Like every time you walk into a store, you can set the “meaning” of that situation as you buying what you want.

Sounds simple. Sounds obvious.

But if you’ve EVER walked into a store to buy something, and had your thoughts PULLED AWAY by something you DIDN’T plan, then you lost the frame.

Maybe you saw something you wanted instead.

Maybe you saw a cute guy or girl, and tried to think of something to say.

These are all EXAMPLES of the situation REFRAMING you.

So, how can you PRACTICE holding the frame?

Before you go into the store, choose what your intention is. Buying a sandwich. Buying a case of beer. Whatever.

When you are IN the store, for the entire time, DO NOT THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE.

Do not look at other stuff. Do not wander around. Do not smile at cute girls.

ONLY keep your mind focused on what you are there for. Get in, buy the thing, and get out.

Let NO OTHER THOUGHTS come into your mind.

This may seem simple. This may seem goofy. This may seem like something that you “already know.”

But when you can hold ANY FRAME YOU CHOOSE, regardless of what other people say or do, or whatever “happens,” you will be able to rule the world.

Who rules the world?

The dude with the strongest frame. Not the smartest guy. Not the richest guy. The guy who can HOLD HIS INTENTION regardless of what happens.

OK, maybe you don’t want to rule the world.

Maybe you just want to make a ton of cash, and build some AWESOME relationships.

The stronger your ability to SET and HOLD any frame, the easier that will be.

Get Started:
Frame Control

You Can Do Anything

What Do You Practice?

I was talking to a friend of mine who had to give a big presentation recently.

It was some advanced business to business concept. Some device used in big factories.

He had to give a PowerPoint presentation to about fifty people, all from different countries.

I asked him if he was nervous, and he said no. He’d done it many times before, so he wasn’t nervous.

As the old joke goes, the guy walking down the street asks the stranger, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” To which the stranger replies: “Practice.”

Meaning if you want to become highly skilled in anything, all you’ve got to do is practice.

For a lot of people, this is horrible news. They’d like to take some magic pill, or have the information drilled into their brain Matrix-like (or like on the TV show “Chuck”) and then suddenly be excellent.

Part of the reason is that people that are really good at something have practice so much, they’ve reached the final stage of learning:

Unconscious Competence.

They’re so good they don’t have to think about what they’re doing. They make it look easy. So much that we start to think that it’s not fair. After all, that guy or girl up on stage is just having fun, yet making millions of dollars.

But what we DON’T see is the tens of thousands of hours they’ve practiced again and again. Many times at the expense of a normal social life.

On the other hand, there are people who LOVE the idea of “practice makes perfect.”

This means ANYBODY can do ANY THING. So long as they put in enough practice, and give themselves enough time.

But alas, most of us are incredibly lazy. That guy on the late night TV commercial says we can get rich with no experience and no money down.

That one gizmo that slides under your bed can give you a six pack in only three minutes a day.

The secret of success is that there IS no secret.

Sure, some people are born lucky. But most of us aren’t.

The REAL secret is that if you simply practice something long enough, you’ll be excellent at it.

Excellent enough to make tons of cash, create magnificent relationships, and get whatever you want.

This goes with real skills, like becoming a master chef or a virtuoso violinist.

It also goes with mental skills. Like developing positive beliefs and demolishing false fears.

Practice the right mental exercises, and you’ll be fearless in no time.

Combine this with some real world practice, and the world is yours.

Get Started:
