Author Archives: mindpersuasion

True Leadership

Awaken Your Inner Leader

We humans are pretty clever.

We are always trying to sneak our way around things.

Some shortcuts are cool.

If you can find a legitimately quicker way of doing something, that requires LESS effort and gets the SAME result, that’s a good way to make a lot of money.

Some shortcuts are different.

Some are dangerous, like when you’re driving across the country and try a shortcut and end up in Children of the Corn.

Then you’re chased around by little demon kids with knives.

That can suck.

Another way that shortcuts can suck is we convince ourselves we are getting the SAME result, but we really aren’t.

A lot of the “authority” we see in society is like this.

Everybody LOVES the idea of “having authority,” but few people like the idea of “getting” authority.

Authority is one of the laws of influence.

If somebody in authority says something, we tend to believe it without question.

And people LOVE the idea of being able to tell people what to do WITHOUT them questioning them.

So we come with plenty of convoluted ways to “get” authority, but it’s really only “pretend” authority.

When something SERIOUS happens, those “authority” figures don’t turn out to be helpful.

And they only want their “authority” so long as they are getting paid.

But humans will always crave real authority.

Most of the “authority” figures in today’s society is like sugar.

If all you ate were bowls of sugar, you might believe you were eating regular food.

It tastes good, it gives you energy, but in the long run, it will kill you.

After a while your body is STARVED for real nutrients. Protein, fat, vitamins.

Just like people in today’s society are STARVED for REAL authority.

Not the kind that is authority for it’s own sake.

Or the authority that needs a gun to back it up.

But REAL authority.

When you can speak with REAL authority, people will follow you.


That’s up to you.

You can get people to follow you anywhere, so long as you are willing to lead.

In most cases, if ALL you did was LEAD your own life, people would follow.

Learn How:

Cult Leader

Falling Into Sharks

How To Decipher Human Behavior

One of the curiosities of human nature is that being able to make sense of the world around us seems to be our prime directive.

It doesn’t seem this way, because this idea happens on a very deep subconscious level.

It’s as if the circuitry in our brains is incapable of coming to the conclusion that our world is purely random.

Even when we say, “Just because,” we REALLY don’t mean “just because.”

When we say that, it’s usually equivalent to “there’s some reason, but I don’t know what it is, and I’m not really interested in taking the time to find out.”

Because think of what it might mean if there really WERE something that really WERE purely random.

Since our entire universe is based on laws of science that are not only ALWAYS true, but ALWAYS true in the same way, we can’t fathom the idea of “randomness.”

It’s like in our brain we have a “divide by zero” alert. We HAVE to come up with a reason for EVERYTHING.

The problem comes when the REAL REASON truly is beyond our comprehension.

But unless we’re shrugging it off as “just because” we NEED to find a reason.

Something else comes into play as well.

Since our brains are organs that need energy, they’re always trying to economize.

So when it has a choice of spending a LOT of brainpower, or coming up with a simple answer, the simple answer, even if it doesn’t feel good, might be “better” than spending a bunch of energy trying to come up with a complicated answer.

Here’s a quick example.

We’re walking down the street, we smile at somebody, and they don’t smile back.

Our brain can spend a LOT of energy trying to calculate the REASON they didn’t smile back.

Remember, it can’t come back with a “no reason” answer, on a subconscious level that’s like a “divide by zero” error in Excel.

So what’s the EASIEST answer?

Usually it has to do with US not being good enough for THEM.

Problem is that on one hand, this SEEMS like the correct answer.

So it satisfies the “easy and quick logical answer” our brains crave.

But on the other hand, it’s almost IMPOSSIBLE to be correct.

There are just TOO MANY variables to calculate.

Or at least that’s what we think.

In reality, most people are VERY SIMPLE.

We run by simple triggers that spur us to action, and we are blinded by simple biases that keep us from seeing things.

And when you understand what these are, you’ll have a SIGNIFICANT understanding of human nature.

Which means your brain will start coming up with MUCH BETTER answers when it comes to deciphering other people’s behaviors.

Learn How:

Cult Leader

Sheeple Are Everywhere - Lead Them

Leave Average Ideas Behind

Life is filled with tons of complex ideas.

But in order to make sense of these, we have to use approximations.

Metaphors, models, etc.

If you have the correct model for any system, it’s pretty easy to predict what’s going to happen.

But if you have the WRONG model, nothing makes sense.

Whenever we are trying to figure out what any group of people are going to do, we need to know their intentions.

This can be difficult, especially when most of the time WE ourselves don’t really know WHY we do certain things.

In fact, the “go-to” response for ANY kid when he gets into trouble is to say, “I don’t know,” when asked WHY he did that.

Even grownups use this handy excuse!

But here’s a useful model to use whenever thinking in terms of groups.

All groups of humans (and even all mammals) organize in a hierarchy.

This happens automatically.

Which means something that is ALWAYS on EVERYBODY’S mind is wondering WHO is in charge.

The truth is that most people are just not that comfortable thinking on their own.

Few people will EVER take responsibility when something goes wrong.

Which is why MOST PEOPLE you will meet in your life will be content to follow others.

It’s safe, it’s easy, it’s comfortable.

That’s good enough for most folks.

It’s also pretty boring, and VERY average.

If you want to BE above average, you’ve got to ACT above average.

Instead of being content to follow, you’ve got to LEAD.

Even if you ONLY want to LEAD your own life, this requires NOT sitting around and waiting for somebody to tell you what to do.

This requires you figure out what’s what, and start making moves.

Own all the results, good and bad, and keep learning and moving.

Funny thing is, once you start to LEAD your own life, people will naturally start to follow you.

Once that happens, you’ll have a lot more options.

All it takes you develop the inner “energy” of a natural leader.

Whether you’re building an empire, or a weekend hobby club, it’s a lot easier with “leader energy” and loyal followers.

Learn How:

Cult Leader

Split Open Their Mind

Awaken Their Most Powerful Instinct

One of things that causes us the most problems is having a “mismatch” of our instincts and our modern world.

This is pretty easy to understand when it comes to something like hunger.

An “instinct” that makes us hungry any time we see or smell food, even if we weren’t hungry before.

Back when it took a lot of effort (and sometimes a lot of risk) to GET food, this was a healthy trait.

It kept us always searching for food.

Imagine if we NEVER felt hungry, no matter what!

Sure, if you’d like to lose a few pounds, this may be a dream come true.

But what if you not only never got hungry, but food tasted totally neutral?

If you HAD to remember to EAT?

Most people wouldn’t think about it, and we’d all be rail thin.

Luckily, we HAVE a never-ending desire to eat.

And plenty of other instincts as well.

But like hunger, one of our big problems in modern society is we STILL have these ancient instincts.

Many of them are very subtle, and they operate outside of our conscious awareness.

When you are OVERLY obedient to your “hunger instinct” it’s pretty hard NOT to notice.

But many of these other instincts operate in a way so we NEVER realize what’s happening.

However, some people DO understand these ancient instincts, and understand them VERY WELL.

And they tend to USE them in clever ways.

One of our PRIMARY instincts is to follow somebody who “resonated” genuine authority.

Most of our instincts were put together long ago, when most of us were nomads.

And nomads need a leader.

Without a strong leader, any ancient tribe was lost.

But the lucky tribes who had a STRONG leader, they’d follow him or her to the ends of the Earth.

And just like our hunger instinct, all humans are hard wired to CRAVE the feeling of being near a naturally authoritative and strong leader.

Of course, we don’t need to follow crazy people out into the wilderness.

What would be a modern equivalent of a “tribe” of people following a strong “tribal” leader?

The inspirational coach who leads a team of misfits to a championship.

The genius business person to leads a company to greatness.

The mesmerizing storytellers (actors, directors, writers) who lead our emotions to wonderful places.

Why not YOU?

Learn More:

Cult Leader

Dream Big Baby

Interest Rates and Fantasies

Some of the laws of economics are pretty simple to understand.

It can get VERY complicated, but it doesn’t have to.

And on a personal level, economics is inseparable from basic human behavior.

The crux of interest rates, a pretty complex subject, has to do with how humans think about desires and time.

We’d rather have something NOW than later, all else equal.

Because we want it more NOW than later, something “later” has to be worth MORE if we were to not get it now.

In terms of dollars and cents, we’d like to have a hundred bucks today, OR if we had to wait a week, we might accept a hundred a ten bucks.

This is the reason why we have things like interest rates.

Why when you borrow money, you have to give back more than what you got.

Theoretically, the person loaning you the money wants to keep his money.

And the only way he’ll loan it to you is you give him back slightly MORE in the future.

In a sense, the difference is the “cost” of money.

Like you have to pay ten bucks to rent somebody’s money for a year.

Of course, when you involve central banks and debt based money, it gets pretty complicated.

But the idea of thinking about things in the FUTURE is very compelling.

Things that we don’t have, but we want.

Unfortunately, we rarely get an opportunity to talk about those things.

Even if you were hanging out with your friends, and started talking about your ideal future, they wouldn’t support you a hundred percent.

Even family members tend to get a bit sketchy when talking about ideal futures.

Most people have a very vague idea of their ideal future.

But at the same time they have a ton of anxiety.

This is why few people ever set real goals.

The idea of achieving a goal is pretty cool.

But the idea of trying and failing is pretty real, so people tend to not think about it.

Which is why if YOU started to talk about your ideal future, they would start to feel uneasy.

A lot of times, this is where all their judgement comes from.

When they start telling you WHY you shouldn’t dream big like that.

But here’s the thing.

You can flip the switch.

Meaning don’t talk about YOUR ideal future, talk about theirs.

Carefully elicit it, and get them talking about the absolute BEST thing they hope will happen.

Most people don’t even think in such specific terms about their own future.

Let alone be asked about it by somebody else.

Why do this?

Because after that simple conversation with you, they will see YOU as different from every other human on Earth.

And when they think of you, they’ll subconsciously associate their biggest dreams and fantasies.

Think that would be useful?

Learn More:

Secret Agent Persuasion

Give Your Mind to The Cloud

How To Find Their Treasure Map

Buying a gift for somebody can be fun.

But it can also be difficult.

Especially if it’s a relationship that’s just started.

Sure, you could buy something easy, and expensive.

Or you could get something creative.

Getting a simple, expensive thing (like jewelry) is usually safe bet.

But it doesn’t really show that you spent a lot of thought.

Only money.

On the other hand, if you get something that isn’t ordinary, but something that is special to them, it says something completely different.

That you know them, and more importantly, that you spent a lot of time and effort thinking.

People like to know that we are thinking about them when we they aren’t around.

However, the risk of getting something unique is they’ll look at it and wonder (WTF….?).

And have to pretend they enjoy it.

Older couples tend to know EXACTLY what to get each other.

When I was a kid, at Xmas time, my parents would buy their own gifts, and then wrap them up and pretend they were from each other.

But when you barely know somebody, getting them something that resonates with them is VERY powerful.

The thing is, every time we do ANYTHING with another person in mind, we use the same structure.

Any time we get our ideas out of our heads and hopefully into their heads, we face the same choices.

Simple ideas that we KNOW will work, but will be recognized as simple and common.

Or UNIQUE ideas that show them we KNOW them, and when we think we think with THEM in mind.

If you can remember small details about somebody, especially things that are VERY important to them, you’ll win BIG points.

Doesn’t matter if they are customers, friends or lovers.

Most people try and guess.

But if you LISTEN (and remember) they’ll tell you EVERYTHING.

Just below the surface are ALL of their magic buttons.

Ask the right questions, they’ll give you their own secret treasure map.

Once you’ve got that, EVERYTHING will be easy.

Learn How:

Secret Agent Persuasion

Their Deep Inner Dreams

Doubled Edged People Secrets

Externalizing is a very common human strategy.

It happens subconsciously, and presents itself in many forms.

One way to “discover” this is by doing the “shadow energy” exercise.

The theory is whenever we come across somebody who “rubs us the wrong way,” it’s because they remind us of US, on some level.

So to prevent us from finding out that “bad stuff” about ourselves, we (or rather our ego) throws up a protective barrier.

That barrier comes across to our conscious minds as a form of “distaste” for that person.

We usually come up with some logical sounding reasons, usually ones that make US look good, and THEM look bad.

This is extremely common.

We ALL do this, ALL the time.

Not just “those other people.”

What’s rare is being able to use this as a personal growth tool.

This is where the “shadow energy” exercise comes in.

We acknowledge that we feel “distaste” for them because they remind us of us.

Then we find a place to sit and contemplate that part of ourselves we don’t want to acknowledge.

You don’t really need to address it, or confront it, or even understand it.

All you really need to do is acknowledge that it exists, and accept it.

Everybody has TONS of imperfections, this is just another one of them.

By doing this, you will discover something pretty cool.

It’s not being perfect or not perfect that makes us who we are.

It’s our opinion of ourselves.

No matter WHO you are, if you ACCEPT yourself completely, so will everybody else.

Another cool thing you discover is that the LESS people out there are that “rub you the wrong way,” the MORE you’ll be able to get.

In fact, it cuts (in a good way) both ways.

The MORE you accept yourself, the MORE others will accept you.

And the more you do so via the shadow energy exercise, the MORE resources (other people) you’ll find out in the world.

Once you understand that you can get ANYTHING from other people, so long as you help them FEEL GOOD first, there is really nothing you can’t get.

All you need to do is talk to people in the right way.

Ask them the right questions in the right order, and they’ll be MORE than happy to help you get whatever you want.

Learn How:

Secret Agent Persuasion

Joining Of The Minds

Wordless Persuasion

I saw this really corny romantic comedy a while ago.

A guy and a girl were in love, and the guy died.

But after he died, he’d left behind a trail of “bread crumbs” for the girl (his grieving widow) to find.

The deal was they’d only known each other so long, and that was his way of showing her all the things important to him.

The movie was about her following all these clues, going to his hometown, learning all about his childhood, meeting his friends, etc.

Little too “romantic” for my tastes, but the idea is pretty cool.

To leave a bunch of bread crumbs for people to follow.

Especially if something is cool at the end.

Luckily, you don’t have to die to pull this off.

It’s actually pretty easy to do conversationally.

All you do is ask the right questions in the right order, and you can lead people to some pretty amazing feelings.

Feelings they’ve likely never felt before.

Most people are always talking about themselves.

Even when we are listening to others, part of our brains is trying to figure out what to say when they’re done talking.

If you can momentarily turn that part of your brain off, and just ask the right questions, you can lead people to some fantastic ideas.

The questions are easy to ask.

And they are really easy to answer, especially if you ask them right.

Done correctly, you can not only ask easy questions, but get them feeling fantastic without ever needing to say ANYTHING.

A lot of people feel a bit shy about talking about talking about their deepest desires.

But you can set it up so they don’t have to even talk.

And you can keep leading them deeper and deeper into the middle of their most secret fantasies.

All the while anchoring those wonderful feelings to whatever you want.

Your idea, your product, your service, or you.

Imagine all the ways you could use this!

Get Started:

Secret Agent Persuasion

Magnetize Their Desires

The Opposite Of Levitation

When I was a kid I loved playing with magnets.

Getting the ends to snap together was pretty cool.

But I always wanted to build a levitation device.

Like Luke Skywalker’s land cruiser.

Magnetic levitation trains are built for the same reason.

There is very little resistance, so you can get the train going pretty fast.

If you have a strong enough magnet, you can do some damage.

Most hotel locks that are card activated can be opened with a magnet.

As can most electronic safes.

Attraction itself is an interesting concept.

Both as a metaphor and as a scientific law.

Gravity, for example, describes the attraction between two objects.

Just by having mass, objects are attracted to one another.

And even when described metaphorically, attraction between two people is pretty much the same thing.

You see an “attractive” person across the room.

Both figuratively, metaphorically and (if you make an approach) literally, you are “attracted” to them.

One minute you’re trying to think about what’s for dinner and then BOOM.

You’re walking across the room trying to think of something interesting to say.

In our most basic form, humans are a lot like magnets.

There are things we are attracted to, and there are things we are repulsed by.

Things we want to move towards, and things we want to get away from.

Every single thing you can think of can be put into one of these two categories.

Either something you want to get closer to, or something you want to get away from.

Most of the time, we are only concerned with OUR OWN wants and “not wants.”

But if you take the time to find out what these are in others, you can gain a lot of leverage.

Because in it’s basic form, that raw desire is the same.

Even if you don’t want to attach it to anything else, just talking to other people about their “wants” will do something pretty cool.

The more you talk to them about what they want, the more specific you help them get, the more they will AUTOMATICALLY start to associate that raw desire (underneath that surface level thing) with YOU.

So later on, when they think of you, they’ll get the SAME good feelings they get when they think about what they want.

Whatever it is.

Learn How:

Secret Agent Persuasion

Fantasy Land OF her Mind

Fly Under Her Radar

Girls love it when guys chase them.

Especially guys they like.

They KNOW that as soon as they send a text, his mind will be spinning in circles trying to figure out the best way to respond.

And when it comes to sex, the language they use (with other girls) explains EXACTLY how they feel about the power dynamic.

“Maybe I’ll LET HIM f–k me after two weeks.”

Even when guys talk amongst themselves, they use this kind of language.

“I HOPE I get laid.”

Even that short phrase, “get laid” explains how guys view sex.

Lay is a transitive verb. A transitive verb requires an ACTOR and an OBJECT. You lay down and object. So when you say “get laid” you are referring to YOURSELF as the OBJECT.

For example, consider this sentence:

“I laid the book down on the table.”

You are the actor, the BOOK is the object.

Now this sentence:

“I hope I get laid.”

In this, the actor is UNSTATED. But the OBJECT is you.

Not the actor. An object HOPING to be MANIPULATED by an actor.

This is why when you FLIP THE SCRIPT, she won’t know WHAT the heck is going on.

Meaning you need to get HER thinking about YOU without her thinking YOU are trying to do that.

She has to FEEL LIKE it’s just “happening.”

This is the DREAM for women.

NOT to be “picked up” or “pursued” by some kind of player or PUA.

She wants to FEEL DESPERATE ATTRACTION and not know why.

This is what all those romance movies are about.

Not some PUA spitting game.

Some guy that she falls for and has NO IDEA why.

How do you do this?

The first step is to avoid all game type technology.

Speak in a way that sounds normal, but has DEEP SEDUCTIVE technology buried so far inside the language it’s undetectable.

But it works like magic.

Because it was INVENTED by the greatest hypnotist who ever lived.

And he was a MAGICIAN with people’s emotions.

Imagine what happens when you use them on cute girls?

Learn More:

Hypnotic Seduction