One of the cleverest ways we deceive ourselves is when we tell ourselves WHY we aren’t going to take action.
And guys who give themselves reasons for NOT approaching are super genius.
Our brains are very squirrely.
We’ll do anything to protect our egos.
One way we do this is when we lie to ourselves about WHY we aren’t going to approach.
She’s not my type.
She’s too flirty with too many guys.
She’s a little too fat/skinny/tall/short/whatever.
But in reality, the REAL REASON is always fear of social exposure, and social rejection.
The twin horrors the make up approach anxiety.
Walking over is like making a massive declaration.
And then you walk over, and EVERYBODY is watching you.
There’s a scene from an old Steve Martin movie, “The Lonely Guy.”
He walks into a restaurant ALONE, and as soon as he tells the hostess this, everybody stops and stares.
The entire restaurant watches as he walks in, ALONE, and sits.
That’s what walking across any space toward a female FEELS LIKE.
Like the whole world is watching your performance.
Now, anybody can give “advice” about what to do.
Like “Just don’t care about the outcome.”
Or “rejection is better than regret.”
Unfortunately, the part of our brain that comes up with feelings like fear and anxiety can’t be reasoned with.
That would be like telling a person on a diet to just “not be hungry.”
If it were easy to “not be hungry” then 2/3’s of developed countries wouldn’t be overweight.
So you can’t really just “not be afraid.”
At least through sheer willpower and conscious thought.
But you CAN through careful reprogramming.
You CAN reprogram yourself, if you do so a little bit at a time.
And before long, it really is EASY to “not care.”
And that means that approaching cute girls ANYWHERE can be FUN, like it’s supposed to be.
So fun that you’ll ONLY WANT numbers from girls who are interesting enough, smart enough or WHATEVER enough for you tastes.
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