Tag Archives: Covert Hypnosis

Yeah Baby, Yeah!

The Harpo Marx Pattern

Most people have heard of the “handshake interrupt.”

It’s one of the more famous “NLP party tricks.”

The idea is that we think of a handshake as one “thing.”

So when you “interrupt” that singular “thing,” our brains get confused.

Some people get a little confused, some a lot.

But there’s another version of the handshake interrupt that goes back WAAY before NLP.

The Harpo Marx handshake interrupt.

He was the one that played the harp, dressed like a hobo-clown, and didn’t talk.

He’d reach out to shake your hand, you’d stick your hand out.

Then he’d lift up his leg and place it in your hand.

Most people would instinctively take it, (like most people do) and Harpo would stand there with a goofy grin on his face.

Since humans are social creatures, we have a LOT of pre-programmed, automatic behaviors.

And handing something to somebody is one of those.

Any time we shift into “automatic behavior” mode, it’s a GREAT time to quickly sneak into their brain and cause some mischief.

Luckily, our language is FILLED with these automatic behavior structures.

In fact, Noam Chomsky, the original ho-daddy of linguistics, showed that we have neurological language switches in our brain.

And when you understand how these switches work, you can have a lot of fun.

When I was a kid, my mom HATED taking me to the department stores.

This was back when they first started making computers. Before windows, so it was just DOS.

I knew just enough programming (BASIC) to make infinite loops of curse words on the screen.

“Hey, mom! Look!”

Once you understand the deep structure of language, you can do this with people’s brains.

You can have fun, like Harpo, or you can give them silly ideas that get them giggling.

Whatever you do, you’ll be the life of every party.

Learn How:

Street Hypnosis

Coke and Popcorn Flash

The Popcorn and Coke Pattern

There are a lot of goofy math problems that find their way online.

They are allegedly “simple” problems that were given to kids, but adults can’t figure them out.

One made the round a couple weeks ago.

It was a simple arithmetic problem.

The difficulty was in what they call “order of operations.”

You’re supposed to do multiplication before addition.

If you don’t do things in the right order, you get the wrong answer.

They also have something called the “distributive property.”

For example, if you were a math student, and you saw this: 8(3x+4) then you take the “8” and multiply it by both the “3x” and the “4.”

The “8” gets “distributed” evenly across the “3x+4” expression.

But when the same thing happen in language, it can get confusing.

And if you’re a hypnotist, confusion is pretty fun to play with.

(Unless you forget to take it out of your pocket and wash your pants. Then it gets all over everything…)

Because when the mind is confused, it will grab hold of anything that sounds normal, even if it’s a command to cluck like a chicken.

Sometimes, the distributive property is easy.

I’m going to eat some candy and popcorn.

The “eat” HAS to be applied to both the “candy” and the “popcorn.”

Because otherwise, the popcorn is all by itself without a verb.

And when you leave nouns all alone without verbs, they tend to get lonely and run away.

And since popcorn is better popping than running away (because you were mean and left it all alone without a verb) our kind human minds tend not to treat it that way.

(I know, that doesn’t make any sense whatsoever).

But what if you walk up to candy counter (the one where you were going to get your popcorn and candy from) and said:

“I’d like a large popcorn and coke.”

They person taking your order might understand, but they might not.

They would probably repeat it, to be sure:

“Large popcorn and a large coke?”

Because they assumed the “large” went with both the popcorn and coke.

(Distributive property of adjectives).

But what if you responded:

“Wait, you have cokes in different sizes?”

This would you mean you thought that popcorn came in different sizes, but coke only came in one.

Their brains would need to freeze just for a minute.

They naturally assumed you wanted a “large popcorn” AND a “large coke.”

They just repeated it to make sure.

Now they have to go back a few moves in their mind, so they can try and pace YOUR WORLD where there is ONLY one size coke.

Kind of like if you’re playing chess, (without writing down all your moves) and you realize you’d made a mistake and have to recreate the board from a few moves ago.

Even people that play chess don’t flip flop around in conversations to go back before assumptions were made.

This is just one simple example you can try today.

Go to any fast food place.

“I’ll take a large X and Y.”

Then they verify that you want large X AND large Y.

And you stare at them and ask sincerely, “Whoa! I can get Y in different sizes?”

And watch their face as their brain freezes momentarily.

Of course, the more you practice this, the LONGER you’ll be able to keep them on the edge of “reality.”

Click Here To Learn How

Angry Bear

Word Juggling Tricks

One curious thing about how our brains work is the order in which things are processed.

They’ve done a few experiments that suggest our conscious minds are more of a follower than a leader.

There’s the common conception that our conscious minds are the captains, and our subconscious is the ship.

But that may be backwards.

At least sometimes.

For example, they do certain tests, and while they do the tests, they look at where our brains are “lighting up.”

They do something that will cause a “stimulus-response” effect.

But many times we respond BEFORE the conscious part of our brain lights up.

Some even believe that our conscious minds are “devices” that exist to make up logical sounding reasons about our behavior.

On the other hand, we do things like play chess and set and achieve goals.

These require a lot of conscious forethought.

Maybe we can only plan to plan.

Meaning we have to “get ready” to think consciously.

Like if somebody walked up to you on the street with a game of checkers halfway through, and asked you to move, you might wonder if you stepped into the Twilight Zone.

But when your friend surprises you with the statement, “Hey, how about a game of checkers?”

You switch in to “pre-thinking” mode and start playing.

But the funny thing is you can use words like camouflage.

Like some insects have figured out how to look like tree bark so they don’t get eaten.

You can use words that “sound like” they are sending your listener into “pre-thinking” mode.

But they really send them into “dude, what?” mode.

They hear the beginnings of what “sounds” like a request for a conscious thought.

But then end on something differently.

You can do this for laughs, or you can grab hold of their brains and slip in any idea they want.

And then get them to forget they just talked to you.

The thing about language is most people don’t EVER think about HOW they use it.

But it’s pretty simple.

And pretty fun.

Click Here To Learn More

Unlimited Desire

The Bikini Girl Strategy

Plenty of products come with “add-ons.”

Things they try to sell you after you agree to buy something.

A lot of times, these “add-ons” are the main source of profit.

They even take a loss on the first item.

Like this one time I bought a kitchen gadget from a TV commercial.

It was something like a hundred bucks.

And judging by how it worked, and how it was built, it was probably pretty close to it’s real cost.

But I ended up buying nearly $300 worth of “extras.”

Stuff that was cheap and stuff that I NEVER ended up using.

But at the time, it sounded like the logical thing to do.

In for a penny, in for a pound, right?

The lady on the phone was really slick. I placed the order, and the way she phrased the questions made buying something for $50 (that I didn’t even know existed a minute ago) seem so natural.

Why are we like this?

It’s kind of the same reason they stick gorgeous bikini girls next to cars.

It’s not that you think she comes with the car, or even that you’ll get girls if you buy the car.

It’s that the desire for the girl is subconsciously attached to the car.

So when you’ve already decided to buy something, your DESIRE to buy is easily leveraged.

Like they can reach into your brain, take that desire to buy and attach it to anything.

This is the thing about human desires.

We have an unlimited amount.

But most of the time nobody wants to hear about them.

Most people are busy telling us what we SHOULD want, and WHY we should want them.

Even if we get in a couple of words about what we DO want, they may say, “Yeah, yeah, that’s cool, but check THIS out!”

So when you sit back, and just ASK them about what they WANT, you can attach their desires to pretty much anything.

And if you don’t have anything in particular you want to attach their desires to?

They’ll attach them (subconsciously) to YOU!

They’ve got to go somewhere, right?

Learn How:

Click Here To Learn How

Secret Persuasion

Deep Persuasion

Recently they discovered that orangutans make certain noises when there are predators around.

They ONLY make those sounds (a series of clicks) when those predators around.

It’s an insight into the development of human language.

Nobody is really sure when language was invented.

They only know when written language was invented, which came perhaps tens of thousands of years after spoken language.

Whenever evolutionary scientists look at all of our human characteristics, some things make sense, while others don’t.

Clearly being able to talk has tons of benefits over not being able to talk.

Many people believer that the purpose of human language is to exchange information.

But there’s a deeper issue. Even when those orangutans make those clicks, the are hoping (instinctively) that whoever hears those clicks will DO something.

Something specific, like not get eaten.

Sometimes it seems that when humans talk, there isn’t really a reason.

It can be an interesting mental experiment to do next time you’re hanging with your friends.

Sit back and listen, and try and guess the “intention” beneath the words.

What behavior are they trying to elicit? Often it’s a simple as trying to elicit a smile or any kind of agreement.

But the intention is always there.

Many times people will say something, NOT get the intended result, and then kind of retreat.

They’ll say, “Just saying…”

Most of the time, even when we HAVE a clear intention (get somebody to laugh, give out their phone number or agree to an idea) we don’t have much of a plan.

We just kind of spit out a bunch of words and hope for the best.

Even the most skilled speakers and persuaders don’t really have a concrete plan on how to specifically get their intended outcome.

Most of the time, they’re just naturally “good at it” which means they really don’t know HOW they do what they do.

But there IS a set of strategies that work, and work very well.

They are contrary to how most “persuaders” operate. Kind of the opposite.

And for some, getting into the right frame of mind is difficult.

But when you do, it’s VERY EASY.

So easy, that if those highly skilled “persuaders” would see you do it, they would wonder why in the heck it’s working so well.

Learn How:

Click Here To Learn More

Bikini Girls Are Everywhere

Easily Unlearn Social Anxiety

Being able to accurately predict the future would be a pretty good skill.

You could know which stocks to buy, and when to bring an umbrella when you go out.

Governments spend billions and trillions of dollars to try and predict the movements of their “enemies.”

Imagine if you could know the winning lotto numbers ahead of time!

There have been plenty movies and books written about such things.

Another common desire is to know what people are thinking.

You could know which person to approach, and when to close the sale (or close the deal).

You’d be able to make a kajillion dollars as a negotiator.

Thing is though that people CAN be pretty easy to read.

After all, we all want the same things and we all fear the same things.

And if you’re in a certain environment, you can have a pretty good idea of what’s going on in people’s minds.

IF, (and this is a big IF) your mind isn’t clouded with anxiety.

Feeling anxiety in social situations is more common than most people realize.

Most people have the idea that they are the ONLY ONE that is feeling anxious.

Because they look around and see everybody as calm and relaxed.

But the truth is that feeling anxious around strangers is a natural and normal response.

Just like feeling hungry all of a sudden when you smell food.

But if you can REMOVE this anxiety, the first thing you’ll notice is how easy it is to read people.

Then you’ll SEE and FEEL that everybody has got some level of anxiety.

When most people go into social situations, they feel a certain amount of risk.

Which is why most people fear rejection on some level.

But when you develop the ability read people (which is pretty automatic once you remove the anxiety) there will be very little chance of rejection.

It will almost be like reading their minds.

You’ll know who talk to and what to say, and when to “close” however you’d like to.

Worrying about what to say won’t become an issue, since you’ll be in the moment, and you’ll be much more natural.

Open to the natural flow that happens when two people are “vibing.”

And you’ll understand why it’s not really a matter of “learning” things you need, rather than a matter of “unlearning” things you DON’T need.

And as you’ll soon find out, unlearning unhelpful things is pretty easy once you know how.

Click Here to learn how.

How To Exceed Expectations

Master Persuader – Easily Move Minds To Your Way Of Thinking


Become Irresistible

: Natural Influence Ebook
Instructions: Visualize being able to easily convince anybody to do anything. Listen with eyes closed while visualizing ideal outcome. Best used with techniques in Natural Influence. Use ethically and legally. Do not listen while driving.


I easily hypnotize people

I easily mesmerize people

I easily influence people

I easily seduce people

I easily spellbind people

I easily charm people

I easily persuade people

I easily enrapture people

I subconsciously hypnotize people

I subconsciously mesmerize people

I subconsciously influence people

I subconsciously seduce people

I subconsciously spellbind people

I subconsciously charm people

I subconsciously persuade people

I subconsciously enrapture people

I easily hypnotize men

I easily mesmerize men

I easily influence men

I easily seduce men

I easily spellbind men

I easily charm men

I easily persuade men

I easily enrapture men

I subconsciously hypnotize men

I subconsciously mesmerize men

I subconsciously influence men

I subconsciously seduce men

I subconsciously spellbind men

I subconsciously charm men

I subconsciously persuade men

I subconsciously enrapture men

I easily hypnotize women

I easily mesmerize women

I easily influence women

I easily seduce women

I easily spellbind women

I easily charm women

I easily persuade women

I easily enrapture women

I subconsciously hypnotize women

I subconsciously mesmerize women

I subconsciously influence women

I subconsciously seduce women

I subconsciously spellbind women

I subconsciously charm women

I subconsciously persuade women

I subconsciously enrapture women

You easily hypnotize people

You easily mesmerize people

You easily influence people

You easily seduce people

You easily spellbind people

You easily charm people

You easily persuade people

You easily enrapture people

You subconsciously hypnotize people

You subconsciously mesmerize people

You subconsciously influence people

You subconsciously seduce people

You subconsciously spellbind people

You subconsciously charm people

You subconsciously persuade people

You subconsciously enrapture people

You easily hypnotize men

You easily mesmerize men

You easily influence men

You easily seduce men

You easily spellbind men

You easily charm men

You easily persuade men

You easily enrapture men

You subconsciously hypnotize men

You subconsciously mesmerize men

You subconsciously influence men

You subconsciously seduce men

You subconsciously spellbind men

You subconsciously charm men

You subconsciously persuade men

You subconsciously enrapture men

You easily hypnotize women

You easily mesmerize women

You easily influence women

You easily seduce women

You easily spellbind women

You easily charm women

You easily persuade women

You easily enrapture women

You subconsciously hypnotize women

You subconsciously mesmerize women

You subconsciously influence women

You subconsciously seduce women

You subconsciously spellbind women

You subconsciously charm women

You subconsciously persuade women

You subconsciously enrapture women

Which Chair Would You Like to Be Hypnotized In?

Who’s Running Your Show?

There’s a lot of patterns from hypnosis that have made their way into sales.

One of them is the “double bind.”

Milton Erickson, the guy who invented covert hypnosis, and upon which a lot of NLP was based, was famous for this “famous” one.

Somebody would come into his office to be hypnotized.

But since hypnosis requires that you give over control of your mind to some guy you’ve just met, a lot of people are understandably nervous.

So Erickson would say, “Would you rather go into trance in the blue chair or the green chair?

Meaning either choice would end up with him going into a trance.

Salespeople use this a lot. If somebody calls you to make an appointment, they may say, “Which is better for you, Thursday afternoon or Friday evening?” Meaning either choice leads to an appointment, which is what they want.

Sometimes this is called a “false choice.”

You’ll see this crop up in normal life all the time.

One is how humans behave.

We have TONS of instincts that drive our behavior. Take eating for example. No matter what, we have to eat.

But we can choose what we eat, and how much we eat.

Even if you DON’T choose, you’re kind of letting your inner caveman choose for you.

And he or she doesn’t necessarily make the best decisions.

Because your inner caveman can’t really see too far into the future. They can only see what’s right here, right now.

Only conscious practice can you MANAGE all of your instincts, to consciously CREATE a life, rather than going on autopilot.

Even autopilot behavior can be “managed,” but first it must be “created.”

For example, if you ONLY filled your fridge with healthy food, you would no longer need to consciously choose what you ate. You’d just eat whenever you felt like it, but since took the time to PLAN how you’d fulfill your instincts, you’d be better off.

This is just one example, of course.

Think of what you could do if you could successfully manage ALL of your instincts?

One thing everybody has inside them is an “imagination and comparison” machine that is ALWAYS ON.

Meaning that “part” of you is always measuring your current state, and then trying to imagine a better state.

This is why you are always shifting. Always moving. Always have that deep desire.

If you don’t choose HOW you will fulfill your desire, you’re caveman will. Or somebody else will by manipulating that inner caveman.

Back to the double bind.

Are you going to choose, or are you going to let somebody else choose?

Are you going to build your life or let somebody else manipulate you into helping THEM build THEIRS?

Your inner caveman can be your best friend, or your worst enemy.

Which will you choose?

Learn More:
Mind Persuasion Ebooks

Movie Stars

Sneaky Tools Of Manipulation

When I was a kid a read a lot of comic books.

And in the back then they had all kinds of goofy ads for goofy products.

Even though that most of them were clearly fake, part of me wondered.

This is, by the way, one of the reasons copywriters write these MASSIVE claims on their sales page.

So long as they get at least part of you thinking, “Hmm, probably fake, but what if it IS true?”

And then that creates curiosity, which is a powerful buying trigger. Then you buy it just to see, and when you find out it IS fake, you say “Well, I just wanted to see, at least I know…” which means you won’t likely get a refund.

Anyhow, some of the things were “fake” but part of me (especially as a kid) wanted to see, just to see.

(Sea Monkeys come to mind…)

But one of the things I KNEW was fake was “X-Ray Glasses.” Even as a kid, I knew if those really DID exist, they’d be illegal.

As cool as they would be to have.

(Of course, nowadays if you want to see through people’s clothes just go get a job at the TSA…)

But there is kind of a way to see what people are thinking.

In Covert Hypnosis, there are these things called “Linguistic presuppositions.” These when you take an “idea” and hide it within a sentence. To kind of “sneak it” past other person’s conscious mind.

These, of course, are used naturally. By everybody. But they are usually used defensively, and without any thought.

Most people use them to HIDE THINGS they don’t want other people to question.

It allows people to say things without really needing to be responsible for them.

Kind of like when people say, “I’m just going to throw this out there.” It’s kind of a “weak” way to introduce and idea, and take credit for it if everybody likes it, but be able to distance yourself from it if people don’t.

Once you start to study these patterns, you’ll see these EVERYWHERE.

Usually by politicians or news media. Who’d like to make inflammatory comments, but make it sound like they are coming from “somewhere else” so they don’t have to defend saying them.

But these “linguistic presuppositions” are tools. You can use them to covertly slam people and come off as a creepy manipulator.

Or you can use them to covertly uplift people, highlighting their best points, but in a way that doesn’t make them feel “on the spot.”

And come off as a genuine, charismatic person that people LIKE being around, and actively seek out.

To learn how, check this out:

Covert Hypnosis

My Next Door Neighbor Has The Loudest Guitar In The World

Develop Linguistic Flexibility

When I was in high school, I loved geometry.

My friends either loved it, or hated it.

I liked the idea of solving problems via “proofs.”

You had this angle or shape or something.

And you had to “prove” that a certain angle was the same as another certain angle.

You had to go through a step by step process where you used some ideas that were simply assumed to be true.

Like if you take a line, and bisect it with another line, the two angles on either side of the bisecting line HAVE TO BE equal to 180 degrees. Or the sum of all angles within a triangle HAVE TO BE 180 degrees.

In NLP, they have a list of “presuppositions.” Things that are simply assumed to be true.

You can’t prove them, but you can’t disprove them.

Like having more resources is better than having less resources.

Or every single person is always doing the best they can, given their skills and their understanding of the situation, to get their needs met, as they see them.

Or the more flexible you are with how you achieve your outcome, the more likely you’ll achieve it.

One of my favorite presupposition is that nobody is “broken.”

It’s just a matter of increasing your understanding of what you want, increase your awareness of your situation, and increasing your skills.

If you accept those three things, which are ALL under your control, you can get anything.

Within the Covert Hypnosis training program, there’re these things called “Linguistic Presuppositions.”

These are grammatical structures that kind of force you to accept something as true in order to make sense of the sentence.

Like if I said, “My next door neighbor’s guitar is the loudest in the world,” you’d have to ASSUME certain things in order to formulate a response.

Like I have a next door neighbor. He or she has a guitar. It’s loud. Etc.

Or consider this sentence:

One reason the Covert Hypnosis training program is so popular is it allows you to become incredibly persuasive without seeming like a salesperson.

What are the assumptions?

It’s popular. It’s popular for many reasons.

It does a lot of things OTHER than training you how to become persuasive.

One of those other things is it is a FANTASTIC tool for self development.


One of the ways to practice the patterns is to write them out.

When you write out the presuppositions, you can use any “assumptions” you want to be assumed true, as you drill them into your brain.

Things like, “you are persuasive.”

Or “making money is easy.”

Or “expressing myself in public is fun.”

Or “getting a good paying job is easy.”

And on and on.

What TRUTHS would you like to program into your brain?

Get Started:

Covert Hypnosis