Author Archives: mindpersuasion

Movie Stars

Sneaky Tools Of Manipulation

When I was a kid a read a lot of comic books.

And in the back then they had all kinds of goofy ads for goofy products.

Even though that most of them were clearly fake, part of me wondered.

This is, by the way, one of the reasons copywriters write these MASSIVE claims on their sales page.

So long as they get at least part of you thinking, “Hmm, probably fake, but what if it IS true?”

And then that creates curiosity, which is a powerful buying trigger. Then you buy it just to see, and when you find out it IS fake, you say “Well, I just wanted to see, at least I know…” which means you won’t likely get a refund.

Anyhow, some of the things were “fake” but part of me (especially as a kid) wanted to see, just to see.

(Sea Monkeys come to mind…)

But one of the things I KNEW was fake was “X-Ray Glasses.” Even as a kid, I knew if those really DID exist, they’d be illegal.

As cool as they would be to have.

(Of course, nowadays if you want to see through people’s clothes just go get a job at the TSA…)

But there is kind of a way to see what people are thinking.

In Covert Hypnosis, there are these things called “Linguistic presuppositions.” These when you take an “idea” and hide it within a sentence. To kind of “sneak it” past other person’s conscious mind.

These, of course, are used naturally. By everybody. But they are usually used defensively, and without any thought.

Most people use them to HIDE THINGS they don’t want other people to question.

It allows people to say things without really needing to be responsible for them.

Kind of like when people say, “I’m just going to throw this out there.” It’s kind of a “weak” way to introduce and idea, and take credit for it if everybody likes it, but be able to distance yourself from it if people don’t.

Once you start to study these patterns, you’ll see these EVERYWHERE.

Usually by politicians or news media. Who’d like to make inflammatory comments, but make it sound like they are coming from “somewhere else” so they don’t have to defend saying them.

But these “linguistic presuppositions” are tools. You can use them to covertly slam people and come off as a creepy manipulator.

Or you can use them to covertly uplift people, highlighting their best points, but in a way that doesn’t make them feel “on the spot.”

And come off as a genuine, charismatic person that people LIKE being around, and actively seek out.

To learn how, check this out:

Covert Hypnosis

Give Them A Verbal Bong Hit

Make People Feel Wonderful Around You

I remember the first time I was “exposed” to NLP.

Me and a bunch of other guys were sitting in this hotel lounge.

One guy mentioned that he had some kind of problem.

Another guy casually started asking him questions. Slowly and covertly leading him through some kind of NLP conversational “change work” procedure.

For about twenty minutes, all of us (except for the secret NLP master) all were sitting around looking like we’d just taken a MASSIVE bong hit.

This is one of the “effects” you can have when using covert language patterns.

And like any tool, you can use it for good or evil.

The thing was, that while the one “guy” was the “target” for the “procedure,” we all participated vicariously.

Because the “problem” was one that most guys have.

And after that “intervention,” few of us could even remember what the problem was.

Now, this guy (the NLP Wizard) didn’t start by saying, “Hey I’m going to try some language patterns, OK?” He just rolled right into it. Nobody even knew what was going on, before, during or after.

We just kind of all experienced the same “brain fade.”

Only later, after I’d started studying NLP, did I understand what he did.

This was the same guy that would ALWAYS get most of the waitresses in a restaurant hanging around his table whenever they had a chance.

He also found a way to make a TON of money in his part time, so he could spend most of his time “enjoying” other people.

All because of two things.

One is that he assumed that within other people is TREASURE.

Two is he used his language to FIND IT.

Most people don’t think they have treasure inside them. So when somebody comes along, and starts to use these slightly strange sounding language patterns to elicit that treasure, they feel pretty good.

Only like that first time, they have no idea what’s going on.

They just know that when THAT PERSON is around, they feel fantastic.

And of course, whenever they think of THAT PERSON, they feel fantastic.

How do you BECOME that person?

One is to start looking at people differently. Instead of looking at them as objects or obstacles, train your brain to wonder what their treasure is.

Not just the people you think are attractive or whom you think you can make money from.


The next step is to learn these patterns, and use them to dig for their treasure.

Get Started:

Covert Hypnosis

Gold, Bitches!

Find The Gold That’s Always Around You

I’ve had a lot of crappy jobs in my life.

And some pretty awesome ones.

One of my favorites was when I worked at a movie theater in high school.

Lots of people my age, fast paced, got to meet people when they were in a good mood.

The best part was when I’d load up a car with popcorn, drinks and candy and push it into a packed theater a few minutes before the movie started.

I would push the cart up and down the aisles and holler out like an old school pitchman.

And I almost ALWAYS sold out.

Other jobs were horrible. The worse was when I was a telemarketer. They had us memorize a script. And hooked us up to an automatic dialing computer. We would see the person’s name a split second after they answered.

And spit out the memorized pitch. If they hung up, the computer would automatically dial another line.

It was incredibly BORING.

The only fun part was when somebody got ultra pissed and went off into a well spoken tirade against telemarketers. THAT part was pretty entertaining!

Funny thing was, if I agreed with everything they said, while they were yelling at me, they actually thanked me when they were done.

It’s easy to fall into a rut, and hear the same things and say the same things day in and day out.

So when we finally unleash how we REALLY feel, even if it’s anger, it feels pretty good to get some sympathy and understanding.

Every single person you run across has all kinds of things they’d LOVE to express.

But most are too shy, and nobody ever asks.

So they never do.

Which is why there is a GOLD MINE inside pretty much every person you come across.

Even if you’re just looking to kill time while waiting for the bus, people can provide enormous value.

Everybody’s got a story. Everybody’s got a different perspective.

All you’ve got to do is practice “opening them up.”

Because inside, there is TREASURE.

And the more people you talk to, the more stories you’ll have.

The EASIEST way to use Covert Hypnosis to slip ideas into people’s minds is through stories.

“Hey, that’s pretty cool, that reminds me of this girl I was talking to the other day at the bus stop…”

And then launch into several nested loops, within which you can layer all kinds of language technology.

Most people go through life hoping to AVOID interacting with others. But once you realize that OTHER PEOPLE are your greatest resource, you’ll realize the HUGE gold mine that’s around you.

All the time!

Get Started:

Covert Hypnosis

Is All Pasta The Same?

How To Skyrocket Your Magnetism

Once I had a deep discussion with a buddy of mine.

Why do tacos cost more than burritos?

It’s the same stuff, just put together differently.

We concluded that tacos take more labor per weight than burritos, so they cost a little bit more.

If you happen to go down to your grocery store, take a look at all the different kinds of pasta.

Not the whole dish, the dry pasta that you need to boil and mix with other stuff.

Most people can name a couple off the top of their head.

Spaghetti, ravioli, lasagna, etc.

But what’s really different about it? Same stuff, just different shapes.

Yet just a slight change in shape can make a dramatic effect on the outcome.

If all you ate was spaghetti, it would get pretty boring. But when you start to play around with the different dry pasta, you’ll probably start playing around with different sauces.

Pretty soon you can come up with some interesting and delicious combinations.

Once upon a time there was this “belief” that a human couldn’t run a mile in under four minutes.

But as soon as the first guy proved it was possible, a whole bunch of other guys started doing it.

It’s funny how our limitations keep us locked up in more ways than one.

It’s also pretty interesting that once you make very tiny changes, they can lead to dramatic results.

Once you realize it’s OK to do something different, you’ll start doing other things differently.

And when you start trying other things differently, you’ll start getting different results. Better results. Which will hopefully motivate you to try even MORE things differently.

Proving to yourself that those limitations are really just imaginary nonsense.

One of the simplest ways to change the way you do things is change the way you talk.

Just like spaghetti and burritos, by changing the STRUCTURE of your language, rather than the CONTENT, you’ll start to have some amazing impacts on others.

No need to reinvent yourself. No need to go out and get a bunch of “experiences” just to seem more interesting.

By changing HOW you talk, not WHAT you talk about, you can become more magnetic, more charismatic, and much more effective.

Think of two restaurants. One that sells only spaghetti. And one that sells all KINDS of pasta.

Which would you rather eat at?

Whether you want to build a relationship, enhance an existing one, make more money, get a better job, all you need to do is change HOW you communicate rather than worrying about the CONTENT of your communication.

This means that what’s inside your head, right here, right now, is sufficient. Just figure out to present it in the best way, and you’re set.

Get Started:

Covert Hypnosis

Enthusiasm Is Powerfully Persuasive

Become Naturally Persuasive

I used to know this guy in college.

Despite having a loyal girlfriend back home, every weekend he had a new girl.

Of all the guys I’ve met in my life, this guy, based on his RESULTS was the true definition of a “natural.”

A guy who gets TONS of girls without even trying.

I also worked with this guy once that was the same way, only with sales. He had an otherwise normal social life. Wife, kids, etc.

But you put him in front of a customer and they couldn’t help but buy from him. They would walk in the shop “just looking,” but would walk out after having spent several THOUSAND dollars, acting like he’d done them the BEST favor ever.

And both of these guys had the same thing going for them.

The reason they were naturals were they were fearlessly enthusiastic.

Neither were particularly good looking. Both radiated a kind of “I love living” type of vibe. That was infectious.

Girls couldn’t get enough of guy number one, and people could buy enough from guy number two.

They somehow retained their natural exuberance that kids have. See, most of us are super outgoing and excited when we’re kids. We run a lot. We see something cool, we run over to get a look, and we want to scream and holler and tell everybody.

But then we grow up and are sometimes even petrified when we become the center of attention, let alone actively seek it.

But the fear we feel is a paradox. Because EVERYBODY feels the same way.

And by openly expressing YOUR appreciation, you’ll take the heat off everybody else.

Which means they’ll be GLAD you are there.

Naturally, this isn’t easy. It’s best to think of this as a SKILL that you can LEARN, rather than something inherent, that you either have or don’t have.

A great way to practice is by using Covert Hypnosis. Since there’s so many patterns (like forty or fifty), you can choose ONE, and simply practice for a week or so.

Then move on to the next one.

When you combine these patterns with your natural excitement for life (that you had once but decided to hide somewhere), you’ll be an unstoppable force of nature.

Sell anything to anybody. Get as many girlfriends or boyfriends as you want.

The sky’s the limit.

Get Started:

Covert Hypnosis

Which Would You Like?

Surgically Precise Language

I used to eat a lot of fast food.

I would usually get a big sack of something once a week, and eat it while watching my favorite TV show.

Often times, I would have a hard time deciding.

After all, with so many fast food places to choose from, all with their own unique specialty, it was hard.

Do I want burgers, or tacos? A big foot-long, or a deep dish?

I know, heavy stuff!

This, however, IS one of the iron-clad, inescapable rules of economics.

If you want THIS, you can’t have THAT.

Everything costs something. Time, money AND opportunity. These are appropriately called “opportunity costs.”

It’s also one of the main, deeply unconscious reasons a lot of guys have trouble committing. If you choose HER, you’re also deciding that EVERY OTHER GIRL on planet Earth is off limits.

It’s also why our brains get so confused.

See, a long, long time ago, we had a decision to make. Our brains could be really, really fast, or really, really accurate.

But NOT both.

And if we DID decide to evolve both (a super FAST and super ACCURATE) brain, we would have had to pay for it somehow. As it is now, our brains take up a LOT of calories.

If it were fast AND accurate, it would take up a lot more. Which means we’d have to eat more. Which means our bodies would be shaped a lot differently. Which means we might not have survived!

So here we are, with pretty FAST brains, that are also pretty inaccurate.

Most of the time, the thoughts we think, the words we use are NECESSARILY vague. We leave out a LOT of information.

If you asked me what I did last night, I would say something like, “I made something to eat, read a few blogs, and watched a movie.”

There is a LOT of information I’m leaving out. If I told you EVERYTHING in excruciating detail, not only would you be bored to tears, but it would take FOREVER!

Normally, this is “good enough.” People have some random ideas, spit them out with some random words, that are necessarily vague.

We sort of understand what each other is saying, at least “good enough” to get what we need.

But just stop and think, for a minute, if you cooked dinner the way you spoke.

You reached in the fridge, grabbed some stuff that looked “good enough,” threw them in some kind of cooking device, for “long enough,” and then ate it.

So long as the base ingredients were what your body needed, you would be OK.

But as I’m sure you know, you can do a lot better than just “good enough.”

Just like you can take the time to become a master chef, you can take the time to become a master communicator.

Instead of randomly choosing words and ideas, you can choose them with surgical precision so people will think whatever it is you are talking about is AWESOME.

So much they’ll be begging for you to continue, and will be much more likely to do whatever you ask them to.

Learn How:

Covert Hypnosis

Can't Step In The Same River Twice

How Long Do These Take To Learn?

When you were a little kid, learning was easy.

Since it happened automatically, you didn’t have to think about it.

You just kept trying to do something until you could do it.

This is how all humans learned, until very recently.

When we try this as adults, it’s called “modeling.”

Meaning we see somebody doing something we’d like to do, and then try and copy them.

Unfortunately, it’s not always so easy.

Because not only do you have to DO what they do, you also have to NOT DO what they DON’T do.

This is the missing ingredient if you’ve been trying to “learn” from gurus who promise to “show you step by step to get what I’ve done.”

Now sometimes, this is easy. If you’re copying somebody’s cake-baking technique, for example.

Because when YOU operate on the ingredients, they will respond the same way they do when THEY operate on the ingredients.

It doesn’t matter WHO puts the batter in the oven. So long a the batter is prepared the same way, and the oven is the right temperature, you’ll get the same cake.

But often times we’re copying people who have been INTERACTING with a certain environment. And unless YOU are interacting in the same environment in the same way, you’ll get a different result.

Let’s say you wanted to study acting. And you copied the precise movements speech patterns of the most famous stage actors around.

So much so you were EXACTLY the same.

But unless you could reproduce the same audience, with the same expectations, you’ll get a different result.

It’s sort like that old saying, “You can’t step in the same river twice.”

Only it’s WAY more complicated. No matter how much you model somebody, you’ll ALWAYS be operating within a slightly different environment.

Does this mean modeling is useless? Not at all.

It just means that you need to model a meta-skill, rather than surface skill.

What does this mean?

Let’s say you memorized a boxing match from Mike Tyson. You copied his EXACT punches, at the EXACT time.

Obviously, this would NEVER work. Because all the punches and blocks would be based SOLELY on what the other guy was doing.

Paying attention to feedback is the missing ingredient.

No matter HOW WELL you copy some “step by step” procedure, if you don’t pay attention to feedback, AND adjust accordingly, you’re doomed.

But paying attention to feedback is easy. It’s natural. It’s how you learned to walk. If you leaned forward too much, you’d fall on your face. And your inherent feedback-response mechanism told you to not lean forward so much next time.

So long as you are ALWAYS open to feedback, and you are willing to adjust, you’ll always get better.

And then you’ll learn the secret about things like learning Covert Hypnosis.

You’ll NEVER FINISH learning. Because you can always get better based on the feedback you get.

Compared to others, who sit in a seminar and listen, or read a book and think they are DONE.

YOU will always be improving, learning and getting better.

Get Started:

Covert Hypnosis

Energy Is Countable

Develop World Class Persuasion Skills

Many people wonder if politicians are using some kind of secret NLP tactics.

There’re a lot of terms from NLP that have made their way into regular language.

And like many scientific terms that do this, they are often used incorrectly.

Take the word “quantum” for example. It’s root is the same root as the word “quantity” or “quantify” which basically means “a discrete amount.”

In English grammar, there’s the idea of “countable nouns” and “uncountable nouns.”

Something like “hair” for example, is considered “uncountable.” That’s why we say you have “a lot of” hair instead of you have “many” hairs.

A “lot of” water vs. “many” water, etc.

So what exactly IS “quantum physics?” It’s the discovery that “energy” in it’s raw form is more “countable” than “uncountable.”

It comes in specific levels, rather than a continuous stream.

Yet the word “quantum” is used in all kinds of mystical and metaphysical ways.

NLP is the same way.

Some politician is talking, and people will say, “he’s using advanced forms of NLP, that’s why he so manipulative.”

But if you actually know a bit about NLP, you can ask some “meta model” questions.

Like what “specifically” is he doing that comes from NLP?

Point out what words and phrases he’s using that come from NLP?

Chances are, most politicians don’t have much of a clue about NLP is. Sure, they’ve got their handlers that give them advice, and tell them to say “this” and not “that.”

But NLP is REVERSE ENGINEERED from people who are naturally persuasive anyway.

Which means it’s NOT some kind of “secret formula” created in some lab somewhere.

It’s a collection of things that EVERYBODY DOES. Only some people are naturally better at it than others.

Just like some people are naturally better at basketball.

Imagine if you reverse engineered the best basketball players in the world. You came up with a school for basketball players. You called your school the “purple kangaroo” school. And it became a household name.

Does that mean that anybody that can naturally dribble well and dunk is using secret “purple kangaroo” techniques?

Nope. They’re just good at basketball.

Once you start actually practicing the individual language patterns in Covert Hypnosis, you’ll see that most politicians are pretty clueless.

Sure, they might throw out a few stray “patterns” once in a while, but that doesn’t mean they are consciously “using” NLP.

Which means the more you DO practice these language patterns, it won’t take long before you’re WAY MORE persuasive than even the best politicians.

What will YOU do with your new skills?

Get Started:

Covert Hypnosis

The Famous Quotes Pattern

The Verbal Sky Hook

Here’s a fun trick to play at parties with your friends.

Or if you want to insult somebody or tell a girl she’s beautiful.

It’s called the “Quotes Pattern,” and there are many ways to use it.

Let’s say you’re a guy, and you want to tell a girl she’s gorgeous. (Or whatever your situation may be). Now, if you walked right over and said it to her directly, she might get embarrassed, or see it as a lame pick up attempt.

But when you put it in a quotes pattern, it’s pretty fun.

You walk over, and think of a reasonable excuse to start talking to them.

Tell them they remind you of somebody. Ask where they work or shop or whatever.

For the sake of this example, let’s say you’re a guy, she’s a girl, and you’ve told her she reminds you of some girl you sat next to last year at school.

“You remind me of my friend, she was really beautiful. One time we were hanging out at Starbucks, and some guy walked right up to her, looked at her and said, ‘You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, I’d really like to go out with you'”.

And when you say the “you are really beautiful” part, look right at her and really imagine that it’s you saying it to her.

Now, this in and of itself won’t do anything. But it’s fun to practice.

You can also do this if you’re in sales.

If you’ve got a customer sitting in front of you, you can start talking about your colleague who’s a really pushy salesperson.

You can say something like this:

“This guy is crazy, he talks about how awesome this product is, then looks right at the customers and says, ‘You really need to buy this right now,’ I mean he sells a lot of stuff, but I could never do that.”

Then when you say the “you should buy this” part, look directly at them and really mean it.

What this does is get the person to imagine whatever it is you said (you should buy this, you are really beautiful, etc) without feeling like YOU are saying it, so they won’t feel any pressure.

Again, this by itself won’t do much. It’s not a magic bullet, but if you use techniques like this peppered throughout your conversation, they can add up to a big effect.

Kind of like Kareem Abdul Jabbar’s famous skyhook. That ONE shot didn’t make him a superstar, nor did it score all the points. But it was one very powerful set of tools within an otherwise AWESOME tool kit.

And in the Covert Hypnosis course, you’ll learn TONS of awesome tools.

Get Started:

Covert Hypnosis

Take Your Time

How To Build Your Legacy

I’ve always been a fast eater.

Only when I have a specific reason to eat slowly do I do so.

Once when I was in college, me and couple buddies ordered some pizzas.

We made sure we each paid an equal amount, and we divided the slices before anybody took a bite.

For some reason, it became a battle of wills.

Who could eat the slowest.

We all wanted to be the “last man standing.”

The guy who had once slice left while everybody else was finished and still hungry.

(Our appetites had been, ahem, “enhanced”)

Once when I was in high school, I was lifting weights in the garage with my older brother.

He was doing the sets really, really fast.

I asked him why, and he said he wanted to hurry up and get them over with.

Most of us live our lives like that. We power through good things as fast as we can.

But we also power through bad things as fast as we can as well.

There’s no shortage of “quick” books and systems.

Get rich quickly. Lose weight quickly. Find your dream partner in ten minutes or less.

In fact, so many people spend their entire lives trying to do things quickly, but never get squat.

There’s a reason that story about that slow turtle has been around so long.

Now, I’m not saying to do everything as slow as possible. That would suck. Lines at the supermarket would take forever.

But some things are much better with a LONG view.

Like if you were practicing an instrument as a hobby. Not because you wanted to be world famous by next Tuesday, but because you enjoyed doing it.

You would realize that if you slowly improved your skills, in a few years you’d be REALLY good.

(But even then you’d likely buy a few courses called “Learn The Guitar in One Weekend”)

One of the most important skills you can develop is communication.

How you can take those ideas in your brain, put words to them, so they’ll end up in other people’s brains.

Not just passively, but they’ll be put inside other people’s brains where all their GOOD IDEAS go.

Instead of just spitting out a bunch of words so they say, “Hmm, that’s interesting,” and then forget everything you said, they’ll think about it for a long time. It will become part of THEIR ideas. That idea that started in YOUR head, will end up in a LOT OF OTHER people’s heads.

This is how you make an impact on Earth. This is how you build your career, your business, your relationship.

Instead of being just another guy or gal yammering away, people will take YOUR ideas as the real deal.

Because HOW you present your ideas is JUST AS important as the idea itself.

And when you take the time to practice consistently, five, ten minutes a day, you’ll be creating a POWERFUL life.

Get Started:

Covert Hypnosis